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Leadership Lawrence Cornett, Ph.D., University of AR for Medical Sciences Helen Beneš, Ph.D., University of AR for Medical Sciences Donald Bobbitt, Ph.D.,

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership Lawrence Cornett, Ph.D., University of AR for Medical Sciences Helen Beneš, Ph.D., University of AR for Medical Sciences Donald Bobbitt, Ph.D.,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership Lawrence Cornett, Ph.D., University of AR for Medical Sciences Helen Beneš, Ph.D., University of AR for Medical Sciences Donald Bobbitt, Ph.D., University of Arkansas, Fayetteville Mary Good, Ph.D., University of Arkansas at Little Rock Caroline Miller-Robinson, B.S. – Project Coordinator Alice R. Smith, B.A. – Special Projects Founded October 2001 by 3-year $6,000,000 Grant Award from NIH NCRR’s IDeA Program

2 IDeA States Purpose of BRIN: to promote biomedical research infrastructure in IDeA States (NIH/NCRR)

3 Arkansas Rank* *NSF/NIH Total R&D (2000)$ 454,40142 Academic R&D (2000)$ 130,89440 Total R&D/GSP (2000)0.6747 ($$ in thousands)* 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 200020012002 NIH Funding (millions of dollars)

4 Institutions Involved in Arkansas BRIN Arkansas State University University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff Hendrix College University of Central Arkansas University of Arkansas at Monticello Lyon College Arkansas Tech University Ouachita Baptist University UALR UAMS UAF Harding University John Brown University Henderson State University

5 Arkansas BRIN Organization Expand biomedical research opportunities for undergraduate faculty and students through collaborations with graduate research institutions in Arkansas Stimulate more proposals for federal grants in the biomedical sciences from Arkansas scientists Advance statewide expertise in the rapidly developing disciplines of bioinformatics, genomics, proteomics and digital microscopy Bioinformatics Core Administrative Core Recruitment/ Mentoring Core Biotechnology Core Steering Committee External Advisory Committee

6 Administrative Core Develop website, Develop promotional materials Promote collaborations and participation in the Arkansas BRIN through outreach activities Provide support for other Cores

7 Presentations: Science Policy Biotechnology Company Sales Government Research Academic Research Student Career Day April 2002 & April 2003 – Total of 102 undergraduate students representing 11 undergraduate universities & colleges in Arkansas Outreach Activities Grant Writing Workshop Pharmaceutical Research Pharmaceutical sales Scientific Correspondence Patent Law June 27, 2003 – 23 BRIN faculty Keynote speaker Anthony Coelho, Jr., PhD, Review Policy Officer, NIH Concurrent workshops: Grant writing for success Mock Study Session Peer Review Process An Eye on the Clock – Time Management Dos & Don’ts of Grant Writing IRB & IACUC

8 Biotechnology Core Enhance existing facilities Expand research opportunities for undergraduate faculty and students through access to instrumentation and expertise Advance statewide expertise in the rapidly developing disciplines of genomics, proteomics and digital microscopy Sponsor workshops to educate researchers in different disciplines Genomics, Proteomics and Digital Microscopy Facilities

9 Proteomics Workshop University of Arkansas, Fayetteville June 2003 cDNA Microarray Core Facility Proteomics Facilities Digital Microscopy Facility Online Tutorial July 2003 UAMS Facility UAF Facility Microarray Working Group - Bimonthly Meetings Microarray Symposium for BRIN Fellows, June 2002

10 Bioinformatics Core Central goal: to create a critical mass of faculty and support staff with expertise in bioinformatics & to facilitate their communication & interaction to meet needs of the AR research community Director: Mary Good, Ph.D. Associate Directors: Steve F. Jennings, Ph.D. – Education Gary Thompson, Ph.D. – Research

11 Definitions for BIOINFORMATICS: a novel discipline integrating computer and information science to acquire, organize, store, analyze, and visualize biological and biomedical data a discipline building upon computational biology to develop and apply methods for data analysis, mathematical modeling and computational simulation techniques to study biological systems

12 Recruit Bioinformatics Faculty UAF, UALR & UAMS Develop a Joint Graduate Program in Bioinformatics UALR, UAF, UAMS Establish Access Grid Studios To facilitate interactions among Arkansas BRIN institutions Bioinformatics Core

13 Faculty Recruitments Tom Kieber-Emmons, Ph.D. to UAMS Director of Basic Breast Cancer Research http:/ Established The Bioinformatics Center Steve L. Jennings, Ph.D. to UALR Associate Director of BRIN’S Bioinformatics Core Established the MidSouth Regional Center for Bioinformatics


15 Arkansas Access Grid Conference Centers University of Arkansas at Little Rock University of Arkansas Housed at Mullins Library Est. completion Fall 2003 Access Grid Conference Centers under construction Arkansas State University Housed at Dean B. Ellis Library Est. completion Fall 2003 University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

16 Recruitment & Mentoring Core Support recruitment of faculty to undergraduate institutions Provide mentored research opportunities for undergraduate faculty Provide summer research opportunities for undergraduate students

17 Students select a research lab Arkansas BRIN provides Stipend Housing/Travel Allowance Research Supply Budget Students agree to Present a poster at Arkansas BRIN Research Day Prepare a research paper Mentored Student Fellowships Summer 2003 – 16 Funded UAPB ASU Lyon UCA Hendrix UAF OBU UAM UALR

18 Mentored Student Success 2003 – B.S. from UALR in Management Information Systems & Business Administration 2003 – hired full-time by Microarray Core Facility (UAMS) to interface databases & work with Bioinformatics Center Nikiya Meeks - 2002 BRIN Summer Fellow

19 UAPB ASU Lyon UCA Hendrix JBU OBU Faculty Recruitment to Undergraduate Institutions Arkansas BRIN provides: A startup package Undergraduate school agrees to A tenure-track faculty appointment with an institutional (9-month) salary commitment A commitment to sufficient protected time for faculty development of a research program Faculty agree to Commitment to developing a research program Involvement in the Arkansas BRIN Involve students in research

20 Mentored Faculty Fellowships Faculty & Mentor prepare proposal Arkansas BRIN provides: Stipend Housing/Travel Allowance Research Supply Budget Faculty agree to: Build long term relationship with mentor Involve undergraduate students in research UAPB ASU Lyon UCA Hendrix JBU OBU Harding HSU ATU Summer & Academic-Year – 20 Funded

21 Mentored Faculty Successes Pradip Bandyopadhyay, Ph.D. - Professor, Hendrix College Received a fundable score for an NIH AREA Grant to continue research started with Arkansas BRIN funding Mark Sutherland, Ph.D. - Associate Professor, Hendrix College Summer research continued with funding from mentor’s NSF supplement Philip Jemilohun, Ph.D. - Assistant Professor, Recruited to UAPB Received a fundable score for an NIH AREA Grant Anne Grippo, Ph.D. and Roger Buchanan, Ph.D. - Associate Professors, AR State University Research now being funded by the Arkansas Biosciences Institute

22 Arkansas Biomedical Research Infrastructure Network UAM UAPB UAMS UALR Hendrix ASU UAF Lyon OBU UCA HSU JBU Harding Hendrix ATU

23 MidSouth Regional Center for Bioinformatics Established by funding from AR BRIN & UALR’s CyberCollege Steven F. Jennings – Executive Director Roger Hall – Technical Director Lisa Henderson – Managing Director Equipment – Sun Microsystems (matching grant) Workshop on Programming Skills for Bioinformatics Software 4 sessions, June – August 2003: “Use of perl and bioperl” NSF EPSCoR grant proposal to fund outreach programs Plans for I2 connection to UAMS to support Oracle database & Spotfire Microarray Analysis software

24 Jointly offered by UAMS & UALR Faculty Exploiting Unique Expertises of Each Campus: Information & Computer Science; Biostatistics Biomedical Research Curriculum built of currently taught and new courses Lab rotations in four Core Areas – bioinformatics, life sciences, biostatistics, computer & information sciences M.S., Ph.D. degrees or Advanced Professional Certificate Joint Graduate Program in Bioinformatics

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