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Presentation on theme: "ANGUS COMMUNITY PLANNING PARTNERSHIP SOA IMPLEMENTATION GROUP 3 rd December 2009."— Presentation transcript:


2 Angus Economic Development Partnership

3 Angus Community Planning Partnership Angus Economic Development Partnership Local Outcomes And Indicators SOA National Outcomes No’s. 1, 2 (7 & 13) Service Delivery Indicators Towards Sustainable Prosperity (Insert Economy Strategic Objectives?)  The Economy – 6 Objectives  The Environment – 3 Objectives STRUCTURE AND GOVERNANCE ARRANGEMENTS National Strategy Scottish Government Economic Strategy November 2007 Workforce Plus – An Employability Framework for Scotland June 2006 National Strategy Scottish Enterprise Business Plan 2009-2012 The Scottish Economic Recovery Plan, Update October 2009 The Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 * 1 Healthy Working Lives Strategy 2004 Scottish Tourism: The Next Decade – A Tourism Framework for Change. Better Business: A Strategy and Action Plan for Social Enterprise in Scotland. AEDP Action/Delivery Plan Outcomes, Indicators & Targets Individual Outcomes Healthy Safe and Caring Communities – 6 Objectives Lifelong Learning – 6 Objective

4 Angus Community Planning Partnership Angus Economic Development Partnership (AEDP) Partners Angus Council, Scottish Enterprise, Skills Development Scotland, Job Centre Plans, VisitScotland, Angus College, Federation of Small Businesses, Dundee & Angus Chamber of Commerce, AAVO AREP Organisational Structure Angus Employability Steering Group Angus Social Economy Partnership

5 The Government Economic Strategy Wealthier and Fairer Smarter Healthier Safer and Stronger Greener

6 Scottish Enterprise Business Plan 2009-2012 Emphasis on Six Industry Sectors; Life Sciences; Energy; Creative Industries, Financial and Business Services, Food & Drink and Tourism. Support for Growth Sectors; Chemical Sciences, Aerospace, Defence and Marine, Construction, Textiles and Forest Industries.

7 Angus Economic Development Strategy The Economy – 6 Objectives The Environment – 3 Objectives Healthy Safe and Caring – 6 Objectives Lifelong Learning – 6 Objectives Identifies Key Sectors with Local Growth Opportunities  Energy  Tourism  Food & Drink  Social Economy

8 Single Outcome Agreement Key Economic Outcomes SOA LO1 Sustainable business growth in Angus is achieved. SOA LO1 Growth in Tourism in Angus is achieved. SOA LO2 Angus Residents have good employment opportunities. SOA LO7 Multiple deprivation in Angus is minimised. SOA LO13People feel welcome in Angus. Links also exist to many outcomes through the key themes of the Angus Economic Development Strategy.

9 Angus – Key Figures – October 2009 The claimant count unemployment rate in Angus is 3.2% - This is lower than Scotland as a whole (4.8%). Working age people account for 59% of all people in Angus. This is lower than for Scotland as a whole (63%). The employment rate in Angus is 81%. This is significantly higher than the average of 75%. SMEs in Angus employ a significantly greater proportion of all workers compared to Scotland as a whole (68% v 49%). Compared to Scotland, there are a higher per cent of jobs in agriculture, forestry and fishing and a lower per cent in Service industries. Source: Scottish Government, Analytical Services Division (2009), Angus Economic Briefing

10 Claimant Count Unemployment – October 2009 Angus October 2006 Angus October 2009 Scotland October 2006 Scotland October 2009 Levels (00 0 ’ s) Rate Levels (00 0 ’ s) Rate Levels (00 0 ’ s) Rate Levels (000 ’ s) Rate All People 1.62.8%2.03.2%84.13.3%129.54.8% Males 1.23.8%1.54.4%62.94.8%96.97.0% Females0.51.6%0.51.8%21.21.7%32.62.5% Levels (00 0 ’ s) Rate Levels (00 0 ’ s) Rate Levels (00 0 ’ s) Rate Levels (000 ’ s) Rate Age: 18-24 0.4930.6%0.5729.2%23.629.0%37.429.3% Age: 25-49 0.7748.1%1.0453.1%43.553.4%70.255.1% Age: 50+ 0.3421.3%0.3517.7%14.317.6%19.715.5% Duration: 6 months + 0.6136.7%0.5829.2%28.734.2%41.131.7% Duration: 1 year + 0.3219.1%0.2010.1%13.716.3%14.711.4%

11 Claimant Count - Unemployment October 2009

12 Claimant Count Unemployment October 2009

13 Projected changes to population over time AngusScotland No. (000 ’ s) % % Changes in population Difference since 1991 Difference to 2031 Difference since 1991 Difference to 2031 Total Population2%4%2%4% Below working age- 3%- 8%-6% Of working age- 1%- 3%3%- 0% Above working age13%30%8%27%

14 Projected changes to population over time

15 Economic Forecasts Emerging evidence suggests that many economies will return to growth in the second half of 2009, as conditions in the global economy continue to improve The UK economy is expected to follow a broadly similar pattern, contracting by around 4% in 2009, and growing very modestly in 2010 by less than 1%. Emerging economies are expected to drive the global recovery Considerable uncertainty remains over both the timing & scale of the recovery Future Prospects – Scottish Economy Business surveys suggest the rate of decline in Scottish output eased in Q2 2009 & there are signs that weak growth may return in the 2nd half of 2009 Employment is expected to continue to decline throughout 2009 and into 2010 and this will be reflected in further significant increases in unemployment Forecasters predict Scottish output to decline sharply in 2009 by between 2.9% and 4.1%, with only very modest growth indeed expected in 2010. Source: Scottish Government (2009), State of the Economy: August 2009 Future Prospects – Global Economy

16 Work Programme for AEDP Targeted support for third sector via Supplier Development Programme Investigate opportunities for local data collection via FSB/Chamber Develop River South Esk Management Plan. Investigate development opportunities around South Montrose. Investigate options for continuation of Business Support Services in light of end of Business Gateway contract in September 2010. Establishment of East of Scotland Loan Fund. Implementation of a Quality Assurance Scheme for accommodation providers. Creation of an employability Partnership Client Tracking System. Support developing Social Enterprises. Formulate partnership action in response to the end of Fairer Scotland Funding. In addition to implementation of the Angus Economic Development Strategy Action Plan (most actions fall below the waterline but reflect main partner activity). The following actions have been identified as priorities for the AEDP.

17 AEDP SOA NO 1 AEDP Key Priority Sustainable business growth Delivery Actions Scottish Enterprise Account Managers Business Gateway Advisers Angus Council Business Advisers PARTNERS Federation of Small Businesses, Dundee & Angus Chamber of Commerce, Scottish Enterprise, Business Gateway, Job Centre Plus, Economic Development and Environmental & Consumer Protection FSB/Chamber Questionnaire Outputs, Supplier Development Programme outputs etc. National Outcome: We live in a Scotland that is the most attractive place for doing business in Europe SOA Indicator: net number and rate of new VAT registered businesses in Angus as a % of Scottish total. EXAMPLE OF SOA NO 1 SOA Indicator: The Angus proportion of new business start-ups supported by the Business Gateway contracts across Scotland. Local Indicators: Account managed companies achieving target turnover growth Local Indicators: Target number of VAT and businesses achieved. Local Indicator: Jobs safeguarded or created and capital expenditure levered Companies obtaining reputable trader status People becoming self employment through Rapid Response Fund Local Outcome: Sustainable business growth in Angus is achieved

18 Angus Community Safety Partnership NO7 Children’s Executive Group NO7 Health Improvement Action Group NO1/2/6 Lifelong Learning Partnership NO2/3 Community Care & Health Executive Group NO7/9 Argus Rural and Environment Partnership NO1/12/13/14 Angus Economic Development Partnership Angus Alcohol & Drugs Partnership NO2 Links to Thematic Groups


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