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Generalized issues derived from JCSE, CC, OO Java, SWPM, Baile Herculane, Romania, 2005 Generalized issues derived from JCSE, CC, OO Java, SWPM Klaus Bothe.

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Presentation on theme: "Generalized issues derived from JCSE, CC, OO Java, SWPM, Baile Herculane, Romania, 2005 Generalized issues derived from JCSE, CC, OO Java, SWPM Klaus Bothe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Generalized issues derived from JCSE, CC, OO Java, SWPM, Baile Herculane, Romania, 2005 Generalized issues derived from JCSE, CC, OO Java, SWPM Klaus Bothe 5th Workshop Software Engineering Education and Reverse Engineering, Baile Herculane, Romania, 2005 Institute of Informatics, Humboldt University – Berlin, Germany,

2 Generalized issues derived from JCSE, CC, OO Java, SWPM, Baile Herculane, Romania, 2005 2 Aims of this presentation 1.Message: Teaching materials should be reused for the same reason as software should. 2.Summary: What counts as teaching materials? 3.Generalization: What should be our issues concerning the production of teaching materials?

3 Generalized issues derived from JCSE, CC, OO Java, SWPM, Baile Herculane, Romania, 2005 3 JCSE Project Website Project management Course materials Slide style guides Lecture notes (doc) Slide version management Slide usage guides Duration of the lectures Examinations Tool information Copyright policy Structure of the course Course adap- tation guides Demo Topics (ppt, pdf, doc) Students review sheets ParticipantsContents SyllabusProject schedule Basic Principles F.A.Q. Discussion & Review reports Case studies Assignments Literature Slides (ppt, pdf) Documents Publications Responsibilities (roles) ? *) *) Requirements specification

4 Generalized issues derived from JCSE, CC, OO Java, SWPM, Baile Herculane, Romania, 2005 4 Our goal Jointly produce and reuse teaching material (SWENET, JCSE, MuSoft, … ) Our subjects: SE, OO Java, Project Management, CC,... Teaching materials = particular kind of software  expensive, time-consuming to produce –Documents –SW programs  Reuse!

5 Generalized issues derived from JCSE, CC, OO Java, SWPM, Baile Herculane, Romania, 2005 5 Study pack Reusable teaching material Take it and use it easily Instructions to the teacher and to the students Features: –reusable, ease of use, adaptable, high quality, well documented, useful and needed

6 Generalized issues derived from JCSE, CC, OO Java, SWPM, Baile Herculane, Romania, 2005 6 Kinds of teaching materials (1) 0. Overview: About the material, Learning outcomes, Goals, Summary of the material 1.Slides (lectures) 2.Lecture notes: e.g. additional information on the slides, teaching tips 3.Assignments / excercises 4.Case studies 5.Literature recommendations: textbooks, articles, web addresses 6.Reading instructions, eLearning materials for self study (Open University, UK) 7.Students feedback sheets

7 Generalized issues derived from JCSE, CC, OO Java, SWPM, Baile Herculane, Romania, 2005 7 Kinds of teaching materials (2) 8.Software system / tool (not only web address, but also download of the current version) 9.Documentation of the software, handbook, installation guide 10.Own experience

8 Generalized issues derived from JCSE, CC, OO Java, SWPM, Baile Herculane, Romania, 2005 8 JCSE Project Website Project management Course materials Slide style guides Lecture notes (doc) Slide version management Slide usage guides Duration of the lectures Examinations Tool information Copyright policy Structure of the course Course adap- tation guides Demo Topics (ppt, pdf, doc) Students review sheets ParticipantsContents SyllabusProject schedule Basic Principles F.A.Q. Discussion & Review reports Case studies Assignments Literature Slides (ppt, pdf) Documents Publications Responsibilities (roles) ? *) *) Requirements specification

9 Generalized issues derived from JCSE, CC, OO Java, SWPM, Baile Herculane, Romania, 2005 9 Generalization Localization national versions JCSEOOJavaCCSWPM flexibility adaptability Project management (joint course material development) -website -update / version management Kind and structure of teaching materials e-Learning style Several educational projects Generalized issues

10 Generalized issues derived from JCSE, CC, OO Java, SWPM, Baile Herculane, Romania, 2005 10 Generalized issues 1.Electronic teaching materials: Criteria of good teaching materials (contents, structure, …)? 2.Localization: How to derive national language versions? 3.Flexibility: How to combine and modify existing materials to courses (modules) useful in a particular educational environment? 4.e-Learning style: How to derive materials in an e-learning style from existing materials? 5.Teaching material project management: What are the principles of a cooperative (joint) development of teaching materials?

11 Generalized issues derived from JCSE, CC, OO Java, SWPM, Baile Herculane, Romania, 2005 11 Some of our approaches to these issues 1.Criteria of good teaching materials (contents, structure, …)? –slides – lecture notes –assignments – discussed answers –slide style guides 2.How to derive national language versions? –unified terms / glossary –tool-based localization (S-Bahn Tool) 3.How to combine and modify existing materials to courses (modules) useful in a particular educational environment? –exchangeable case studies –pool of assignments –documented structure of the materials (e.g. dependencies)

12 Generalized issues derived from JCSE, CC, OO Java, SWPM, Baile Herculane, Romania, 2005 12 Some of our approaches to these issues (cont.) 4.How to derive materials in an e-learning style from existing materials? –?? 5.What are the principles of a cooperative (joint) development of teaching materials? –common project website –roles: duties and rights –update management –style guides –usage reports / review reports –copyright –students feedback sheets

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