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員工訓練與發展 國立中山大學企業管理系 13-1 13 員工訓練與發展 訓練與學習 (training and learning) 的定義 職前訓練 (orientation program) 員工的訓練需求 (employees’ needs for training) 個人、團体、組織的發展計畫.

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Presentation on theme: "員工訓練與發展 國立中山大學企業管理系 13-1 13 員工訓練與發展 訓練與學習 (training and learning) 的定義 職前訓練 (orientation program) 員工的訓練需求 (employees’ needs for training) 個人、團体、組織的發展計畫."— Presentation transcript:

1 員工訓練與發展 國立中山大學企業管理系 13-1 13 員工訓練與發展 訓練與學習 (training and learning) 的定義 職前訓練 (orientation program) 員工的訓練需求 (employees’ needs for training) 個人、團体、組織的發展計畫 訓練成效的評估 比較目標管理 (goal setting) 、行為修正術 (behaviormodification) 、團隊建立 (team building) 的特色 學習目標 (LEARNING OBJECTIVES)

2 員工訓練與發展 國立中山大學企業管理系 13-2 累積技術、培養人才 職務要 求知識 個人所 獲知識 年齡 彼得 現象

3 員工訓練與發展 國立中山大學企業管理系 13-3 生涯發展 (Development) Prepares individuals for the future, focuses on learning and personal development 職前訓練 (Orientation) Introduces new employees to the organization and to the employee’s new tasks, managers, and work groups. 訓練與發展 在職訓練 (Training) The systematic process of altering the behavior of employees in a direction that will achieve organizational goals, Help employees master specific skills and abilities needed to be successful.

4 員工訓練與發展 國立中山大學企業管理系 13-4 職前訓練的過程 : 社會化 ( Socialization) PRINCIPAL PURPOSES To reduce start-up costs of a new employee To reduce anxiety or fear of failure To reduce turnover To save time for supervisors and co-workers To develop realistic job expectations, positive attitudes toward the employer, and job satisfaction Socialization occurs when new employees learn norms, values, work procedures, and patterns of behavior and dress expected by the organization.

5 員工訓練與發展 國立中山大學企業管理系 13-5 動機 :The trainee must be motivated to learn 能力 :The trainee must be able to learn 增強 :The learning must be reinforced 練習 : It must provide for practice of the material 重要 :The material presented must be meaningful 溝通 : The material must be communicated effectively 移轉 : The material taught must transfer to the job 學習理論 (Learning Theory) 有效學習的原則 (Principles)

6 員工訓練與發展 國立中山大學企業管理系 13-6 訓練計畫的績效分析 ( Performance Analysis ) The knowledge, skill and ability to perform the job The person or jobholder’s needs & results EXPECTEDACTUAL Suggests the need for training

7 員工訓練與發展 國立中山大學企業管理系 13-7 On-The-Job Training Very widely used Placed in real work experiences Case Method Written descriptions of real decision-making situations Role Playing Ask trainees to interact & react with other role players 訓練方法之選擇 In-Basket Techniques Analyze & critique trainees on number, quality, & priority of decisions made Management Games Simulate company or industry situations Emphasize problem solving Behavior Modeling Learning through observation or imagination Used in leadership training

8 員工訓練與發展 國立中山大學企業管理系 13-8 LECTURE-DISCUSSION Most frequently used method Classroom presentations by outside consultants/trainers More recently presented via technology or distance learning OUTDOOR-ORIENTED PROGRAMS Action-oriented programs Emphasize leadership, teamwork and risk-taking Combine outdoor skills and classroom seminars 工作外的訓練 ( Off the Job Training) Motivation

9 員工訓練與發展 國立中山大學企業管理系 13-9 Internet (External) Intranets (Internal) Virtual Reality Distance Learning 電腦輔助的訓練 ( Computer-Assisted Instruction)

10 員工訓練與發展 國立中山大學企業管理系 13-10 Compare costs/benefits of using various technology media and services Generate a tracking and reporting system focused on various facets of validity Reassess the value or return on investment of the training program Familiarize yourself with the technology being considered Understand basic learning principles Define the target employee group Determine training needs from performance analysis Define training goals or results 電腦輔助的訓練 : 問題與建議 (Issues and Recommendations)

11 員工訓練與發展 國立中山大學企業管理系 13-11 GOAL SETTING ( 目標管理 ) Goals and intentions are primary determinants of behavior Attributes of goals include:  Specificity ( 清晰度 )  Difficulty ( 困難度 )  Intensity ( 強度 ) Under the right conditions, can be very effective BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION ( 行為修正 ) Systematic reinforcement of desirable organizational behavior Assumes reinforcement is an important principle of learning 員工發展計畫 : 個人方面

12 員工訓練與發展 國立中山大學企業管理系 13-12 員工發展計畫 : 團隊方面 團隊建立 (TEAM BUILDING) Developmental process Helps or prepares workers to perform more efficiently or effectively in groups Technique must be tailored to fit the needs and problems of groups involved Some observers suggest teams are the wave of the future

13 員工訓練與發展 國立中山大學企業管理系 13-13 全面品質管理 (TQM) Philosophy, process and set of principles Goal is continuous improvement Involves considerable change in attitudes, communication, employee involvement & commitment Top management must initiate and support such change 員工發展計畫 : 組織方面

14 員工訓練與發展 國立中山大學企業管理系 13-14 有高興嗎 ? happy? 有教到嗎 ? Do what is supposed to do ? 有用到嗎 ? Are the concepts used? 有影響嗎 ? Impact? 教育訓練的評估 衡量訓練效果的四個層次 (Kirkpatrick, 1959) 反應 Reaction 學習 Learning 行為 Behavior 結果 Results

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