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Presence and the Unified User Experience (B-07) David Schenkel Senior Technical Analyst ADTRAN The cost savings and multi-device, location-agnostic access.

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Presentation on theme: "Presence and the Unified User Experience (B-07) David Schenkel Senior Technical Analyst ADTRAN The cost savings and multi-device, location-agnostic access."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presence and the Unified User Experience (B-07) David Schenkel Senior Technical Analyst ADTRAN The cost savings and multi-device, location-agnostic access to communications services have thus far been the hallmark of VoIP and Unified Communications, allowing business users to increase productivity without a massive increase in human resources. But, truly remarkable benefits from IP-based communications come from adding presence and a unified user experience into the business communications environment, truly allowing businesses to gain maximum value from their technology investments by enabling more precise communications and less wasted time. However, just as with most new technologies, presence and user experience are open to interpretation, and there exist vast variations between offering from various vendors. This session will explore the foundational elements of presence, why it matters, what to look for, and importantly, how to use it effectively.

2 Who is ADTRAN? Leading provider of UC, networking and communications equipment – ADTRAN solutions enable UC, voice, data, video, and Internet communications – Widely deployed by carriers, SMBs and enterprises worldwide – Nearly every T1 in the nation delivered via ADTRAN equipment – Market leadership position in IP Business Gateways and #2 in Branch Office Access Routers Over 25 years of experience building innovative solutions supporting next generation technologies Fast Facts: Founded in 1985 Publicly traded on NASDAQ: ADTN 2009 revenue - $484 million 1,700 employees worldwide 50 countries Broad portfolio – 1,700 products Fast Facts: Founded in 1985 Publicly traded on NASDAQ: ADTN 2009 revenue - $484 million 1,700 employees worldwide 50 countries Broad portfolio – 1,700 products ADTRAN Headquarters, Huntsville, AL

3 What is Presence? Availability and capability status of things, contacts or groups – May have levels of timeliness from seconds to years – Various Components On the phone On-line/Off-line, available, busy or other status On vacation, in a meeting Part of an On-call group Part of an expertise or responsibility group Present, not present, occupied, not occupied for things – May indicate location, device in use, and available comm modes Associated rules, permissions, and priorities may determine – Who can see a resource’s presence information – Who can connect with a resource, when, and using what communications modes

4 Sources of Presence

5 Sources and Timeliness of Presence SourceDescriptionRelationshipTimeliness PBX Phone Are you on the phone IndividualSeconds PC Desktop Are you working on your PC, are you available IndividualMinutes Mobile Device Are you available on your mobile, where are you IndividualMinutes IM/Social Networking Are you online in your account IndividualMinutes Calendar Are you in a meeting, on vacation, out of office IndividualMinutes-Years LOB Database Is conference room available, is the taxi here ThingsMinutes-Years Duty Rosters Are you on call, who is on call, who is the backup GroupDays-Months Groups Who has expertise, responsibility GroupWeeks-Years

6 Why Do We Need Presence? Increases the success and timeliness of reaching a needed resource Also referred to as Reducing Human Latency (the time delay in initiating and reaching a needed contact or resource) Get the right resource at the right time Two General Uses: – Collaboration: Allows workers to better reach co- workers, suppliers, partners, or customers. – Service: Allows customers to reach service workers and get action faster

7 Why Presence Matters Gives a return on investment (ROI) based on: – Improving business processes, increases efficiency (Collaboration) Improves ability for workers to collaborate (lets you find the right person faster, enables ad-hoc meetings) Eliminates excuses for being un-contactable Enables corporate policy (e.g. QOS), imposes discipline – Improving customer intimacy (Service) Reduced service times for customers (shorter resolution times, faster interaction, happier customers) Allows automation of call redirection, reduces staff requirements

8 What to Look for in Collaboration UC Systems/Desktop Applications with: – Open standards presence (e.g. XMPP) enables: Presence aggregation and federation with other systems (e.g. telephony presence integrated with desktop/mobile presence) Presence and IM with cloud based social networking, IM systems – Multimodal Communications (IM, voice, conference, fax, video, email), ability to add other workers to the conversation and change modes (e.g. IM to voice to conference by adding co- workers) – API to enable presence and multimodal communications within Line of Business applications – Access permissions for Workgroup/expertise groups – Built-in call re-direction capabilities based on presence and who is calling

9 IM/Social Networking Examples

10 UC Client Examples

11 What to Look for in Service UC/IVR Systems with presence aware application development environments that enable: – Easy custom development of call flows for Autoattendants/IVR Services/Personal Assistants – Call flow behaviour based on presence and LOB database content, calendar, TOD/DOW, etc – Out-calling capability for call forking, find-me-follow me, notifications, escalation, follow ups. – Recognize calling party from Contacts, LOB databases, voice biometrics – Multimodal Communications (voice, fax, email, IM, SMS) – Presence aggregation from multiple sources

12 Examples of Presence Applications Some examples of how presence could be applied to some common communications problems. – One Number call routing – After-Hours Access to Health Care – Follow the Sun Around The World

13 One Number call routing

14 Benefits – ROI: approximately 4-16 months for 20 users or more by reducing cellular, roaming, fax line costs. – Calls routed through the company’s infrastructure. Calls can be routed to the contact’s most cost effective device. – Cell phone numbers remain private, calls still routed to company if contact leaves company – Improves relationships by providing consistent access to the contact/backup to all callers – Controls when contacts receive calls out of hours – Uses the same number for voice and fax

15 After-Hours Access to Health Care

16 Benefits – ROI: approximately 2-4 months by eliminating outsourced answering service – Reduces service times – Improves relationships by providing consistent service/experience for all patients – Real time synchronized with duty roster in DB – Eliminates errors by answering service

17 Follow The Sun Around The World

18 Benefits – ROI: approximately 2-4 months for 10 locations worldwide. – Use global resources to provide 24/365 service – Uses regional phone numbers to call into company infrastructure – Calls can be routed to the contact’s most cost effective device – Improves relationships by providing consistent service/experience for all customers – Controls when contacts receive calls out of hours

19 Thank you! David Schenkel Senior Technical Analyst ADTRAN Enterprise Networks Division tel: +1 (256) 963-3614 e: w:

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