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COMMUNICATION SKILLS Steps To Successful Presentations.

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1 COMMUNICATION SKILLS Steps To Successful Presentations

2 Every presentation you do is a chance;  To convey your credibility and competence.  To inform and inspire people.  To persuade others to accept and act on your ideas.  To gain visibility to advance in your career.

3 Steps To Successful Presentations Prepare a presentation in three stages: 1. Consider the audience. 2. Compose the content. 3. Create enhancements.

4 Steps To Successful Presentations Consider the audience: Make your message matter – to them:  What do they already know about this subject?  What more do they need to know?  What their interests and concerns?  What will speak to them and illuminate their understanding of this topic?

5 Steps To Successful Presentations Consider the audience: Make your message matter – to them:  What will motivate them to act on my message as I want them to?  What will give them an experience of value in exchange for the time and attention they ’ re going to give me?

6 Steps To Successful Presentations The answers to these questions help you determine the content of your presentation and how to communicate it:  The level of language to use.  The terminology.  The references.  The supporting materials to include or exclude.

7 Steps To Successful Presentations Compose the content of a presentation in six steps:  Objective.  Primary points.  Supporting material.  Transitions.  Recap and close.  Opening and preview.

8 Steps To Successful Presentations Step 1: Establish your objective:  What you intend to accomplish by the end of your presentation.  What do you want the audience to do as a result of listening to you?  “ when I ’ ve finished this presentation, this audience will …………………. ”  Tailor the basic format to the specific situation.

9 Steps To Successful Presentations Step 2: Pick your primary points:  A well-organized presentation follows a logical sequence.  Primary points are the main categories under which you group the material you are going to present.  Think “ 1-2-3 P ’ s.

10 Steps To Successful Presentations Step 2: Pick your primary points: Pick points that are;  Most relevant to the audience.  Most important for the audience to remember.  Pertinent to your objective.  You want them to remember at least.

11 Steps To Successful Presentations Step 2: Pick your primary points: You can arrange primary points in one of these ways:  Chronologically, by date or in order of occurrence.  Spatially or geographically.  By priority, building form least to most important.

12 Steps To Successful Presentations Step 3: select supporting material: Such as;  Examples.  Analogies, comparisons, or contracts.  Quotations.  Statistical data.  Results of surveys, tests, or research.  Stories.  Audiovisual aids, including graphs, charts, models, props, photos, and illustrations.

13 Steps To Successful Presentations Step 3: select supporting material: That is;  Suited to the subject.  Consistent with your objective.  Appropriate to the audience.  Enough to establish the primary points.

14 Steps To Successful Presentations Step 3: select supporting material: Based on four criteria;  It clearly illustrates the primary points.  It supports your objective.  You can communicate it concisely.  The sum of all your material is doable within the time allotted to you.

15 Steps To Successful Presentations Step 4: use transitions:  In one sentence, you restate the point you are leaving and introduce the point you are going to.  They add a sense of sequence to your presentation.  On average, people listen for only three seconds out of every 10.  Modulate your voice when you say it.

16 Steps To Successful Presentations Step 5: recap and close: It is the “ final ” that should always;  Impress upon the audience a significant point.  End on a positive note.  Conclude the presentation decisively.  There are many ways to close a presentation: A rhetorical question.A rhetorical question. a quotation. a quotation. Striking statistic.Striking statistic. A humorous anecdote.A humorous anecdote. A moving story.A moving story. A statement that echoes your objective.A statement that echoes your objective.

17 Steps To Successful Presentations Step 5: recap and close: Statement related to your objective do one ;  Reflect. Reiterate the objective and ask the audience to reflect on what they ’ ve heard.  Direct. Instruct the audience to do something by way of applying what they ’ ve heard.  Decide. Ask the audience to make a decision; approve your proposal, fund your project, buy your product.

18 Steps To Successful Presentations Step 6: Open and Preview: Open with one;  Compelling quote.  Striking statistic.  Rhetorical question.  Humorous anecdote.  Engaging story.  Visual aid.

19 Objective: EndingBodyBeginning Open & Preview Primary point 1 Supporting material (transition) Primary point 2 Supporting material (transition) Primary point 3 Supporting material (transition) Recap & Close

20 Steps To Successful Presentations Create enhancements: By Visual aids according to;  The size of the audience.  The setting and lighting.  Your budget.  Access to equipment.  How much lead time for preparation.  The length and nature of the presentation.

21 Create enhancements. Visual aids should be;  Clear.  Colorful.  Pictorial.  On occasion, surprising. By using handouts;  Organized.  Clean & readable.  Table of contents.  Subject & page number.  Use signposts.

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