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BUSINESS MODELING BY UML PROFILE VISA ISSUING SYSTEM Dražen Brđanin, Slavko Marić Faculty of Electrical Engineering Banja.

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1 BUSINESS MODELING BY UML PROFILE VISA ISSUING SYSTEM Dražen Brđanin, Slavko Marić Faculty of Electrical Engineering Banja Luka 5 th Workshop “Software Engineering Education and Reverse Engineering” Beila Herculane, 28.08-05.09.2005.

2 2 BUSINESS MODELING BY UML PROFILE: VISA ISSUING SYSTEM Dražen Brđanin, Slavko Marić BUSINESS MODELING BY UML PROFILE: VISA ISSUING SYSTEM This presentation includes: review of business modeling based on UML-business profile:  business use case model – exterior view to business domain business use case diagrams, textual description of business use cases, high level business activity diagrams.  business object model – interior view to business domain detailed business activity diagrams, business sequence diagrams, business object diagrams. illustration of business modeling approach based on UML-business-profile by some parts of business model of Foreigners Migration System in B&H.

3 3 BUSINESS MODELING BY UML PROFILE: VISA ISSUING SYSTEM Dražen Brđanin, Slavko Marić BUSINESS MODELING BY UML PROFILE: VISA ISSUING SYSTEM PRO during the whole cycle of IS development, from business modeling to software implementation and transition in business domain, harmonized notation will be used transition from business models to system UML models will be easier possibilities for extending, adopting and specialization of standard UMLCONTRA traditional techniques and notations are more popular UML and business modeling UML (industrial standard) + language for business modeling business modeling (first phase in IS development)

4 4 BUSINESS MODELING BY UML PROFILE: VISA ISSUING SYSTEM Dražen Brđanin, Slavko Marić BUSINESS MODELING BY UML PROFILE: VISA ISSUING SYSTEM Business model by UML business profile Profile - defined set of standard language extensions, built in UML, and specialized for modeling in particular domain. Business profile (v1.3) specializes base classes of standard UML by introduction of business domain specific classes. Business model = two models business use case model business object model Fig. 1. Business model by UML profile.

5 5 BUSINESS MODELING BY UML PROFILE: VISA ISSUING SYSTEM Dražen Brđanin, Slavko Marić BUSINESS MODELING BY UML PROFILE: VISA ISSUING SYSTEM Business model by UML business profile (continued) Business use case model Outside view of business system describes business system and its relationships with the exterior systems through the BUCs. BUC is the business process, or some concrete function in business system offered to the exterior systems. BUC is the sequence of actions, preformed by workers in business system, and by them business system makes some concrete and recognable value. Exterior systems are called business actors. Business object model Inside view of business system in the completeness shows process, procedures, business worker's behaviour, used resources (business objects) and their relationships and organization, that goals can be realized and expected results achieved

6 6 BUSINESS MODELING BY UML PROFILE: VISA ISSUING SYSTEM Dražen Brđanin, Slavko Marić BUSINESS MODELING BY UML PROFILE: VISA ISSUING SYSTEM Business use case model BUC model contains descriptions of business actors and BUCs and their interactions, represented by BUC diagrams. Fig. 2. Generic example of BUC diagram. Fig. 3. Generic example of high-level business activity diagram. BUC model also contains realization descriptions of identified BUCs. We can document realization: textually, and graphically (high level activity diagram)

7 7 BUSINESS MODELING BY UML PROFILE: VISA ISSUING SYSTEM Dražen Brđanin, Slavko Marić BUSINESS MODELING BY UML PROFILE: VISA ISSUING SYSTEM BUC model: visa issuing system Fig. 4. BUC diagram of visa issuing system (BUCs directly initiated by foreigner)

8 8 BUSINESS MODELING BY UML PROFILE: VISA ISSUING SYSTEM Dražen Brđanin, Slavko Marić BUSINESS MODELING BY UML PROFILE: VISA ISSUING SYSTEM BUC model: visa issuing system Application for visaApplication processingVisa issuing Fig. 5. High-level activity diagrams for the most interesting BUCs

9 9 BUSINESS MODELING BY UML PROFILE: VISA ISSUING SYSTEM Dražen Brđanin, Slavko Marić BUSINESS MODELING BY UML PROFILE: VISA ISSUING SYSTEM Business object model Business object model includes: detailed activity diagrams, interaction diagrams, and object diagrams. Detailed activity diagram high level activity diagram completed by workers' responsibilities, used objects and object flows Responsibility areas of involved workers are emphasized by swimlanes activity diagram is procedurally (algorithmic) oriented and it’s not appropriate for OO A&D Fig. 6. Generic example of detailed activity diagram.

10 10 BUSINESS MODELING BY UML PROFILE: VISA ISSUING SYSTEM Dražen Brđanin, Slavko Marić BUSINESS MODELING BY UML PROFILE: VISA ISSUING SYSTEM Business object model (continued) business object model also includes some of OO interaction diagrams: collaboration diagram (process’ structure) sequence diagram focus on temporal component of process easy mapping messages->methods during the system class diagram development Fig. 7. Generic example of sequence diagram. Fig. 8. Generic example of object diagram. business object model also includes business object (class) diagram shows the static structure and relationships between objects can be used to show organization structure of business system

11 11 BUSINESS MODELING BY UML PROFILE: VISA ISSUING SYSTEM Dražen Brđanin, Slavko Marić BUSINESS MODELING BY UML PROFILE: VISA ISSUING SYSTEM BOM model: visa issuing system Fig. 9. Activity diagram of BUC: Application for visa

12 12 BUSINESS MODELING BY UML PROFILE: VISA ISSUING SYSTEM Dražen Brđanin, Slavko Marić BUSINESS MODELING BY UML PROFILE: VISA ISSUING SYSTEM BOM model: visa issuing system Fig. 10. Sequence diagram of BUC: Application for visa Fig. 11. Business class diagram of BUC: Application for visa

13 13 BUSINESS MODELING BY UML PROFILE: VISA ISSUING SYSTEM Dražen Brđanin, Slavko Marić BUSINESS MODELING BY UML PROFILE: VISA ISSUING SYSTEM BUC model: visa issuing system Fig. 12. Business class diagram of visa issuing system (BUCs directly initiated by foreigner)

14 14 BUSINESS MODELING BY UML PROFILE: VISA ISSUING SYSTEM Dražen Brđanin, Slavko Marić BUSINESS MODELING BY UML PROFILE: VISA ISSUING SYSTEM Static aspect of business modeling - summary  Business use case model Textual description of BUC     Business object model  Poslovni učesnik

15 15 BUSINESS MODELING BY UML PROFILE: VISA ISSUING SYSTEM Dražen Brđanin, Slavko Marić BUSINESS MODELING BY UML PROFILE: VISA ISSUING SYSTEM Transition from business models to system models Identified BUCs, business actors, business workers and business objects can be used in transition from business models to initial system models. BUC model is transferred in the system UC model, and business object model is transferred in the system design model. Next rules are valid during transition from BUC model to system UC model: each BUC is candidate for system UC, each business actor is possible system actor, each worker is possible system actor. During the transition of business object model next rules are valid: each identified entity (worker or business object) is possible system class, and each message in sequence diagram is possible method of system class. Fig. 13. Transition from business models to system models.

16 16 BUSINESS MODELING BY UML PROFILE: VISA ISSUING SYSTEM Dražen Brđanin, Slavko Marić BUSINESS MODELING BY UML PROFILE: VISA ISSUING SYSTEM Conclusion Although primary intended for visual modeling of software systems, thanks to business profile, UML can be successfully used for business modeling too. Thanks to very rich notation and semantics, UML business profile offers possibilities for all business domain analysis' aspects. UML based business modeling has especial importance if it's base for IS development. Then, notations for business modeling and system modeling are harmonized, and used concepts offer possibilities for easy transfer business models to system UML models. Described approach of business modeling is illustrated by some parts of business model of Foreigner’s Migration System implemented for government institutions in Bosnia&Herzegovina.

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