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2007-2013 Miranda Labella Riccardo Coletta OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME SEE.

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Presentation on theme: "2007-2013 Miranda Labella Riccardo Coletta OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME SEE."— Presentation transcript:

1 2007-2013 Miranda Labella Riccardo Coletta OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME SEE

2 GENERAL FRAMEWORK Inter-regional co-operation + networks (INTERREG IVC, INTERACT, ESPON, URBACT) 0,392 Bill. € Trans-national co-operation (13 programmes) 1,581 Bill. € Cross-border co-operation (65 programmes) 5,576 Bill. €

3 WIEN BUDAPEST IIIB CADSES 2000-2006 It was divided in: Central Europe & South- East Europe NEW PROGRAMME 2007-2013

4 Member States Austria, Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia Potential candidate countries (IPA) Albania, Bosnia- Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro Candidate countries (IPA) Croatia, Turkey, FYROM Third countries (ENPI) Moldova, Ukraine

5 Albania Whole territory Austria Whole territory Bosnia-Herzegovina Whole territory Bulgaria Whole territory Romania Whole territory Croatia Whole territory Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Whole territory Greece Whole territory Hungary Whole territory Italy Lombardia, Prov. Autonoma Bolzano/Bozen, Prov. Autonoma Trento, Veneto, Friuli-Venezia-Giulia, Emilia Romagna, Umbria, Marche, Abruzzo, Molise, Puglia Basilicata Serbia Whole territory Montenegro Whole territory Slovakia Whole territory Slovenia Whole territory Moldova Whole territory Ukraine Cjermovestka Oblast, Ivano-Frankiviska Oblast, Zakarpatska Oblast, Odessa Oblast Programme Area

6 Eligibility criteria  Partners from a minimum of three partner states, of which at least one shall be from a member state  Project directly addresses a priority of the programme  Partners of the project are eligible (according to the eligibility rules set out in the operational programme and the respective Call for proposals)

7 GENERAL OBJECTIVE Developing trans-national partnerships on matters of strategic importance to improve the territorial, economic and social integration process and to contribute to cohesion, stability and competitiveness

8 SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES  Facilitation of innovation, entrepreneurship, knowledge economy and information society by trans-national action  Improvement of the attractiveness of regions and cities taking into account sustainable development, physical and knowledge accessibility and environmental quality by integrated approaches and trans-national action  Foster integration by supporting balanced capacities for trans-national territorial cooperation on all levels

9  P1: Facilitation of innovation and entrepreneurship  P2: Protection and improvement of the environment  P3: Improvement of the accessibility  P4: Development of trans-national synergies for sustainable growth areas  P5: Technical assistance to support implementation and capacity building PRIORITY AXES

10 Intervention areas 1.1 Develop technology & innovation networks in specific fields 1.2 Develop the enabling environment for innovative entrepreneurship 1.3 Enhance the framework conditions and pave the way for innovation Priority 1 - Facilitation of innovation and entrepreneurship

11 Intervention areas 2.1 Improve integrated water management and flood risk prevention 2.2 Improve prevention of environmental risks 2.3 Promote co-operation in management of natural assets and protected areas 2.4 Promote energy and resource efficiency Priority 2 - Protection and improvement of the environment

12 Priority 3 – Improvement of the accessibility Intervention areas 3.1 Improve coordination in promoting, planning and operation for primary and secondary transportation networks 3.2 Develop strategies to tackle the “digital divide” 3.3 Improve framework conditions for multi-modal platforms

13 Intervention areas 4.1 Tackle crucial problems affecting metropolitan areas and regional systems of settlements 4.2 Promote a balanced pattern of attractive and accessible growth areas 4.3 Promote the use of cultural values for development Priority 4 - Development of transnational synergies for sustainable growth areas

14 Intervention areas 5.1 Secure the core management for the implementation of the programme 5.2 Implement accompanying activities to support the generation and implementation of high quality, result oriented trans-national projects and partnerships Priority 5 - Technical assistance to support implementation and capacity building

15 Budget ERDFNational co- financing Total BudgetCo-financing rate 206 Mio.EUR38.5 Mio.EUR€ 245Mio EUR75% - 85% Priority % share P1 - Facilitation of innovation and entrepreneurship 21 P2 - Protection and improvement of the environment 26 P3 - Improvement of the accessibility 26 P4 - Development of trans-national synergies for sustainable growth areas 20 P5 - Technical assistance 7 Funds and budget percentage per priority

16 Partner states European Commission Monitoring Committee Audit Authority (Governmental Control Office HU) Managing Authority National Development Agency HU Joint Technical Secretariat Certifying Authority (Ministry of Finance HU) SEE Contact Point Control bodies (member state) Lead Partner Project partner Verification of costs on partner level SEE Contact Point Project partner National Committee Legal relationship Assistance South East Europe Management Structure

17 Monitoring Committee shall… consider and approve the criteria for selecting the operations financed within six months of the approval of the operational programme; periodically review progress made towards achieving the specific targets of the operational programme on the basis of documents submitted by the managing authority; examine the results of implementation, particularly the achievement of the targets set for each priority axis and the evaluations; consider and approve the annual and final reports on implementation; be informed of the annual control report, or of the part of the report referring to the operational programme concerned.

18 Tasks of the Joint Technical Secretariat Collaborate with the administrative central, local and regional organisations in the eligible area; Promotion activities related to the programme, by direct contacts with the relevant organisations; Participate in the working groups set up for elaborating/revising the programming documents; Prepare proposals for programme amendments; Fulfil the usual work of a secretariat; Submit the results of the project evaluations sessions to the Monitoring Committee; Assistance and technical co-ordination in preparation of the draft annual reports; Support project generation and development ; Manage the project application process: prepare and make available documents necessary for project application and selection.

19 The responsibilities of the Managing Authority ensuring that operations are selected for funding in accordance with the criteria applicable to the operational programme and that they comply with applicable Community and national rules for the whole of their implementation period; setting up procedures to ensure that all documents regarding expenditure and audits required to ensure an adequate audit trail are held; ensuring that the certifying authority receives all necessary information on the procedures and verifications carried out in relation to expenditure for the purpose of certification; drawing up and, after approval by the monitoring committee, submitting to the Commission the annual and final reports on implementation.

20 The main tasks of the „SEE” Contact Points to assist the project generation, application and implementation process to contribute to information and publicity actions within the respective country to support the National Committees in fulfilling their trans-national tasks to serve as a contact point for project applicants and partners at the national level

21 TIMETABLE DATEEVENT 20 th December 2007OP Approval 27 th -28 th February 2008Monitoring Committee set up meeting End of MarchBudapest: Kick off conference – 1 st call June 2008Belgrade: Selection of the best proposal November 2008Vienna: Projects approval

22 CONCEPT NOTE CONTENTS Applicant Manual to be defined (Last update: end of January -Thessalonica task force) MAIN CONTENT  Identify the Problem  Propose Results (solution)  Partners involved (partner list and reason of the involvement related to the project actions)  Indicative budget


24  Useful, concrete and transferable Output and results;  Visible and concrete territorial Cooperation projects  Ensure quality projects with a clear trans-national focus in the programme area  Concrete actions to prepare investment and concrete examples of small-scale investments  Efficacy in terms of cost-benefits  Partnership quality consistent with actions project  Encouragement of joint implementation projects General implementation principles

25 Thanks for your attention

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