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Health Psychology Chapter 12 Stress.

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1 Health Psychology Chapter 12 Stress

2 Lifestyle Awareness Triangle
On a piece of paper draw a “lifestyle triangle”. The three sides of the triangle should represent: School and/or work Lesiure/recreational activities Relationships with others The length of each side should accurately reflect the amount of time and energy spent. What are some implications of having a very uneven triangle????

3 SOURCES OF STRESS Worries Survey Life Changes
Social Readjustment Scale College Life Stress Inventory (p. 482) average Everyday Hassles Hassles- life’s petty annoyances Pressure- change behavior to live up to expectations Frustrations- can’t reach goals Delays, lack of resources, losses, failure, discrimination Road Rage- behavioral syndrome Conflict- simultaneous demands (Kurt Lewin) Approach/Approach Avoidance/Avoidance Approach/Avoidance How do you most handle conflict????? Worries Survey

4 Stress and Individual Differences
Primary Appraisal How much is at stake? Secondary Appraisal Believe one has the skill to deal with stress Optimism vs. Pessimism Hardiness Tolerate stress well; open to change Resilience Ability to bounce back/recover one’s self-confidence Self-Imposed Stress Albert Ellis- irrational and self-defeating thinking and talk

5 COPING WITH STRESS Cope Direct Coping
Make a cognitive and behavioral changes to manage stress Direct Coping Confrontation- acknowledge stressful situation directly; find a solution to problem Ask someone why they are made at you. Compromise- realistic solutions when ideal is not practical I am not a straight A student, and it’s okay but I am better than a C student Withdrawal- avoiding a situation Breaking up with special someone over a text-message

6 Defense Mechanisms- self deceptive techniques for reducing stress (make self feel good)
Denial- refusal to acknowledge something wrong Repression- push painful memories into unconscious Projection- blaming others for own problems Identification act like someone else to avoid feeling incompetent Regression- reverting to childlike behavior Intellectualization- think abstractly about stressful things to detach oneself Reaction Formation- express opposite feelings Displacement- take anger out on something or someone Sublimation- redirect feelings in a socially acceptable way Defense Mechanisms Handout

7 STRESS AND HEALTH Hypothalamus stimulates sympathetic nervous system
Release stress hormones: adrenaline and norephinephrine; liver and bone borrow increase to protect against infections “Fight or Flight” Response Hans Selye- react to physical and psychological stressors in three stages called General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) Alarm Reaction- sympathic nervous system fires up Resistance- physical symptoms and other signs of strain appear Exhaustion- draw on ineffective defense mechanisms- may result in “burn out”

Coronary heart disease is the leading cause of death in the USA Stress Damages heart vessels Cortisol increases BP; cause erratic heartbeats “Hardening” of the arteries Can lead to a sudden heart attack How we respond to stress is very important in protecting our hearts Type A: impatient, hostility, competitiveness, urgency Can lead to toxic behaviors like drinking, smoking, overeating, not exercising, sleep deprivation Type B also suffer from CHD

9 Stress and Immune System
Psychoneruoimmunology (PNI) Studies the interaction between stress and the endocrine system and the nervous system Links between common cold and stress Cancer and stress in mice

10 Staying Healthy Calm Down Reach Out Cope Effectively Exercise
Relaxation Techniques Reach Out Social Support Cope Effectively Proactive coping- anticipate stressful events and take steps to avoid them Positive Reappraisal- make the best of bad situations Humor-- Laughter is sometimes the best medicine

11 Extreme Stress Unemployment or Underemployment Divorce or Separation
Bereavement (myths) Should be intensely distressed Work through their grief Find meaning in death (spirituality) Recover in a year or so Catastrophes Shock Stage- stunned and dazed Suggestible Stage- passive, ready to cooperate Recovery- regain emotional balance (may never happen or take years) Combat and other threatening personal attacks War time; rape victims, molestation cases, violent crimes, car accidents Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Nightmares; flashbacks; withdrawal from social life May not come out until years after Need supportive social network to overcome

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