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Scenario discussion MESA 5th December 2001. Description of Scenario (1) End of November 1999 at 6pm, Norwegian coast Strong winds, cold water, visibility.

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Presentation on theme: "Scenario discussion MESA 5th December 2001. Description of Scenario (1) End of November 1999 at 6pm, Norwegian coast Strong winds, cold water, visibility."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scenario discussion MESA 5th December 2001

2 Description of Scenario (1) End of November 1999 at 6pm, Norwegian coast Strong winds, cold water, visibility good Catamaran 160 passengers, speed 50 knots hits a rock and is stuck on dry land The crew’s understanding is that the need is to have a boat there to take the persons to land (5 minutes ride) Only minor injuries, taken care of by the 2 first aiders among staff Resources mobilised (Rescue boat)

3 ”Could be-scenario 15 severely injured passengers, still 2 first aiders

4 Communication needs from boat Speaking to health personnel for advise and treatment –Mobile terminals Transmission of information, e.g. Pictures to health personnel Helmet video/ ”Sequential still photos” Each patient under monitoring would be transmitting data –Probably only 1 passenger on a ship like this

5 Non-health related need from boat Broadcasting function (ch16 VHF) was used, and turned out very useful in mobilising other boats (See later)

6 Communication needs to boat Instructions in voice and data Access to databases of procedures (?)

7 10 minutes later The boat slided off the rock and into the deep and cold water No life boats were launched Crew had survival suits, passengers life jackets Everybody ended in the water Due to the heavy wind, the personnel is spread over a wide area

8 Communication needs The persons in the sea are busy trying to survive, and would not be able to do anything on communication Locating devices in life jackets would have made the rescue work easier, but probably not a lot initially.

9 1 hour later A large number of boats in the area, picking up casualties Rescue helicopter on scene, picking up some. Due to weather conditions, the casualties are brought ashore in different places, not where the triage point was established

10 Communication needs volunteer boats Voice: –Information from boat on personnel picked up and where they were brought to –Information to boat on advise, instructions on CPR etc. –In future many of these boats will have computers, but it may not at this point in time (2001) be realistic to include them in a MESA network.

11 Communication needs rescue helicopter (with medical doctor) Communicating information on patients to hospital –Voice –Data Multiple applications

12 Communication needs Coast Guard vessel (first aiders) From boat: –Voice –Data Pictures Monitoring devices Helmet cameras To boat –Pretty much the same as on the primary site.

13 Second hour Casualties brought ashore at different locations Local ambulances mobilised and taking over Local GPs looking after the patients The patients transported to hospitals, not primarily the hospital originally put on the alert

14 Communication needs triage centres ”landing sites” (1) Mobilisation of centres –Mobilising staff and resources: Pre-set group mobilisation and confirmation Setting up centre –Land-line connection to be set up (Wire is safe!!) –Radio-coms to be set up to other actors

15 Communication needs triage centres ”landing sites” (2) Centre functioning –With front line resources Voice Data –Helmet cameras –Pictures –EPR(F)

16 Communication needs triage centres ”landing sites” (3) To hospital –Voice –Data EPR(F) Pictures Helmet camera Monitoring data

17 Ambulance When on site: –Voice –Data EPR(F) When on its way to hospital: –Voice –Data EPR(F) Monitoing data Pictures

18 Other actors not included here! Voluntary organisations Civil defence Others

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