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Why OSGi matters for Enterprise Java Infrastructures

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1 Why OSGi matters for Enterprise Java Infrastructures
Santosh Kumar Why OSGi matters for Enterprise Java Infrastructures

2 Agenda Introduction to OSGi Why is OSGi technology important
How OSGi matters for Infrastructure OSGi Enterprise spec OSGi in Cloud Q&A Lets take a vote.. How many people have heard of OSGi, Used OSGi

3 Take away from this session
Overall understanding to view OSGi as THE module system for Java Understanding of what this OSGi Enterprise spec is all about Should be able to start experimenting with it themselves using one of the available implementations OSGi Key for Infrastructure

4 What is OSGi OSGi - Open Services Gateway initiative
Technology is the dynamic module system for Java™. Provides a service-oriented, component-based environment for developers Offers standardized ways to manage the software lifecycle. Support for building modular dynamic and extensible systems OSGi Consider as Universal Middleware

5 Lets put things in perspective…
The Complexity & Scale of Software requires: 1. Service Oriented As complexity and size increases Need for higher level of abstract programming

6 Why OSGi? 2. Modularity Java Platform Modularity Class visibility:
Classes encapsulate data Packages contain classes Jars contain packages Class visibility: private, package private, protected,public No “jar scoped” access modifiers. No means for a jar to declare its dependencies. No versioning. Jars have no modularization characteristics At runtime, global classpath to search Jar as unit does not have modularity

7 Why OSGi? 3. Versioning Enterprise Apps have isolated classpaths but…
Across apps - each archive typically contains all the libraries required by the application Common libraries/frameworks get installed with each application Multiple copies of libraries in memory Within apps - 3rd party libraries consume other libraries leading to version conflicts

8 Overall Architecture Module (Bundle) OSGi Java Operating System
Framework Operating System Java OSGi as module system Driver Driver Driver Hardware = service

9 OSGi –The Dynamic Module System for Java
OSGi specifies a modular architecture for dynamic component based systems • Execution Environment • Module Layer • Life Cycle Layer • Service Layer OSGi introduces Bundles as modules

10 Module layer Bundle - unit of module
Packaged as JAR - classes + manifest + resources - Versioning support - Dependency specification - JAR with MIME type : application/vnd.osgi.bundle OSGi enforces modularity in bundles Bundle as module represents separation of concerns

11 OSGi ClassLoading Each bundle has its own classloader / classpath. More efficient for large systems Multiple versions of bundles supported concurrently

12 Service Layer Defines a publish/find/bind service model Fully dynamic
Intra VM service registry A service is a normal Java object published under one or more Java interfaces with additional metadata with the service registry Bundles can register services, search for them, or receive notifications when their registration state changes. Service lifecycle is highly dynamic Service may be published or unpublished at any time

13 Service Orientation OSGi intrinsically supports SOA Service Registry
publish find Service Description Service Provider Service Consumer interact

14 Life Cycle API to control the security and life cycle operations of bundles Install, uninstall, start, stop bundles dynamic without restarting applications

15 What does the OSGi Framework provide?
Horizontal Software Integration Platform Component Oriented Architecture Module (Bundles) Package sharing and version management Life-cycle management and notification (events) Service Oriented Architecture Publish/find/bind intra-VM service model Life-cycle notification (events)

16 Framework Features Runs multiple applications and services
Single VM instance Separate class loader per bundle Class loader network Independent namespaces Class sharing at the Java package level Lifecycle management of bundles Intra VM publish/find/bind service model Java Permissions to secure framework

17 Where OSGi is used widespread use in desktop and servers Equinox
Reference implementation of core framework and various services Base runtime for all of Eclipse (rich client, server side and embedded) Felix - Ships with GlassFish Application servers : Websphere, JBoss etc SOA Virtualization Platform : TIBCO Active Matrix widespread use in desktop and servers

18 Does Enterprise Java need OSGi?
Current challenges Lots of Libraries To Manage Designed for Extensibility Dynamic Deployment, Uptime Well-defined coherent modules Simplify unit of reuse

19 OSGI in Enterprise Integration of established Java Enterprise Edition technologies into an OSGi Environment Multiple, interoperable, dependency injection based component models Distributed service model for multiple service platforms and external heterogeneous systems Database persistence support Enterprise-class life cycle and configuration management

20 OSGi Enterprise Spec V4.2 Brings Enterprise technologies and OSGi together - OSGi Enterprise Expert Group (EEG) Using existing Java SE/EE specifications: JTA, JPA, JNDI, JMX, WebApps, SCA Framework integrates with the Java EE programming model Adds Spring-derived component model and dependency injection container – Blueprint Container Embeded Desktop Enterprise

21 What’s happening with OSGi EE
Apache “Aries” - new Apache incubator project deliver set of pluggable Java components enabling an enterprise OSGi application programming model. Eclipse Enterprise Modules (“Gemini”) collection of subprojects, each of which is an implementation or integration of an enterprise-level technology Virgo - Dynamic Enterprise Application Platform provide a runtime platform for development of server-side enterprise applications

22 Blueprint Components and Service
Specifies a Dependency Injection container, standardizing established Spring conventions Specifies components can be wired together within a bundle Components can be published as services to the service registry Components configuration and dependencies injected them Blueprint component container ( part of the runtime environment) Configuration and dependencies declared in XML “module blueprint”

23 Blueprint Components and Service
•Extended for OSGi: publishes and consumes components as OSGi services Blueprint standardizes the configuration metadata, and brings governance to the specification of the component model. Simplifies unit test outside either Java EE or OSGi r/t. The Blueprint DI container is a part of the server runtime (compared to Spring which is part of the application.) dependencies injected publishes service consumes service Blueprint managed bundle Blueprint managed bundle Blueprint Components(POJO)

24 The Java Persistence API
JPA is a POJO based Object Relational Mapping Framework – defines an API for persisting objects into a Relational Database – API for retrieving Objects from the database JPA - rich API for mapping arbitrarily complex objects to the underlying database tables

25 The JPA Service Specification
An OSGi specification for making JPA work in an OSGi framework Core concepts: > Persistence Bundle : An OSGi bundle containing managed classes a persistence descriptor and a Meta-Persistence manifest header > Meta-Persistence header : – A header that defines the locations of persistence descriptors in a bundle > EntityManagerFactory service : An EntityManagerFactory available as an OSGi service > Persistence Client : A bundle that makes use of an EntityManagerFactory service. > EntityManagerFactory builder : A factory for incomplete persistence units

26 Remote Services Extending the OSGi framework to configure existing distributed computing software systems Describes how to distribute OSGi services Ability for OSGi services to invoke services running in other JVMs Support enterprise application topologies for availability, reliability, and scalability Enables Distributed OSGi

27 Web Applications Specification
Defines how to support the Servlet 2.5 and JavaServer Pages (JSP) 2.1 specifications in OSGi Provide deployment of existing and new web applications to Servlet containers operating on the OSGi service platform Specification defines the Web Application Bundle, a bundle that performs the same role as the WAR in Java EE

28 Web Applications Specification
WAB uses the OSGi life cycle and class/resource loading rules instead of the standard Java EE environment Details web application packaged as a WAR may be installed into an OSGi Service Platform

29 SCA Configuration Provides an assembly model for distributed applications and systems using a service oriented architecture Components that are assembled can be written in different technologies for example Java EE, BPEL, C++, and scripting languages Execute on different machines, and can communicate through different protocols and technologies Declarative application metadata to enable reflection of an SCA component type definition

30 SCA Configuration Remote Services specification provides an extendable model for configuration types SCA Configuration Type Specification defines such a configuration type

31 Infrastructure as a Service
OSGi on Cloud Investigation underway to find possibility of using OSGi in the context of cloud computing (RFP 133 Cloud Computing) SaaS Software as a Service PaaS Platform as a Service IaaS Infrastructure as a Service

32 OSGi on Cloud Value of OSGi : ability to address the following
- Dependency management - Provisioning/Configuration (Remote services API) - Extensible, modular system - Dynamic replacement of components

33 Conclusion Major Java infrastructures support OSGi modular approach
support apps designed & deployed as bundles

34 Summary Consider as Universal Middleware Bundle as module represents
OSGi Key for Infrastructure OSGi Consider as Universal Middleware Bundle as module represents separation of concerns OSGi increasingly relevant to Enterprise OSGi and Cloud Synergy having interesting possibilities

35 References services/ OSGi Core Spec OSGi Enterprise Spec

36 That’s all folks Q/A Thank You Santosh Kumar

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