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Obstacles to PKI Deployment and Usage – Conclusions Relevant to pki4ipsec Steve Hanna, Co-chair, OASIS PKI TC.

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Presentation on theme: "Obstacles to PKI Deployment and Usage – Conclusions Relevant to pki4ipsec Steve Hanna, Co-chair, OASIS PKI TC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Obstacles to PKI Deployment and Usage – Conclusions Relevant to pki4ipsec Steve Hanna, Co-chair, OASIS PKI TC

2 OASIS PKI Technical Committee  PKI customers, vendors, and experts –Address issues related to successful deployment of digital certificates  Plans –Identify primary obstacles to PKI deployment and usage –Develop PKI Action Plan to address these obstacles –Coordinate implementation of PKI Action Plan  OASIS PKI TC Role –Catalyst and coordinator for addressing PKI obstacles –Not a standards group or trade group

3 Survey on PKI Obstacles  Top Obstacles 1.Software Applications Don’t Support It 2.Costs Too High 3.PKI Poorly Understood 4.Too Much Focus on Technology, Not Enough on Need 5.Poor Interoperability

4 Draft PKI Action Plan  Develop specific application guidelines on PKI standards use  Increase interoperability testing, possibly with branding and certification  Ask application vendors what they need to provide PKI support  Gather and/or enhance educational materials

5 Conclusions for pki4ipsec  pki4ipsec addresses important customer problems –We need more efforts like this  Customers want PKI to support multiple applications –Don’t do anything to impede that  Comments on Draft PKI Action Plan welcome through December 31 –

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