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Weather and Climate quiz …and you thought I was joking.

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Presentation on theme: "Weather and Climate quiz …and you thought I was joking."— Presentation transcript:

1 Weather and Climate quiz …and you thought I was joking.

2 Question #1 _____ air sinks. _____ air rises.

3 Question #2 Large masses of air with similar temperature and moisture conditions are called _____.

4 Question #3 True or False: Weather is what is happening in the atmosphere at a specific time. For example, right now it is raining, therefore the weather is rainy. If it stops raining, the weather is no longer rainy.

5 Question #4 True or False: Weather conditions normally involve measuring conditions, temperature, atmospheric pressure, windspeed, etc.

6 Question #5 ____ air masses are heavier than ____ air masses.

7 Question #6 Explain the difference between weather and climate. (2 marks)

8 Question #7 What has to happen for condensation to occur? (2 marks)

9 Question #8 Explain orographic condensation. Use a labelled drawing if you like. (3 marks)

10 Question #9 What is an air mass? (1 mark)

11 Question #6 Explain the difference between weather and climate. (2 marks) Weather is what is happening in the atmosphere RIGHT NOW. Climate refers to the average weather in an are OVER TIME.

12 Question #7 What has to happen for condensation to occur? (2 marks) Condensation occurs when warm, moist air rises, cools, and forms clouds.

13 Question #8 Explain orographic condensation. Use a labelled drawing if you like. (3 marks)

14 Orographic Condensation Orographic condensation occurs when warm, moist air comes into contact with higher ground. Mount Oro WAM cools & condenses WAM moves toward high ground

15 Question #9 What is an air mass? (1 mark) Air masses are large volumes of air with similar temperature and moisture.

16 Social Studies Quiz Which of the following air masses are said to influence our climate? a)Maritime Atlantic b)Continental Arctic c)Maritime Tropical d)Southern Wormburner

17 Social Studies Quiz Choose the correct statement about our air masses: a)The Maritime Polar air mass is cold and dry. b)The Continental Arctic air mass is cold and dry. c)The Maritime Arctic air mass is cold and dry.

18 Social Studies Quiz Name and describe both of the ocean currents that influence our climate. (6)

19 Social Studies Quiz Draw and label a picture describing how the Labrador Current and Gulf Stream could create fog. (5)

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