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European-Chinese Scientific & Technological Collaboration Chinese-European Networking Symposium: eLogistics and eCollaboration March 17-18, 2005 New Century.

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Presentation on theme: "European-Chinese Scientific & Technological Collaboration Chinese-European Networking Symposium: eLogistics and eCollaboration March 17-18, 2005 New Century."— Presentation transcript:

1 European-Chinese Scientific & Technological Collaboration Chinese-European Networking Symposium: eLogistics and eCollaboration March 17-18, 2005 New Century Hotel Beijing, China Organizers: Esther Casado Atos Origin Kay Matzner Fraunhofer Society Nicole Turbé-Suetens Distance Expert Calven Luo BSIA

2 European-Chinese Scientific & Technological Collaboration Thursday, March 17, 2005 Friday, March 18, 2005 Plenary Session European and Chinese visions on eLogistics and eCollaboration eLogistics Track eCollaboration Track Lunch eLogistics Track eCollaboration Track Plenary Session Trend mapping reports Conclusion of EC Bridge project Gala Dinner Cocktail & Networking Party

3 eCollaboration: Some Statements The work process has become global; legal and social issues still exist. Technology is available and affordable. Mobility will accelerate and intensify. What does the workplace mean? Collaborative work, virtual work and communities of practice. AMI@Work

4 eCollaboration: Session Objectives Present the European Commissions vision Present the European Commissions vision Share practical experience Intensify networking and partnership opportunities Intensify networking and partnership opportunities Initiate joint initiatives Understand new Chinese challenges Understand new Chinese challenges

5 eLogistics Is a mechanism for automating logistic processes Provides integrated, end-to-end fulfillment and supply chain management services to actors in logistics processes Is part of existing e-commerce or workflow systems in an enterprise

6 eLogistics: Session Objectives eLogistics Provide networking opportunities Provide networking opportunities Exchange successful experiences Exchange successful experiences Initiate cooperation in eLogistics Initiate cooperation in eLogistics Improve scientific & technological research Improve scientific & technological research

7 Ce qui va se passer Une conférence de haut niveau avec 600 participants (target) dont 80% de chinois Une exposition avec 28 exposants Des réunions de « networking »

8 Objectifs de la Commission européenne Faire connaître le FP6 aux chinois Montrer des réalisations Inciter de nouveaux partenariats Présenter le Call5 Recueillir des « expresisons of interest EOI » Elargir son champ relationnel Motiver les alliances avec lEurope

9 European-Chinese Scientific & Technological Collaboration Learn about possibilities for RTD Understand EU and Chinese eLogistics and eCollaboration Determine the key success factors in eLogistics and eCollaboration Identify potential partners and innovative projects Attend and... See you in Beijing!

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