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20 March 2007 VOMS etc - - Andrew VOMS etc Andrew McNab University of Manchester.

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1 20 March 2007 VOMS etc - - Andrew VOMS etc Andrew McNab University of Manchester

2 20 March 2007 VOMS etc - - Andrew Outline ● “Credential soup” ● X.509/GSI ● VOMS ● Shibboleth ● OpenID, XYZ, ??? ● Summary

3 20 March 2007 VOMS etc - - Andrew “Credential Soup” “Grid projects typically generate one new acronym for every 10,000 lines of code” – (McNab's Law of Grid Acronyms?) Grid Security is no exception: – X.509, GSI, CAS, LDAP-VO, GACL, VOMS, XACML, SAML, Shibboleth, VOM, WS-Sec,... This talk is a quick review of credentials relevant to LCG/EGEE and how GridPP is involved.

4 20 March 2007 VOMS etc - - Andrew X.509 / GSI The first part of GridPP to go into production (before GridPP started!) was the Certification Authority at RAL – Issues the X.509 user and host certificates that we use Globus's GSI defined the proxies that running jobs have – Eventually became RFC3820 and “Respectable” – gLite workload system uses GridPP's GridSite Delegation Protocol to give GSI proxies to jobs Between X.509 and GSI, the authentication problem was “Solved” pretty much from the start

5 20 March 2007 VOMS etc - - Andrew VOMS VOMS was developed to address authorization “X.509 Attribute Certificates” (AC) – ie a digitally signed statement that a user belongs to one or more groups Users fetch a VOMS AC with voms-proxy-init – AC included in proxy that authenticates user to sites – AC proves membership of one or more groups – Users can also request proof of roles within groups

6 20 March 2007 VOMS etc - - Andrew VOMS implementations ● INFN CNAF/Bologna – VOMS AC issuing server: the only server implementation in production and derived from Globus gatekeeper – VOMS parser for C/C++: again, depends of Globus libs ● CERN/KTH (“EDG WP2”) – Java Security: now part of gLite, and used by gLite Java ● GridPP VOMS implementations – GridSite for C/C++/scripts: used by Apache based gLite Web Services (eg WM Proxy) – Java AC creator/parser (“Acacia”) from Imperial

7 20 March 2007 VOMS etc - - Andrew VOMS certificates ● Original version of VOMS required that the host certificate of each VOMS server was installed on each machine wanting to verify VOMS credentials – Not at all scalable, especially if VOMS server certificates are renewed each year ● VOMS now has the option to require only the DN of the host certificate to be stored on each verifying machine – ie uses the digital signatures to verify authority

8 20 March 2007 VOMS etc - - Andrew VO naming ● EDG/EGEE/LCG documents have been produced saying that VO names should be DNS names – (this was originally a GridPP idea from EDG) – eg not just expX – guarantees uniqueness (eg US vs official VOs) – DNS uniqueness allows for dynamic/lightweight VOs ● Most of the middleware will accept DNS VO names – Some outstanding problems identified by GridPP with deployment scripts

9 20 March 2007 VOMS etc - - Andrew Policy Languages ● Many subsystems within LCG/EGEE use some form of access control policies ● Either internally managed lists of authorised users/managers for that service ● Or ACLs (POSIX-like ACLs?) ● Or full blown policy languages – GridPP has provided GACL which is used by the workload management system at sites – Also support XACML standard, but this unused...

10 20 March 2007 VOMS etc - - Andrew Shibboleth ● Shibboleth was endorsed by JISC as a replacement for ATHENS at UK universities – Part of Internet2 in the US, and developed for controlling access to campus facilities (journal subscriptions etc) ● Shibboleth allows websites (“service providers”) to redirect users to their home website (“identity providers”) to authenticate – Passes the success of this in the background with SAML (attribute assertions in XML) messages ● As part of the JISC-funded FAME project, we have added Shibboleth support to GridSite

11 20 March 2007 VOMS etc - - Andrew Shibboleth + GridPP ● now uses GridSite 1.4.x which includes Shibboleth support ● GridSite identity provider also includes an interface to VOMS – The Shibboleth protocol is sufficiently flexible to allow us to disclose VOMS attributes to websites – User's register with X.509 certificate and choose username / password ● However, while there is only a single Service Provider and a single Identity Provider, this could be achieved with a PHP script on a single webserver...

12 20 March 2007 VOMS etc - - Andrew OpenID etc ● New security technologies continue to emerge that may become relevant to GridPP – especially to portals and other “web-like” components ● eg OpenID is gaining momentum in the “blogosphere” – basically a simplified reimplementation of Shibboleth – concentrates on authentication without attributes ● Inexorable WS-* processes grind on producing standards which again, may nor may not become relevant to LCG/EGEE

13 20 March 2007 VOMS etc - - Andrew Summary ● Authentication technology was “solved” at the start – Requires ongoing operations effort of course – Delegation re-implement for gLite Web Services ● VOMS provides proof of VO/Group membership – GridSite is used to access VOMS credentials from C/C++/Scripts based services ● Several access policy systems (ACLs, GACL,...) ● JISC, EGEE,... have expressed support for Shibboleth – But new acronyms generated every 10k lines or so!

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