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1 Introduction to the Danish Union Catalog – professional version Anders-Henrik Petersen Danish Bibliographic Centre

2 2 DanBib - Danish union catalogue bibliographic records/holdings from Danish university libraries, research libraries and special libraries (approx. 170) Records/holdings from Danish public libraries (approx.. 250) the Danish national bibliography (books, periodicals, articles, phonograms, AV) periodicals holdings from other nordic countries from NOSP records from the British National Bibliography, Library of Congress and the ISSN Network (from 1981) / is a subset of DanBib with free public access for searching and ordering

3 3 A few facts…. 26 million records (19 million “clusters”) 2 million loan request in 2005 Re-use of records – estimate: public libraries 98% university and special libraries 85% 1800 libraries/users on main mailing-list

4 4 Access to DanBib from www: http://netpunkt.dk from Z39.50 client: z39.50s:// User account for DanBib/netpunkt required

5 5 Netpunkt Costumized access to databases and services for DBC costumers – including DanBib Web-to-Z39.50 – gateway Parallel search (and scan) in multiple databases

6 6 Netpunkt interface requirements: Internet Explorer 5.5 or newer – screen resolution: 1024x768 pixels interface and dialogue only in Danish two search ”modes”: command and menu item order facilities links to local library databases local holdings through z39.50-search

7 7 Choosing database Links to the databases – used when you work in one database Mark for simultaneous search in databases Use Services for information-sites og helping tools You can only select databases you’ve paid for!

8 8 Refine search Change limits/filters Browse previous searches Correct or refine your search Show/hide Refine search

9 9 Settings The user can select settings (saved on the local computer) Default database Command or menu search Display and download formats Number of records shown Refine search shown default or not Mouse og shortcut-mode Mail-adress for mailing records Ill-options etc.

10 10 Importent components DanBib database indexes interface ”VIP” database of library parameters ”BOB” ill-handler and database of illrequests

11 11 VIP - system

12 12 Loan requests ”Slå op” – links to the actual record in the local database (if correct url in the library’s VIP- parameters) ”Bestil” – gives you DanBib’s ill-request-system

13 13 Is it available? Some libraries can show availabilty (z39.50)

14 14 BOB - system

15 15 - public union catalogue / is a subset of DanBib with free public access for searching and requesting records and holdings from Danish university libraries, research libraries and special libraries (approx. 170) records and holdings from Danish public libraries (approx. 250) the Danish national bibliography (books, periodicals, articles, phonograms, AV)

16 16 A few facts…. English version: Opened Oct. 2000 – new user interface Oct. 2005 10 million ”clusters” of records Aprx 400 libraries are supplyers 1.38 million loan request in 2005 Visits max per week (2005) : 100.000 8800 users on mailing-list Statistics (in Danish) Statistics

17 17 Several search modes

18 18 Editions clustered Search for more like this Editions clustered Send request Go directly to your favourite library

19 19 Editions are clustered - FRBR

20 20 Settings The user can save these settings (saved on the local computer) Name and adress (used for requests) Preferred library, favourite libraries Search and display mode Buying and import features

21 21  85% find it ”very good” or ”good”  97% find it easy to use  91% find what they are looking for  94% finds the language clear and easy to understand User satisfaction 2004 - Net-evaluation: 1220 respondents

22 22 Importent components DanBib database indexes interface ”VIP” database of library parameters ”BOB” ill-handler and database of illrequests

23 23 Loan requests Users choose where they want to pick up the item The library finds out where to get the requested Users are sometimes redirected to the local library system Users can see availability if they want to

24 24 VIP – database – libraries decide their service level

25 25 BOB – system – loan requests

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