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Legal Aspects of Web 2.0 and Social Networking 26 Feb 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Legal Aspects of Web 2.0 and Social Networking 26 Feb 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Legal Aspects of Web 2.0 and Social Networking 26 Feb 2010

2 Hello! Jackie Milne JISC Legal Service 0141 548 4939 2

3 3

4 4 What is Web 2.0? Learner/user generated content New technologies –innovation, creation, communication and collaboration Internal and external tools – e.g. myspace, facebook, youtube, wikis, delicious, pageflakes, blogger, Twitter

5 5 Sign of the Times A growing trend of social network services (SNS)" is the "shift from "Web 2.0 for fun" to Web 2.0 for productivity and services"

6 6 WHERE are the legal issues? Hosting Web 2.0 tools Using others’ Web 2.0 tools Asking users to use Web 2.0 tools Staff using Web 2.0 tools

7 7 The Usual Suspects Intellectual property law Accessibility law Liability issues Data protection issues

8 8 Some typical questions What rights do I have when I contribute to a wiki? Can we collect personal data for marketing or advertising purposes? What about YouTube? How do we minimise liability?

9 9 Some typical questions Can we be liable for what staff put up on social networking sites? Can we be liable for what students put up on social networking sites?

10 10 JISC Legal Web 2.0 Toolkit What about social networking tools for disabled users? What can we do if a student puts up risky video about the college/library?

11 11

12 Law Playing Catch Up 12 Blogging (anonymity) Defamation (actual knowledge) Cyberbullying (Houghton) Harassment (legislation) Equality Act

13 13 Newsletter.aspx Some Useful Resources

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