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PART FOUR: CANADA AND THE WORLD 9. Canada and Global Trade 10. Canada and Europe* 11. Official Development Assistance 12. Canada and the Asia-Pacific*

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Presentation on theme: "PART FOUR: CANADA AND THE WORLD 9. Canada and Global Trade 10. Canada and Europe* 11. Official Development Assistance 12. Canada and the Asia-Pacific*"— Presentation transcript:

1 PART FOUR: CANADA AND THE WORLD 9. Canada and Global Trade 10. Canada and Europe* 11. Official Development Assistance 12. Canada and the Asia-Pacific* 13. The Moral High Road 14. The Environment 15. Africa and the Middle East* 16. Defence Policy 17. Canada and Peacekeeping 18. Canada at War

2 9. Canada and Global Trade Canadian policy objectives and influences

3 9.1. Canada and Multilateral Trade The World Trade Organization (WTO) Group of Eight (G-7/8) Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

4 Canada and the WTO The World Trade Organization GATT (1948) becomes WTO on 1 Jan 1995 Aims/Principles

5 Canada and the WTO Canadian policy at the WTO Canada’s interests

6 Canada and the WTO Canadian policy at the WTO Canada’s interests Canada’s negotiating priorities Agriculture Market access Dumping, Subsidies, and Duties Facilitation of trade at borders Development

7 Canada and the WTO The Critics

8 Canada and the WTO Canada and WTO trade disputes

9 Canada and the WTO Canada and WTO trade disputes – Technology Partnerships – Patent Protection – Drug Patents – Australia and Salmon – European Asbestos Ban – Growth Hormones and Beef – Dairy – GMOs

10 Brazil, Canada, and Mad Cow Disease 2001: Canadian ban on beef imports from Brazil

11 9.2. Canada and Bilateral Trade Bilateral trade agreements: an increasing trend

12 9.2. Canada and Bilateral Trade Canada’s bilateral trade agreements

13 9.2. Canada and Bilateral Trade Canada and the EU Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)

14 Canada and the “Global” Trade Regime

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