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Slide 1 醫務管理學 ( 一 ) Healthcare Services Management 95 學年度上學期課程 Schedule of Course (2006.9.18 ~ 2007.1.19)
Slide 2 Course Goals 授課目標( Aim ): 經由歷史及國內外現況,了解台灣健康照護 體系及醫療服務機關之經營未來, 並進而運 用管理知能進行管理實務之探討. 可獲得之知識、技能或進階學習之基礎 ( Learning Outcome ): 1. 區別醫療事務與一般商務之異同處 2. 了解醫療院所在醫療體系中扮演之角色 3. 了解行政人員及管理者在醫療院所中扮演之角 色
Slide 3 Course Goals This course, first, provides an overview of the managing in the health care settings. To tell how health services organization are organized, review the changing relationships between patients, physicians, hospitals, insures, employers, communities, and government. Second, the course examines three board segments of the health care services: OPD, EMS, and Inpatient services using the managing relationships.
Slide 4 Course Requirements Course grading will be based on: 1. 課後作業 / 習題 2. 考試 : 包括期中考, 但無期末考. 3. 平時成績 : 包括出缺席紀錄, 個案討論, 小組發言提問 4. 期末報告 : 分組口頭及書面報告 ( 以醫療院所為主體, 探討各臨床科別之 內外部環境 ) 以達到資訊共享及促進同學研討之能力. 分組口頭及書面報告 : up to 12 groups 每組 3~4 人 以投稿 “ 大專生國科會計畫 ” 內容撰寫 書面報告 : 10~15 頁 ( 含附件 ) 以最優分數錄取前 5 組,可進一步選擇是否參加計劃甄選
Slide 5
Slide 6 95 年度「大專學生參與專題研究計畫」
Slide 7 授課進度, Schedule of Course 9/18 課程介紹 / 醫療院所之發展 9/25 The Health Care System ( 健康照護體系 ) 10/2 醫院發展與醫療本質 10/9 Concepts of Organization Design ( 醫療服務組織設計 ) 10/16 How Health Services Organizations Are Organized ( 如 何組織醫療服務組織 ) 10/23 How Health Systems Are Organized 1 ( 醫療體系 1) 10/30 How Health Systems Are Organized 2 ( 醫療體系 2) 11/6 醫療院所未來之挑戰 / 醫療機構實地參訪 11/13 Mid Term Exam 11/20 醫療院所未來之挑戰 / 醫療機構實地參訪 11/27 、 12/4 門診醫療 12/11 、 12/18 急診醫療 12/25 、 1/1 住院醫療 1/8~1/15 分組報告
Slide 8 TextBook: 1. 莊逸洲, 黃崇哲 " 醫院功能與管理 -- 門診急診 住院 ", 華杏出版股份有限公司, 2005 年版 2. Managing Health Services Organizations & Systems,Fourth Edition,Beaufort B. Longest,Jonathon S. Rakich, 2000, Health Professions Press
Slide 9 一、 Governance ( 治理 ) 1.Board-Conflict Resolution, Education, Orientation, Policy 2.Board Selection and Recruitment Process 3.For Profit Subsidiaries Relations 4.Foundation Relations 5.Governance Structures 6.Joint Ventures 7.Lobbying-National, Provincial, State and Local
Slide 10 二、 Ethics ( 倫理 ) 1.Ethics Management and Administration 2.Medical Ethics 3.Management Ethics 4.Ethics
Slide 11 三、 Human Resources ( 人力資源 ) 1.CEO—Employment Contracts 2.Compensation Strategies 3.Downsizing 4.Employment Law 5.Health Professionals Legislation/Regulation 6.Hiring and Performance Management 7.Human resource Administration 8.Labor Relations 9.Labor Strikes
Slide 12 四、 Healthcare Delivery ( 醫療供應體系 ) 1.Ambulatory Care 2.Clinical Pathways and Disease 3.Complementary Medicine 4.Field Hospital Management 5.Group Practice 6.Health Systems 7.Home Healthcare 8.Integration-Horizontal, Vertical 9.Long Term Care
Slide 13 五、 Finance ( 財政 ) 1.Revenue Cycle Management 2.Auditors – Selection 3.Business Plan Development 4.Capital Asset Management 5.Financial Analysis, Planning and Budgeting 6.Reimbursement – Medicare/Medicaid/3 rd Party 7.Subrogation and Coordination of Benefits 8.Underwriting 9.Unrelated Business Income 10.Finance
Slide 14 六、 Management ( 管理 ) 1.Change Management 2.Communication Skills 3.Conflict Resolution 4.Crisis Management 5.Culture Development/Team Building 6.Developing Physician Leaders 7.Disaster Preparedness 8.Facilities Management
Slide 15 六、 Management ( 管理 ) 9.Interpersonal Skills 10.Mentoring/Executive Coaching 11.New Facility Construction 12.Physician Practice Management 13.Principles of Diversity 14.Resource Management 15.Restructuring/Reorganization 16.Supply Chain Management
Slide 16 七、 Technology ( 科技 ) 1.Computerized Physicians Order Entry 2.Electric Medical Record 3.Freedom of Information/Protection of Privacy 4.HIPAA 5.Information Systems Selection/Implementation 6.Information Skills/Experience 7.Medical Informatics 8.OutsourcingTelemedicine/Telecommunications Systems 9.Technology
Slide 17 八、 Business ( 商業行為 ) 1.Community Relations 2.Customer Service Centers 3.Divestitures 4.Fundraising 5.Marketing and New Business Development 6.Mergers/Acquisitions/Affiliations 7.Public Relations 8.Strategic Planning 9.Business
Slide 18 九、 Quality Improvement ( 品質促進 ) 1.Accreditation—JCAHO 2.Benchmarking 3.Continuous Quality Improvement 4.Leapfrog Initiatives 5.Organizational Alignment 6.Patient Safety 7.Risk Management 8.Six Sigma 9.Utilization Management 10.Utilization Review 11.Reengineering 12.CQI
Slide 19 十、 Legal ( 律法 ) 1.Attorneys/Legal Counsel 2.Certificates of Need 3.Compliance—Medicare/Medicaid 4.Credentialing and Licensing 5.Government Relations 6.Legal Risk Management and Antitrust Compliance 7.Malpractice 8.OSHA (Occupational Safety & Health Administration) 9.Stark Rules 10.Legal
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