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The school of Arts of the year 2007 Kulturskolan Stockholm Started with Our theatre 1942 The music school 1961 The school of arts 1997.

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3 The school of Arts of the year 2007

4 Kulturskolan Stockholm Started with Our theatre 1942 The music school 1961 The school of arts 1997

5 Some facts 400 teachers 40 000 participants (14 500 pupils after ordinary school) Activities in more than 250 classrooms in 75 schools 12750 sqm of own premises 16 theatres About 500 hundred of orchestras and groups 170 in music, 2 symphonic orchestras, 2 Sinfoniettas, 3 Big bands, 48 wind orchestras and more

6 More facts Year 2004 1200 events with 175000 visitors Subvention from City of Stockholm 13,3 Meuro Total budget 15,8 Meuro Only subsidies from Town of Stockholm Last year we got 0,65 Meuro from funds No regulations from others

7 Once upon a time

8 Where we started SSA Politicians Pupils parents Schools Staff Competitors Universities Institutions Other partners National international Others environment

9 Troed´s paradigm


11 Many arenas Schools Create more money Develop new subjects Build arguments Merchandising Traditional

12 Our development 2002 - 2006 Focus on Double the amount of participants More boys Better ethnical balance Create places for young people to meet.

13 Arts for changing schools Tolerance project in three schools Drama, digital storytelling, creative writing Integrated culture project in one school all pupils, all teachers and 10 teachers from us Project in vocational gymnasiums to build culture interest and create identity among the students Drama forum in schools BAS Month of Arts

14 Lingvistisk språklig Logisk Matematisk

15 Lingvistisk språklig Logisk Matematisk Musikalisk Social Självkännedom SpatialVisuell Kinestetisk


17 Arguments Children´s right according to the UN Convention The brain Every child´s right to her own expression Democracy and freedom of speech Diversity Over view Creativity and EQ Modern research

18 ”If the school and learning processes don't become more filled with joy. The pupils will leave the school and choose other ways to learn what they mean they need” Olle Holmberg Head teachers education in Malmö

19 Our purpose is to make children happy We don´t create professionals But many become professionals

20 Attack 10 000

21 Tosca – a new way to present Opera A surprise for the pupils A “short” Tosca in the assembly hall 4 hours work shop

22 Flame New ways to knowledge, identity and passion The school of Arts and vocationally program in secondary school in alliance Teachers from both forms meet and learn about their activities, give examples, have work shops and discuss with the pupils Planning of concrete activities depending on interest i.e. produce a record, make a performance, produce a film, produce a digital story or plan and produce a festival.

23 Subject courses Schools Including Culture for Joy and learning ”Tosca” Base teams Leisure clubs 2003 2004 2005 2006 Productions Test courses New possibilities


25 International Last years 10 European projects with 26 schools from 19 countries We initiated an international conference 2005 We have many exchanges and networks We have translated the book into English

26 We delivered more than the politicians expected

27 Increase during ten years 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Serie1 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2,6 million € in four years

28 Now we have made a picture magazine over our first ten years and especially the record years

29 The borders of culture politics The educated are teaching the lower classes and despise their culture The educated know what is best Activities and influences from all citizens A laboratory for young expressions Development and renewing of traditions Tradition

30 Future Everybody can learn, create, distribute, communicate for a small amount of money. Pupils spend 15 % of the awake time in school and measure what the pupils do in school How can school notice and use all knowledge the pupils have? Today young persons think art is important Different needs for different participants What role does that give us?

31 For the moment this development is over The liberal politicians want to reduce us to a traditional school with traditional values I am no longer leader of the school But deep inside I know that we are the future We will come back And I will work as a consultant for those ideas


33 Vindoga Hans Skoglund Hantverkargatan 4 112 21 Stockholm E-mail Tel+46854554300 Mobile+46707644930 Homepage under construction

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