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Ocean Technology Test Bed Colin Bradley, University of Victoria John Roston, McGill University NEPTUNE Canada VENUS.

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Presentation on theme: "Ocean Technology Test Bed Colin Bradley, University of Victoria John Roston, McGill University NEPTUNE Canada VENUS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ocean Technology Test Bed Colin Bradley, University of Victoria John Roston, McGill University NEPTUNE Canada VENUS

2 Objectives Design, deploy and evaluate multiple enabling technologies on an integrated test bed. –Research & develop enabling technologies. –Utilisation on an observatory system.

3 VENUS Observatory Deployment, Dec. ’05. Deployment, Dec. ’05. ROV mate connectors installed for OTTB. ROV mate connectors installed for OTTB. OTTB power & comms feed through. OTTB power & comms feed through.

4 Pat Bay Location Node and cable lay in December. Node and cable lay in December. High bandwidth connection to UVic & McGill to follow. High bandwidth connection to UVic & McGill to follow.

5 OTTB Site Bathymetry 100m depth. 100m depth. Interesting features. Interesting features. Relatively low risk site for technology evaluation. Relatively low risk site for technology evaluation.

6 Ocean Technology Test Bed

7 Underwater Vehicle Development Tethered Vehicles Tethered Vehicles Autonomous Vehicles Autonomous Vehicles

8 Tethered Vehicle (Canarie) Develop an underwater case containing camera and hardware. Develop an underwater case containing camera and hardware. Integrate an underwater pan/tilt mechanism. Integrate an underwater pan/tilt mechanism. Modify a ROV to carry the HD camera package. Modify a ROV to carry the HD camera package. Power distribution system. Power distribution system. Use an ROV to deploy the video system package on the seafloor. Use an ROV to deploy the video system package on the seafloor.

9 Tethered Vehicle (Future) Tethered to node - long duration. Tethered to node - long duration. Integrate with node – power and communications. Integrate with node – power and communications. Tether management. Tether management. Science package. Science package. Acoustics (later). Acoustics (later).

10 Autonomous Vehicle

11 Autonomous Vehicle Research Hybrid – features of AUV and ROV. Hybrid – features of AUV and ROV. Spatial sampling opportunities (science driver). Spatial sampling opportunities (science driver). AUV docking system. AUV docking system. Power and data transfer (non-contact). Power and data transfer (non-contact). Integrate with acoustics. Integrate with acoustics.

12 Integrated Acoustic System (Planned) Positioning (triangulation) Positioning (triangulation) Communication (low data rate) Communication (low data rate)

13 Acoustic System (Current Status) Top side GPS buoys Top side GPS buoys Acoustic triangulation Acoustic triangulation Receiver on vehicle Receiver on vehicle

14 High Definition Imaging Collaboration of the Instructional Multimedia Services and the Centre for Intelligent Machines. Collaboration of the Instructional Multimedia Services and the Centre for Intelligent Machines. Deliverable: underwater HD camera on the VENUS network transmitting live 720p60 format video over CA*net 4 to McGill. Deliverable: underwater HD camera on the VENUS network transmitting live 720p60 format video over CA*net 4 to McGill. Camera can be interactively controlled using web services. Camera can be interactively controlled using web services.

15 High Definition Imaging Web Services software that can replicate remote camera control functions (eg auto white balance and auto iris). Web Services software that can replicate remote camera control functions (eg auto white balance and auto iris). Minimize latency of the HD video transmission to enable camera control input, such as zooming, in response to observed events. Minimize latency of the HD video transmission to enable camera control input, such as zooming, in response to observed events. Testing two UCLP software packages. Testing two UCLP software packages.

16 Science + Enabling Technology Sustained, long duration science programs. Sustained, long duration science programs. Spatial sampling (return to same location). Spatial sampling (return to same location). Event driven measurement. Event driven measurement. Integrated infrastructure that links all elements together. Integrated infrastructure that links all elements together. Extends Internet connectivity to ocean floor. Extends Internet connectivity to ocean floor.

17 Science Programs Exchange of material (nutrients) between sea floor and lower water column. Exchange of material (nutrients) between sea floor and lower water column. Imaging of organisms around node (bacterial mat) around. Imaging of organisms around node (bacterial mat) around. Water sampling. Water sampling. Profiling of water column (suite of sensors). Profiling of water column (suite of sensors).

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