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Revitalizing Riverside Park Project Team: Jason Duvall Martha Gruelle Missy Hopkins Kim Wolske Project Advisors: Ray De Young Rachel Kaplan Client: National.

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Presentation on theme: "Revitalizing Riverside Park Project Team: Jason Duvall Martha Gruelle Missy Hopkins Kim Wolske Project Advisors: Ray De Young Rachel Kaplan Client: National."— Presentation transcript:

1 Revitalizing Riverside Park Project Team: Jason Duvall Martha Gruelle Missy Hopkins Kim Wolske Project Advisors: Ray De Young Rachel Kaplan Client: National Wildlife Federation

2 Background of Riverside Located in SW Detroit Linear Migratory fowl stopover Limited renovations already in place Riverside Park

3 Problem Underutilized Barriers to use –Lacks infrastructure (e.g. restrooms, drinking water) –Safety concerns –Lack of access

4 NWF’s Goals Provide environmental educational activities Promote environmental awareness Improve park infrastructure and safety

5 Importance of Project Timeliness Serving a community with limited access to green space Opportunity to bridge gaps among multicultural community Opportunity to build partnerships between organizations in surrounding neighborhood

6 Goals Provide recommendations to NWF and neighborhood community groups –Increase park usage –Promote sense of community pride

7 Objectives Investigate community members’ perceptions of the park Identify community needs Assessing willingness of the community to provide park support Identify special education opportunities

8 Methodology Map of community Case study review Surveys to local residents and businesses Observations Potential focus groups/community discussions

9 Products Community Map Recommendations to local government, NWF and other local stakeholders in the form of a summary report and presentation Presentation at a conference Thesis

10 Timeline Interviews Survey Development Data coding & analysis Preliminary Recommendations Community Meetings Develop Final Recommendations Write and Finalize Thesis Present Findings APRMAYJUNJULAUGSEPOCTNOVDECJANFEBMAR

11 Progress to Date Preliminary meetings with client and advisors Submitted to EFA, Rackham Discretionary Funds Submitted proposal to IRB

12 Challenges Ahead Defining relevant population Meeting the client’s needs Determining what and how to ask local stakeholders Survey response rate Effective dissemination of findings and recommendations

13 Budget Total Project Cost: $12,400 –Surveys –Digital recorders –Transportation –Travel & lodging for conference Requested Support: $14,028 –EFA –Rackham Discretionary Funds; Travel Funds –SNRE Project Funds; Travel Funds –NWF

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