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Istanbul06 S.H.Lee 1 1.Introduction 2.Theory survey 3.Charmed Pentaquark 4.Charmed Pentaquark from B decays Hadron spectroscopy, Heavy pentaquark, and.

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Presentation on theme: "Istanbul06 S.H.Lee 1 1.Introduction 2.Theory survey 3.Charmed Pentaquark 4.Charmed Pentaquark from B decays Hadron spectroscopy, Heavy pentaquark, and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Istanbul06 S.H.Lee 1 1.Introduction 2.Theory survey 3.Charmed Pentaquark 4.Charmed Pentaquark from B decays Hadron spectroscopy, Heavy pentaquark, and B decay Su Houng Lee Yonsei Univ., Korea References: H. Kim, Y. Oh, S.H.Lee, PLB 595 (04) 293: Y. Sarac, H.Kim, S.H.Lee, PRD 73 (06) 014009 S.H.Lee, Y. Kown, Y. Kown, PRL 96 (06) 102001

2 Istanbul06 S.H.Lee 2 1.Hadrons that can not be expalined by quark- antiquark, or 3 quarks 2.That are bound by strong interaction 3.Reasons for its search are similar to that for superheavy Element Exotics

3 Istanbul06 S.H.Lee 3 Mass= 1.54 GeV, width <25 MeV, quark content= uudds 1. LEPS coll., Nakano PRL 91 012002 (2003) Introduction

4 Istanbul06 S.H.Lee 4 Verification 2. Verification by other group

5 Istanbul06 S.H.Lee 5 4. NA49 hep-ex/0310014 found  *(1862) in  -  - (ddss u) with width< 18 MeV 3. CLAS finds no  ++ in K + P invariant mass   +(udud s) belongs to anti-decuplet 5. Recent CLAS finds no  + in gamma d, gamma p in K + P invariant mass   +(udud s) belongs to anti-decuplet

6 Istanbul06 S.H.Lee 6 Positive results Negative results

7 Istanbul06 S.H.Lee 7 I3I3 Y ud s 3 8  (1232)   (1532)  (1673) 10   N ?  ? 10 N(939)  (1190)   (1320) Baryon Reprsentation

8 Istanbul06 S.H.Lee 8 2. Could not confirm in subsequent experiments CDF, ZEUS, FOCUS 1. H1 collaboration (Deep Inelastic scattering) Heavy Pentaquarks (udud c)  c (3099) was found in D* p (uudd bar(c)) with width= 12+-3 MeV

9 Istanbul06 S.H.Lee 9 Experimental summary 1.  + controversial  questionable mass 1540 MeV> KN threshold (1435 MeV) 2.  c + controversial  questionable search was done with DN D*N final state (unbound) > 2800 MeV +  3. Give up, more experiment or theoretical guideline?

10 Istanbul06 S.H.Lee 10 Theory review Soliton model + Quark model (biased and limited)

11 Istanbul06 S.H.Lee 11 1. SU(3) soliton 2. Quantizing the 8 angles, the Hamiltonian becomes I=J Hedghog Soliton model: original prediction (Diakanov, Petrov, Polyakov 97)

12 Istanbul06 S.H.Lee 12 4. Diakanov Petrov Polyakov applied it to Anti decuplet which predicted mass= 1540, width=30 MeV 1. only SU(3) representations containing Y=1 are allowed  moreover, the number of states 2I+1 at S=0 or Y= N c /3 must determine the spin of the representation through 2J+1 because I=J in the SU(2) soliton  one spin state for given representation 3. With constraint coming from WZ term

13 Istanbul06 S.H.Lee 13 1.Karlinear, Lipkin diquark: C=3,F=3,S=0 triquark: C=3,F=6,S=1/2 Negative parity if all the quarks are in the lowest s-state Positive parity if a relative p wave But with this simple picture, it is not easy to understand small width Quark models

14 Istanbul06 S.H.Lee 14 2. Jaffe, Wilczek Positive parity if a relative p wave

15 Istanbul06 S.H.Lee 15 But, a closer look revealed puzzles

16 Istanbul06 S.H.Lee 16 1. Soliton picture is valid at large N_c: Semi-classical quantization is valid for slow rotation: ie. Valid for describing excitations of order 1/N_c, so that it does not mix and breakdown with vibrational modes of order 1 2. Lowest representation SU(3) f (p,q) at large N_c Quantization constraint requires 1.Octet 2.Decuplet 3.Anti decuplet (lowest representation containing s=1) Naive Solition model should fail (T. Cohen)

17 Istanbul06 S.H.Lee 17 3. Mass splitting in large N_c: Anit decuplet octet mass splitting is mixes with vibrational mode and inconsistent with original assumption and has undetermined correction of same order  Rotation is too fast and may couple to vibrational modes, which might be important to excite q qbar mode, hence describing anti decuplet state with naive soliton quantization might be wrong

18 Istanbul06 S.H.Lee 18 1. SU(2) soliton+ Kaon 2. Successful for hyperon (attractive (s qbar) ) but no pentaquark (repulsive q sbar) from WZ term Bound state approach for SU(3) soliton

19 Istanbul06 S.H.Lee 19 Summary of Solition approach for  + (ududs) 1. SU(3) Soliton Inconsistent application 2. Bound state approach No bound  + Can not be applied to heavy pentaquark  c (ududc) predict a bound heavy pentaquark  c (ududc) ie. mass is smaller than DN continuum

20 Istanbul06 S.H.Lee 20 2. Could not confirm in subsequent experiments CDF, ZEUS, FOCUS in 2004, 2005 1. H1 collaboration in 2004 (Deep Inelastic scattering) Experimental search for Heavy Pentaquarks (udud c)  c (3099) was found in D* p with width= 12+-3 MeV D p (2810) D* p (2950)

21 Istanbul06 S.H.Lee 21 Why Heavy Pentaquark

22 Istanbul06 S.H.Lee 22 Solition approach for light pentaquark  + (ududs) 1. SU(3) Soliton approach for  + : controvery T. Cohen: Inconsistent application of large N c vs. Diakanov, ….. 2. Bound state approach No bound  + discussions between T. Cohen and Wiegel Can not be applied to heavy pentaquark  c (ududc) predict a bound heavy pentaquark  c (ududc). ie. mass is smaller than DN continuum Quark model also predict a bound heavy pentaquark  c (ududc) but no light pentaquark  +(ududs) QCD sum rules also predict a bound heavy pentaquark  c (ududc), Y. Sarac, H. Kim, SHLee PRD 06

23 Istanbul06 S.H.Lee 23 Y. Sarac, H. Kim, S. H.Lee (PRD 05)

24 Istanbul06 S.H.Lee 24 diquark: C=3,F=3,S=0 triquark: C=3,F=6,S=1/2 Jaffe, Wilczek model Karlinear, Lipkin model Possible Quark structure of a pentaquark u d s u d 2 diquark: C=3,F=3,S=0 relative p wave Strong diquark correlation

25 Istanbul06 S.H.Lee 25 1. In QCD q-q are also attractive if in color anti-triplet channel. Color Spin Interaction in QCD In perturbative QCD, 2 C B =C M This term is called color spin interaction

26 Istanbul06 S.H.Lee 26 Color spin interaction explains hadron spectrum Works very well with 3 C B =C M = constant Nucleon uud Baryon Mass differenceMeson Mass difference

27 Istanbul06 S.H.Lee 27 Why there should be a heavy pentaquark 1. For a Pentaquark L=0 L=1 2. If recombined into a Kaon and a Nucleon3. If recombined into a D-meson and a Nucleon

28 Istanbul06 S.H.Lee 28 Summary of Theory for Pentaquark 1. While there are some controversy over light pentaquark, Soliton approach predict stable heavy pentaquark 2. Constituent quark model also seem to predict only heavy pentaquark Could not observe heavy pentaqurk from DN final state because it might be bound Heavy pentaquark can only be observed from Weak decay May be from B factory? But do we have sufficient data and can one conclude anything if one tries?

29 Istanbul06 S.H.Lee 29 Anti-Charmed pentaquark from B decays

30 Istanbul06 S.H.Lee 30 Baryonic decay mode of B + decay in hadronic language Larger By N c

31 Istanbul06 S.H.Lee 31 Baryonic decay mode of B + decay in hadronic language g DP  =3.2, g D*P  =1.6  2 /(  2 +p 2 )  =700MeV

32 Istanbul06 S.H.Lee 32 Pentaquark decay mode of B + cc Weak decay Branching ratio is 0.092 Using pevious fit, we find the branching ratio to be 14.4x10 -7 g Dp  x g Kp  /g Kp  lower limit in B-factory Can search for it in Belle

33 Istanbul06 S.H.Lee 33 Summary 1.While controvery exist over light pentaquark, Many Theories consistently predict bound heavy pentaquark 2. Baryonic decay mode of B+ can be sensibly estimated with previously determined hadronic parameters 3.With present B+ data, can measure  c from  If found the first exotic ever, will tell us about QCD and dense matter  color superconductivity

34 Istanbul06 S.H.Lee 34 References Experiments T. Nakano, Phys. Rev. Lett. 91 (03) 012002. K.~H.~Hicks, Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 55 (05) 647. Skyrme model controversy T.D.Cohen, Phys. Lett. B 581 (04) 175 H. Walliser and H. Weigel, Eur. Phys. J. A 26 (05) 361. D.Diakonov, V.Petrov and M.V.Polyakov, Z. Phys.A 359 (97) 305 Theory H. J. Lipkin, Phys. Lett. B 195 (87) 484. Fl. Stancu, Phys. Rev. D 58 (98) 111501. D. O. Riska, N. N. Scoccola, Phys. Lett. B 299 (93) 338. Y.Oh, B.Y. Park, D.P. Min, Phys. Lett. B 331 (94) 362. Phys. Rev. D 50 (94) 3350. R.L.Jaffe, F.Wilczek, Phys. Rev.Lett. 91(2003) 232003. present work H. Kim, Y. Oh, S.H.Lee, PLB 595 (04) 293: Y. Sarac, H.Kim, S.H.Lee, PRD 73 (06) 014009 S.H.Lee, Y. Kown, Y. Kown, PRL 96 (06) 102001

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