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Weak lensing mass-selected cluster catalogues Richard Massey (CalTech) with Jason Rhodes (JPL), Alexie Leauthaud (Marseille), Justin Albert (CalTech),

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Presentation on theme: "Weak lensing mass-selected cluster catalogues Richard Massey (CalTech) with Jason Rhodes (JPL), Alexie Leauthaud (Marseille), Justin Albert (CalTech),"— Presentation transcript:

1 Weak lensing mass-selected cluster catalogues Richard Massey (CalTech) with Jason Rhodes (JPL), Alexie Leauthaud (Marseille), Justin Albert (CalTech), Joel Berg é (Saclay), Richard Ellis (CalTech), Alexis Finogeunov (Garching), Luigi Guzzo (INAF), Catherine Heymans (UBC), Jean- Paul Kneib (Marseille), Alexandre Refregier (Saclay), Nick Scoville (CalTech), James Taylor (CalTech), Ludovic Van Waerbeke (UBC) and the COSMOS team Weak lensing mass maps from the HST COSMOS survey

2 Weak gravitational lensing: patterns in a shear field Clusters are patterns in a shear field:

3 Mass map of COSMOS survey

4 Mass map of COSMOS survey (zoom) Multiscale wavelet reconstruction method of Starck et al. (2005)

5 Mass map of COSMOS survey

6 Residual systematics (“B modes”)

7 Effect of CTE trailing

8 Lensing sensitivity with redshift Number of resolved galaxies z

9 Mass vs light See poster upstairs by James Taylor; light map from Nick Scoville

10 Mass vs light

11 Mass vs x-rays Gunther Hasinger, Alexis Finoguenov & Nico Cappelluti

12 Mass vs x-rays Alexis Finoguenov & James Taylor

13 Zoom to one cluster at z=0.73 Lensing X-ray Guzzo et al. (2006) Cassata poster upstairs

14 Lensing sensitivity function (split)

15 Lensing sensitivity function (tomography) Number of resolved galaxies z

16 Tomography (3D maps), z~0.3 ~19Mpc  19Mpc

17 Tomography (3D maps), z~0.5 ~26Mpc  26Mpc

18 Tomography (3D maps), z~0.7 ~31Mpc  31Mpc

19 PRELIMINARY! Completely 3D maps… Courtesy David Bacon

20 PRELIMINARY! Completely 3D maps… Courtesy David Bacon

21 Conclusions PSCz galaxy density < 150 Mpc/h Reconstructed mass maps provide, for the first time, a direct view of the large-scale, filamentary distribution of dark matter. Optimally-tuned lensing analysis around identified structures links into astrophysics (MD relation, x-ray MT, cluster formation…) COSMOS mass density

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