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Autopoietic Theory Self-organization. or Exploring the science of wholeness that nurtures the human spirit.

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Presentation on theme: "Autopoietic Theory Self-organization. or Exploring the science of wholeness that nurtures the human spirit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Autopoietic Theory Self-organization. or Exploring the science of wholeness that nurtures the human spirit.

2 Introduction Simplistic version of Maturana and Varela’s (M&V) Autopoietic Theory Description of M&V’s Qualitative Chemistry Example McMullin’s Recent Implementation’s of M&V’s Qualitative Chemistry Example Fields that use Autopoietic Theory

3 Introduction Autopoietic Theory Cognition can be described as a biological system containing an observer and observed unities within a medium interacting in the closed system defined by the nervous system. This system is self-organizing and self- rebuilding/self-maintaining. Autopoietic Phenomenon The self-organization/self-rebuilding of any dynamic system with a simple interaction rule set and unities limited to local knowledge.

4 Autopoietic Theory The Biology of Cognition. Chilean biologists Humberto R. Maturana and Francisco J. Varela, 1970’s. Randall Whitaker, Randy McMullin,

5 Cyclic Paths in Life Theory Essential circularity in a living system. Unbroken network of connected components with no start or stop. Essential circularity in unity’s internal operation Move out of one environment into another, given certain conditions we survive. Essential circularity in a unity’s interaction with it’s media (environment).

6 The Biology of Cognition Attempt to develop a theory explaining cognition that avoided the existing cyclic paths. Must use cognitive abilities to describe cognitive abilities. First theory in biology that describes living systems by something other than arbitrary characteristics (e.g. metabolism, growth, reproduction). All previous theories ignore the cyclic nature of life and describe it in a linear fashion.

7 Autopoietic Theory Basics Auto – Self. Poiesis – Greek for production. Phenomenological view. The Schrodinger’s Cat of the social sciences Physics: Things exist in all possible states until they are observed at which point they exist in one. Philosophy: Nothing exists until it is observed.

8 Autopoietic Theory Components (1) Observer: The biological system that can pick out specific unities to observe and therefore learn about the system. The observer has its own biases so two observers may not observe the same ‘result’ from the same system. Unity: the most elementary object of perceptual / cognitive reference. Simple or composite. The observer may choose the behavioral view and see the composite unity as a simple unity or the recursive view and see the composite unity as its individual parts. True result from behavioral view: The whole being greater than the sum of its parts.

9 Autopoietic Theory Components (2) Domain: All possible states of relation between the unities in the system (domain of interaction). All relations among observed systems and the unities. Structures: The actual simple unity components and relations within a composite unity. Organization: The set of relations defining a composite unity. Specifies a category called an identity.

10 Structure vs Organization Giuseppe Arcimboldo

11 Observer Bias

12 Cyclic Paths Embraced "Everything said is said by an observer to another observer that could be him- or herself" “The qualification of all 'knowledge' with respect to a given observer is both the epistemological foundation and the explanatory focus of autopoietic theory” epistemological: branch of philosophy that studies the nature of knowledge. "All knowing is doing, and all doing is knowing." “The observer's 'cognition' is a process involving the entirety of her interactivity, not just abstract mentation. As such, cognition cannot be segregated from praxis.” mentation: thinking, mental activity. praxis: practical application of a branch of learning, or an established practice.

13 M&V - Qualitative Chemistry Three particles (Substrate-Catalyst-Link): S: substrate particles. K: catalyst particles. L: link particles. Rules of interaction: S + S = L, in the presence of K. L + L = bonded L, in the presence of K, maximum two bonds per L particle (forms a chain). L = S + S, spontaneous decay (rare occurrence).

14 McMullin: SCL Cellular System Linked “Link” particles are stationary. Substrate can pass through the “Links”. Link particles and the catalyst cannot. bmcm-ecal97.html

15 McMullin – Implementation SCL program was implemented with SWARM software from Santa Fe Institute. Implementation of M&V’s originally published rule set resulted in consistent failures. Found same failures for two other independent unpublished groups: Zeleny and Lizana. Original M&V papers were not complete in their description of the algorithm/rule set implemented.

16 SCL – Original Rule Set bmcm-ecal97.html

17 McMullin – Implementation with New Rule M&V original FORTRAN code listing was found, re-keyed and tested. Different results than in current implementations - resulted in analysis of code. Found a rule in the code that was not present in the M&V publications. Can only bind a link particle to another link particle if it is not part of an existing chain, or the free particle is not adjacent to more than one member of the chain. No spiraling.

18 SCL – New Rule - Fail bmcm-ecal97.html

19 SCL – New Rule - Succeed bmcm-ecal97.html

20 Autopoiesis in the Field Immunology, psychology, management science, human-computer interaction, family therapy, sociology, economics, postmodern philosophy, public administration, software engineering, artificial intelligence, sociology, and psychotherapy. Networks: software agents that rebuild after a catastrophic event without central control. Robot/Nanobots: rebuild themselves within a structure as they are needed. Medicine, auto construction units.

21 Autopoiesis for the Commoner “Autopoiesis is a concept (from biology) that has extraordinary implications. It describes the spontaneous, self-organising, holistic nature of living systems rather than the simplistic mechanisms we often use to manipulate and control. It's a cornerstone of the science of wholeness which provides insights into living together more harmoniously and a link between the scientific and the spiritual.”

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