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1 U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey A Cognitive Agent Based Geospatial Data Distribution System 12 May 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "1 U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey A Cognitive Agent Based Geospatial Data Distribution System 12 May 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey A Cognitive Agent Based Geospatial Data Distribution System 12 May 2006

2 2 The National will have an infrastructure that is an information society that stimulates the economy, improves environmental health, and increases the general Welfare of the Nation by communicating geographic science and enabling problem solving within its communities. Geospatial Infrastructure - A possible vision of the future...

3 3 It's All in the GOALS or.. I'm not a { } It is in fact in choosing the goal of what to design which is where experts make their mistakes. Amateur designers will get the details wrong because they just don't have the professional mastery. Experts will typically get the details right, put a lot of polish on the design and get the whole project wrong. from : The Design of Design, Frederick P. Brooks, 1999 ACM Turing Award Lecture Cartographer Geographer Computer Scientist Here is where experts go wrong: Miss fresh vision – e.g., microcomputer revolution Vision not high enough – e.g., OS/360 JCL

4 4 The Design Problem The infrastructure is a logistics problem! How to: allocate and marshal resources recover from component failure monitor performance manage intellectual property rights control the system

5 5 Core members providing governance and persistence Mgt. & Governance Provider Communities Problem Solving Communities Gov’t NGO Comm. Archive Partners Gov’t NGO Comm. Archive Homeland Security Education Elevation Data Road Data Orthoimagery NavTech Local State Census Affiliates USGS Local Library Of Congress NGA FEMA NAIP ESRI Law Enforcement 5

6 6 A Business Partner utilizing The infrastructure NGA DHS Network Operations Center PKI Archive Services Support Services Core Members Deep Archives Commercial Archive

7 Communities Affiliates Firewall Access Restrictions User X Not Allowed Partners Gov’t NGO Comm. Archive Core OK! Mgt. & Governance Federal User SpecialAccessArrangements FISMA and The Business Model USGS as an affiliate 7

8 8 The Infrastructure Should NOT Be … ● A geographic information system ● A decision support system ● A library of links to other's data ● An information discovery system ● Web mapping application ● Monolithic

9 9 The Infrastructure Should Be ● An information society ● Marketplace ● A framework for delivery of products and services ● A framework for archiving quality-controlled spatial information ● Focused on geographic problem solving ● A system of systems

10 10 Information Characteristics ● Durable – does not change over time ● Persistent – does not disappear ● Ubiquitous – available everywhere needed ● Access Managed – controlled IP rights (DRM) ● Authorize – known users ● Authoritative Content – The correct data

11 11 Rights Content Creator Owns Over Usage Type Digital Rights Management Architecture Core Entities Model After: Lannella, Renato Digital Rights Management (DRM) Architectures, D-Lib Magazine, June 2001 User

12 12 System Requirements for The Infrastructure ● Geographic independence for availability, durability, partnerships, and resistance to failure. ● Encryption for privacy, signatures for authenticity, and Digital Rights Management. ● Redundancy with continuous repair and redistribution for long-term durability. ● Automatic optimization, diagnosis and repair.

13 13 Network Architectural Elements Network Layer Router Host Transport Layer Method Request Layer 13

14 14 Characteristics needed by The Infrastructure ●Partners bring multiple organizational management structures ●Can’t possibly manage large numbers of affiliate servers by hand! ●System should automatically: –Adapt to failure of individual components –Repair itself –Allow affiliates to join and leave without prior notice –Adapt to changes in demand and regional outages

15 15 Characteristics needed by The Infrastructure ●Guarantee data is available for 100s of years (multiple generations): –New servers added from time to time –Old servers removed from time to time –Affiliates can self associate (join and leave) ●Redundant components with geographic separation –System not disabled by natural or man-made disasters – Gain in stability through statistics

16 16 Characteristics needed by The Infrastructure ●Untrusted Infrastructure: –Comprised of untrusted components –Only cipher text within the infrastructure ●Mostly Well - Connected : –Data producers and consumers are connected to a high- bandwidth network most of the time –Exploit multicast for quicker consistency when possible –Provide for unconnected operation

17 17 Characteristics needed by The Infrastructure ●Nomadic Data: – Promiscuous caching data can be cached anywhere, anytime – Floating replicas object replicas independent of the server they reside on – Optimize locality and to trade off consistency for availability ●Infrastructure should disappear into the background: –Don’t want to worry about backup. –Don’t want to worry about obsolescence. ●Need lots of resources to make data secure and highly available, BUT don’t want to own them.

18 18 Autonomic Computing Requirements for the Infrastructure ● Self-configuring Adapt automatically to dynamically changing environments ● Self-optimizing Monitor and tune resources automatically – plan for execution ● Self-protecting Anticipate, detect, identify, and protect against attacks from anywhere ● Self-healing Discover, diagnose, and react to disruptions

19 19 An Architecture for The Infrastructure Plug-ins Blackboard (PLAN) Agent Publish Subscribe Message Queue Plug-ins Blackboard (PLAN) Agent Publish Message Queue GIS System Viewer Planner Subscribe Executor Control White Pages Yellow Pages Data Catalogue Affiliate Core Services Core Members Affiliate

20 20 For more information: ●OceanStore vision paper for ASPLOS 2000 “OceanStore: An Architecture for Global-Scale Persistent Storage” ●OceanStore web site: ●Cougaar web site: ●Fedora web site:

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