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Literacy Centers. Quickwrite  What do you know about literacy centers/learning centers?  How have you seen them implemented in the classrooms in which.

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1 Literacy Centers

2 Quickwrite  What do you know about literacy centers/learning centers?  How have you seen them implemented in the classrooms in which you have been observing?

3 Literacy Centers  create a literate environment and invite children to use literacy.  encourage children to participate in a variety of meaningful and functional literacy activities which show students how literacy relates to their everyday lives.

4 Literacy Centers  help with language growth as they allow children to expand their vocabularies and to elaborate on the meanings of their words and actions through play and discussions.  Provide opportunities to problem solve in meaningful ways. Children can engage in problem solving as they build a skyscraper or an airport,work through social dilemmas, or construct a game with rules.  Children can apply what they have learned in class to what they do during play.

5 Literacy centers provide students with  Social experiences  Language experiences  Immersion experiences  Practice experiences  Choice experiences  Open-ended experiences

6 Goals for literacy Center  To give children a chance to make their own choices  To allow children to work at their own rate  To provide a wide variety of activities for children  To include both small group and individual activities  To provide activities that meet the varying abilities of the students  To encourage children to try new things

7 Some possible centers  Writing CenterMagnet Center –Table or writing surface- magnetic surface –Markers- refrigerator/letter magnets –Pencils- copies of text or student names –Stamps (ABC, rubber) –Stickers –Envelopes –Paper of all kinds Book Center –Stencils- pillows –Play dough or clay- books –Finger paints- book buddies –Pipe cleaners- pointers –Sponges –Paint brush

8 Other ideas  Pocket chart center  Rubber stamp center  Computer center  Game center  Block center  Puzzle center  Listening center  Science center (or any other content area)  Dramatic play center  Book centers

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