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TERENA NREN-Grids workshop 1/41/4 Virtual Organisations Building a support infraestructure.

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Presentation on theme: "TERENA NREN-Grids workshop 1/41/4 Virtual Organisations Building a support infraestructure."— Presentation transcript:

1 TERENA NREN-Grids workshop 1/41/4 Virtual Organisations Building a support infraestructure

2 TERENA NREN-Grids workshop 2/42/4 Virtual Organisations Why a support infrastructure Users own and require resources Shared Collective Resource User Resource User Resource User Resource User Resource A infrastructure to support this activities

3 TERENA NREN-Grids workshop 3/43/4 Virtual Organisations A set of users Working in a certain common area Sharing similar needs Data processing Access to data sources Interaction among them Pursuing similar goals A set of resources Computational Storage Data sources Remote device operation Knowledge bases... Resource User Resource User Resource User Resource

4 TERENA NREN-Grids workshop 4/44/4 The goals Provide users with simple, ubiquitous and integrated access to all kind of resources What resources are we talking about Network access Computational resources Distributed computations, supercomputers, specific libraries,... Storage resources Temporary/permanent, centralised/distributed,... Information resources E-libraries, searchers and metasearchers, subject gateways,... Interactive resources Video- and multi-conference, virtual desktops,...

5 TERENA NREN-Grids workshop 5/45/4 A support infraestructure The IRISGrid case pkIRISGrid Distributed RAs per organisation/VO Based on the IRISGrid directory The IRISGrid AAI Grid portal toolkits Collaborative tools From mailing lists to real-time systems Resource location Based on a federated approach The IRISGrid Directory VO management: Users, centres, resources, research areas Web interfaces wherever possible As integrated as we can

6 TERENA NREN-Grids workshop 6/46/4 Collaborative tools The good old mailing lists Essential for basic interactions General coordination lists Participants, support staff, middleware staff,... General areas: HEP, biotech, astro-sciences,... Owned by the IRISGrid admins A specific list per VO Connected to the general areas the VO is classified in Owned by the VO managers Based on listserv The current mailing list software at RedIRIS Plans to migrate to Sympa Better integration with the supporting infrastructure

7 TERENA NREN-Grids workshop 7/47/4 Collaborative tools Presence and instant messaging Informal and direct interaction Both P2P and collective Automatic roster initialisation People in the VO(s) a user is included Loose control Direct management of contacts Free creation and management of chat rooms Based on Jabber Hosted at the RedIRIS server Experiments with a server mesh Experimenting with the integration of real-time Wiki in the queue

8 TERENA NREN-Grids workshop 8/48/4 Collaborative tools Real-time interactions Few Access Grid rooms ROI perception by institutional responsibles Well-established network of H.323 conference rooms Public directory available for users GDS in operation and expanding Specific RedIRIS community in VRVS Four reflectors in Spain (2 at the RedIRIS premises) ~1500 registered users, ~800 reserved hours per month Training activities Good contact with the VRVS developers Exploring incorporation of AAI technologies Evaluating

9 TERENA NREN-Grids workshop 9/49/4 The RedIRIS VRVS community

10 TERENA NREN-Grids workshop 10/4 Resource location In the broad sense we have been using so far From a cluster to a set of related papers Common directories are the usual answer to this But they face data partition Formats, protocols, security (and privacy) considerations The result is the continuous re-building of central repositories of data Almost automatically outdated with respect to their once local sources The federated model comes into play once again Accessing or collecting data from them using a trusted link Maintaining total autonomy for the federated repository Policies, methods, interfaces Offering a common (possibly particular) view of information

11 TERENA NREN-Grids workshop 11/4 The Searchy architecture Each source incorporates an agent, available through a SOAP interface Uses RDF as internal representation Agents for LDAP, SQL, Harvest, the Google API, and Searchy itself

12 TERENA NREN-Grids workshop 12/4 A sample Searchy installation

13 TERENA NREN-Grids workshop 13/4 The IRISGrid Directory Centre User VO MDS The IRISGrid Directory Area classification IRISGrid Globus Directory

14 TERENA NREN-Grids workshop 14/4 The IRISGrid Directory Schemas Support for VOs: irisgridVo Support for Centres and/or departments: irisgridOu Support for users: irisgridUser Support for the PKI objects: pkirisgridCertObject, pkirisgridRA, pkirisgridUser Other iris-* schemas irisPerson, irisInetEntity, copaObject, papiUser,... Extensions to the eduPerson schema Standardization in process through SCHAC At least in the inter-institutional aspects Heavy use of the COPA coding schema to support navigation and searching

15 TERENA NREN-Grids workshop 15/4 The IRISGrid Directory COPA coding schema A coding schema to support (virtual) hierarchical access Based in creating strings identifiers (URNs, for example) that resemble the hierarchy of a given classification (or ontology) Identifiers are added to data available for a certain element Mappings between COPA identifiers and their semantics are kept in a separate repository (directory branch, for example) Simplifies searches and navigation Decouples representation from the view offered at each moment Several views can be offered in parallel And hot-swap them More on this at

16 TERENA NREN-Grids workshop 16/4 The IRISGrid Directory A sample VO entry COPA coding of the VO areas of research

17 TERENA NREN-Grids workshop 17/4 The IRISGrid Directory A sample centre entry VOs this centre is participating in

18 TERENA NREN-Grids workshop 18/4 The IRISGrid Directory A sample user entry VOs the user is member of Centre the user belongs to

19 TERENA NREN-Grids workshop 19/4 Web interfaces Navigation and management of the IRISGrid Directory Navigation and searching by research areas UNESCO Thesaurus, CATRE, e-Ciencia VOs related to a certain area Users participating in an VO Collaborative resources available to a VO mapfile generation Centres related to VOs Navigation through the computational resources (MDS) pkIRISGrid Users RA operators Many tasks ahead

20 TERENA NREN-Grids workshop 20/4 Web interfaces Navigating through an VO

21 TERENA NREN-Grids workshop 21/4 Web interfaces Navigating through a centre

22 TERENA NREN-Grids workshop 22/4 Web interfaces Data for a certain user

23 TERENA NREN-Grids workshop 23/4 Web interfaces Generating a mapfile for an VO

24 TERENA NREN-Grids workshop 24/4 Web interfaces Navigating MDS

25 TERENA NREN-Grids workshop 25/4 Web interfaces pkIRISGrid CSR IRISGrid identifier name@scope PIN (passphrase) used for revocations

26 TERENA NREN-Grids workshop 26/4 Web interfaces CSR management at an RA a1b33c1 New CSR

27 TERENA NREN-Grids workshop 27/4 Web interfaces Installing a certificate Issuer: CN=CA, OU=pki, DC=irisgrid, DC=es Subject:, DC=irisgrid, DC=es

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