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New Bounds for PMAC, TMAC, and XCBC Kazuhiko Minematsu and Toshiyasu Matsushima, NEC Corp. and Waseda University Fast Software Encryption 2007, March 26-28, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
1 Introduction Message authentication code (MAC) from block ciphers (BCs) “ BC-only ” modes: no special function other than a block cipher Ex. Encrypted CBC-MAC (EMAC)
2 Security notion of MACs Advantage in distinguishing MAC from the (keyed) random oracle (RO),, using CPA Small advantage implies small MAC forgery prob. Note: We only consider the info-theoretic security, but our results have simple computational counterparts : number of queries : max. message length (in n-bit) : total number of queried blocks can contain (but not vice versa)
3 Related works on EMAC Previous EMAC security bound is: when it is implemented w/ two n-bit uniform random permutations (URPs), and EMAC w/ two URPs [BR00] room for improvement?
4 Related works on EMAC (contd.) Bellare, Pietrzak, and Rogaway [BPR05] is a function that grows very slowly with Note: Pietrzak [P06] obtained a tighter bound for a range of parameters (much smaller than ) If, the bound is roughly
5 Our contribution New security bounds for PMAC (a parallelizable MAC) TMAC and XCBC (successors of EMAC) Old: or New: for PMAC, and for TMAC & XCBC compared w/, from quadratic to (almost) linear degradation wrt compared w/, better in most (but not all) cases
6 Analysis of PMAC
7 PMAC (Black-Rogaway[BR02], Rogaway[R04]) Hashing with mask-encrypt-sum (PHASH) still BC-only: masks are generated w/ few bitshifts and XORs PMAC ([R04] version w/ 128 bit block size) PHASH input
8 Overview of old proof [R04] “ Perfect ” PMAC using independent URPs as an intermediate function Use triangle inequality Perfect PMAC PMAC RO Old bound: (also, as )
9 Overview of new proof A different intermediate function, the modified PMAC (MPMAC) PHASH + independent finalization MPMACPMAC RO
10 MPMAC vs. Random Oracle What we need is: (a stronger form of ) differential probability of PHASH... used for MPMAC vs. RO used for PMAC vs. MPMAC...
11 Diff. probability of PHASH A subset of input blocks may generate the same URP input Odd (Even) collision involves odd (even) number of input blocks Let denote odd collisions with non- zero URP inputs Then, c ritical event is, as it implies the sum = 0 or w/ prob. 1 (as )... even collisionodd collision...
12 Diff. probability of PHASH (contd.) is at most Given, PHASH sum is almost uniform (point probability is at most ) for any Lemma 2 From Lemma 2, the advantage between MPMAC and RO is:
13 PMAC vs. MPMAC Four “ good ” events defined as: the sets of URP inputs in PHASH and in the finalization (+ dummy mask for MPMAC) have no intersection Using Maurer ’ s method [M02], the advantage is at most the max. prob. of “ bad ” events in MPMAC, denoted by
14 New bound for PMAC A careful analysis using Lemma 2 provides if MPMACPMACRO Theorem 2
15 As long as there is a small (but not too small) fraction of long messages, the new bound is better Much better under some practical cases (e.g., all messages have similar lengths) Comparison of new and old bounds New ( ) < old ( ) iff Ex: New bound is 2 -32, old bound is 2 -48 ~2 -16 If 99.9% messages are one-block, old bound is better If at least 1% messages are -block, new bound is better (if we ignore constants)
16 Analysis of TMAC and XCBC
17 TMAC [KI03] and XCBC [BR00] Successors of EMAC fewer BC calls (no double encryption) one BC key + one or two n-bit keys is independent of TMAC
18 Proof sketch for TMAC (XCBC is the same) Modified TMAC (MTMAC) and bad events similar to those for PMAC Adv. between TMAC and MTMAC is much simpler analysis due to the independence of Adv. between MTMAC and RO is EMAC bound of [BPR05], i.e.,
19 New bounds for TMAC and XCBC Old bounds are or for TMAC ’ s new bound is: Theorem 3 (XCBC ’ s bound is the same) [BR00][KI03][IK03s] Bound comparison is almost the same as PMAC ’ s case, in case the second term is negligible
20 Short comments on OMAC [IK03o] OMAC (aka CMAC) is one-key CBC-MAC improvement to TMAC and XCBC mask is or, where MOMAC and bad events are similarly defined however, the probabilities of some new bad events have to be evaluated such as an extension of CBC collision analysis [BPR05] is needed (open problem)
21 Conclusion New bounds for PMAC, TMAC, and XCBC from quadratic to (almost) linear degradation wrt the max. message length Future directions OMAC further improvement (still far from the lower bound )
22 Thank you!
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