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Roadshow Presentation 0 April / May 2007 Roadshow Presentation Initial Offering — Roadshow Presentation.

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1 Roadshow Presentation 0 April / May 2007 Roadshow Presentation Initial Offering — Roadshow Presentation

2 Roadshow Presentation 1 Disclaimer and Confidentiality Requirements This presentation does not constitute or form part of and should not be construed as, an offer to sell or issue or the solicitation of an offer to buy or acquire securities of OJSC Pharmstandard (the “Company”) or any of its subsidiaries in any jurisdiction or an inducement to enter into investment activity. No part of this presentation, nor the fact of its distribution, should form the basis of, or be relied on in connection with, any contract or commitment or investment decision whatsoever. This presentation has been prepared solely for use in connection with the possible offering of ordinary shares (the “Shares”) and global depositary receipts representing shares (“GDRs” and, together with the Shares, the “Securities”) in the Company (the “Offering”). This document is an advertisement and not a prospectus and any purchase of Securities in the Offering should be made solely on the basis of information contained in the prospectus and any supplemental prospectus to be published in respect of the Offering. The information contained in this presentation has not been independently verified. No representation, warranty or undertaking, express or implied, is made as to, and no reliance should be placed on, the fairness, accuracy, completeness or correctness of the information or the opinions contained herein. None of Augment Investments Limited (the “Selling Shareholder”) or the Company or any of their respective affiliates, advisors or representatives shall have any liability whatsoever (in negligence or otherwise) for any loss howsoever arising from any use of this presentation or its contents or otherwise arising in connection with the presentation. This presentation is only for persons having professional experience in matters relating to investments and must not be acted or relied on by persons who are not Relevant Persons (as defined below). Solicitations resulting from this presentation will only be responded to if the person concerned is a Relevant Person. This presentation is not for distribution in, nor does it constitute an offer of securities in the United States, Canada, Australia or Japan. Neither the presentation nor any copy of it may be transmitted into the United States, its territories or possessions, or distributed, directly or indirectly, in the United States, its territories or possessions. Any failure to comply with this restriction may constitute a violation of US securities laws. The presentation is not an offer of securities for sale in the United States. Securities may not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration or an exemption from registration. The Company has not registered and does not intend to register any portion of the Offering in the United States or to conduct a public offering of any securities in the United States. This presentation is made to and directed only at (i) persons outside the United Kingdom, (ii) qualified investors or investment professionals falling within Article 19(5) and Article 49(2) (a) to (d) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) Order 2005 (the “Order”), and (iii) high net worth individuals, and other persons to whom it may lawfully be communicated, falling within Article 49(2)(a) to (d) of the Order (such persons collectively being referred to as "Relevant Persons"). This presentation and its contents are confidential and must not be distributed, published or reproduced (in whole or in part) or disclosed by recipients to any other person, whether or not such person is a Relevant Person. Failure to comply with this restriction may constitute a violation of applicable securities laws. If you have received this presentation and you are not a Relevant Person you must return it immediately to the Company. This presentation does not constitute a recommendation regarding the securities of the Company. This presentation is not a public offer or advertisement of Securities in the Russian Federation and is not an invitation to make offers to purchase any Securities in the Russian Federation, and must not be passed on to third parties or otherwise be made publicly available in Russia. The GDRs have not been and will not be registered in Russia and are not intended for “placement” or “circulation” in Russia. This presentation includes 'forward-looking statements'. These statements contain the words "anticipate", "believe", "intend", "estimate", "expect" and words of similar meaning. All statements other than statements of historical facts included in this presentation, including, without limitation, those regarding the Company’s financial position, business strategy, plans and objectives of management for future operations (including development plans and objectives relating to the Company's projects and services) are forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other important factors that could cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements are based on numerous assumptions regarding the Company's present and future business strategies and the environment in which the Company will operate in the future. These forward-looking statements speak only as at the date of this presentation. Each of the Company and the Selling Shareholder and their respective agents, employees and advisers, expressly disclaims any obligation or undertaking to update any forward-looking statements contained herein. Citigroup Global Markets Limited and UBS Limited are acting for the Company and no one else in connection with the proposals referred to in the presentation and will not be responsible to any other person for providing the protections afforded to their client, or for providing advice in relation to such proposals. The information and opinions contained in this document are provided as at the date of this presentation and are subject to change without notice. All information not separately sourced is from Company data.

3 Roadshow Presentation 2 Today’s Presenting Team NameTitle Dr. Igor KrylovCEO, Chairman of the Management Board and Member of the Board of Directors Elena Arkhangelskaya Chief Financial Officer Dr. Olga MednikovaChief Sales and Marketing Officer Maxim Stetsuk Head of IR/Financial Management

4 Roadshow Presentation 1.Company Overview Dr. Igor Krylov, CEO

5 Roadshow Presentation 4 Pharmstandard at a Glance  Leading domestic pharmaceutical company in Russia (measured by sales) – #4 pharma company overall in Russia by sales value in 2006 1 – #2 pharma company in the commercial segment by sales value in 2006 1  Industry leading growth and profitability  Market leading brands – 5 brands among top-15 best selling domestic brands in Russia 1 – Arbidol ®, Pentalgin ®, Complivit ®, Terpincod ® /Codelac ®, Flucostat ®  Acquired Masterlek in August 2006 – Added 30 products including 2 market-leading brands, Arbidol ® and Flucostat ®  Experienced sales force and modern and efficient manufacturing facilities – 287 sales reps 2, all with a medical background – Russian GMP compliant facilities, including lines at Kursk, some of which are EU GMP compliant Source:Company 1Pharmexpert, preliminary data (subject to change), in wholesale prices 2As at 31 December 2006

6 Roadshow Presentation 5 Diversified Product Portfolio Pharmaceuticals 87% of 2006 sales Medical Devices 13% of 2006 sales OTC 71% of 2006 sales Rx 2 16% of 2006 sales  Therapeutic focus:  Analgesics  Cough & cold  Vitamins  Anti-viral  Anti-fungal  Product portfolio includes:  Acid pump inhibitors  Nitrites & nitrates  ACE inhibitors  Alimentary tract metabolism  Product portfolio includes:  Sterilisers  Distillers  Medical disposables Source:Company Note: 1 Pro forma 2006 sales, including Masterlek from 2 August 2006 2 Includes Other sales 1

7 Roadshow Presentation 6 Investment Case 3 Leading pharmaceutical company in the most rapidly growing pharma market 3 Attractive industry fundamentals 3 Portfolio of market leading brands 3 Proven product development strategy 3 Experienced sales force 3 Modern and efficient manufacturing facilities 3 Operational efficiency 3 Experienced management team

8 Roadshow Presentation 7 Our Strategy  Promote our market-leading brands to drive sales growth and profitability  Launch new products on a regular basis  Expand sales and marketing effort  Continue to actively control costs  Grow through acquisitions  Exploit opportunities from Federal Reimbursement Programme (FRP) as they arise 3 Building a top-3 pharmaceutical company in Russia

9 Roadshow Presentation 2.Market Overview Dr. Olga Mednikova, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer

10 Roadshow Presentation 9 Russia—The World’s Fastest Growing Pharma Market Source: DSM, EIU (in retail prices, US$bn) 3 Russia was the fastest growing pharma market in 2005–2006 Pharma market size (US$bn) 8.4 11.413.78.1197.811.625.615.727.714.95.856.7 Population (in million) 1421871,31533108340456160835825128

11 Roadshow Presentation 10 Source:Pharmexpert, EIU Market Indicators Russian Pharma Market Set to Expand  Drug consumption per capita amongst lowest in Europe  Rapid market growth expected to continue  Russia was the fastest growing market globally in 2004-2006 Pharmaceutical Consumption Per Capita in Russia($) Pharmaceutical Consumption Per Capita by Country($)

12 Roadshow Presentation 11 Russian Pharma Commercial Market Drivers Commercializatio n and development of distribution channels Affordability boosts access and consumption Strong macroeconomics driving consumer boom Supportive demographic trends Increased consumer focus on health and well being Market Drivers

13 Roadshow Presentation 12 A Leader in the Russian Commercial Segment Market Share—Top 10 Companies 1 Market Share—Top 10 Domestic Companies 1 Source:Pharmexpert, preliminary data (subject to change) Notes: 1Commercial segment 2006, based on sales in wholesale prices 2Pro Forma assumes inclusion of Masterlek as part of Pharmstandard as of 1 January 2006 3 PHS is #2 in the US$5.3bn commercial segment (66% of the total market) 2 2 2 2

14 Roadshow Presentation 13 Well Positioned to Capture FRP Upside  In 2006 FRP budget was set at RUR 29bn (RUR 70bn spent) 1  2005 budget was set at RUR 51bn (RUR 46bn spent) 1  Resulted in a number of products being removed from the FRP list both voluntarily and involuntarily by pharma companies as FRP officials ask for even longer payment terms and simultaneously cut prices  17.1 million participants eligible—8.7 million currently enrolled 2 1  2007 FRP budget is set at approximately RUR 35bn 3 Key facts  Short term solution: – Reallocating funds from prior and future years (~RUR 20bn) – Additional allocation of RUR 16bn  Going forward Government focused on including generic domestic products on FRP list rather than expensive foreign products – Currently only 7% of the total FRP market is serviced by Russian pharma companies Current status 3 Although FRP currently in adjustment mode, domestic pharma companies appear to be future beneficiaries Source: 1RBC daily, 4 September 2006 2Commersant (Russia) 6 March 2007 3Pharmvestnik #2, 23 January 2007

15 Roadshow Presentation 14 Low Exposure to FRP Source:Pharmexpert, preliminary data (subject to change) Note:Based on wholesale prices in US$ Pharmstandard has a lower exposure to the FRP compared to its peers Composition of Leading Companies’ Sales in Russia by Market Segment in 2006

16 Roadshow Presentation 3.Product Portfolio/Pipeline Dr. Olga Mednikova, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer

17 Roadshow Presentation 16 Our Portfolio – Top 15 Pharmaceutical Products Source: Company Notes: 1Sales only formed part of consolidated results from 2 August 2006 2 Total Pharmaceutical products sales include products categorised as Other

18 Roadshow Presentation 17 Pharmstandard’s Leading Brands  5 leading brands  “Top of mind” position with consumers  Significant brand loyalty Trademark Ranking share Pentalgin3 Arbidol 1 1 Howthorn5 Sodium Chlorid4 Terpincod6 Chondroxid10 Mexidol2 Viferon8 Phenotropil9 Complivit11 Cephazolin12 Essliver14 Impaza17 Corvalol18 Flucostat 1 13 Glucose15 Biphidumbacterin16 Cyclopheron20 Exclusively produced by Pharmstandard Produced by Pharmstandard Leading domestic pharma trademarks by sales value in 2006 Source:Pharmexpert. Based on consumer prices, Rx and OTC products Note: 1Masterlek Brands Anaferon7 Proproten19

19 Roadshow Presentation 18 Focused Sales and Marketing Efforts  Covers 75% of the Russian pharma market  All sales reps have medical education/work experience  Appropriately incentivised with cash bonus up to 33% of salary  In 2007 looking to: – Increase to over 350 sales people – Further specialise sales force by therapeutic area  Electronic Territory Management System (ETMS) system improving efficiency 3 Significant sales and marketing capabilities Note: As of 31 December 2006 Source:Company Sales forceMarketing / Advertising  Promote products through TV, radio, print media and internet as part of focus on brand building  Launched 5 new marketing campaigns since September 2006, including TV campaigns for Pentalgin ®, Arbidol ® and Flucostat ® Pentalgin® Print / TV campaign Arbidol® Print / TV campaign

20 Roadshow Presentation 19 Arbidol ® —#1 Pharma Brand in Russia Arbidol ®  Captured #1 brand position, in part, through active promotion by Pharmstandard sales force  Acquired as part of Masterlek transaction  Original product developed in 1987, active marketing launched in 2000 Source: Pharmexpert (subject to change) Note: Remodelled to reflect current categories Leading Products in Anti-infective Systemic Use Segment (2006) Annual Segment Sales Dynamics 1,2 1Source: Pharmexpert, 2006 preliminary data (subject to change) 2Based on consumer prices Source:Company

21 Roadshow Presentation 20 Pentalgin—#1 Pain Reliever (Non-Narcotic) Source:Company Pentalgin  Looking to launch new (improved) formulation of Pentalgin in 2007 to capitalise on Pentalgin’s brand recognition  Franchise includes Pentalgin-N ® and Pentalgin-ICN ®  First launched Pentalgin-ICN ® in 1999 and followed with launch of Pentalgin-N ® in 2002  Steadily gained market share since 2001 Source: Pharmexpert, preliminary data (subject to change) Top-10 Products in Analgesics Segment (2006) Annual Segment Sales Dynamics 1,2 1Source: Pharmexpert, 2006 preliminary data (subject to change) 2Based on consumer prices

22 Roadshow Presentation 21 1Source: Pharmexpert, 2006 preliminary data (subject to change) 2Based on consumer prices Top products in Hepatic Protectors segment (2006) Phosphogliv ® – Successful Rx Product Launch Phosphogliv ®  Launched in 2005  Novel product in-licensed from the Institute of Biomedical Chemistry  Premium priced product based on superior efficacy  Patent protected until 2018  Clinically validated – 2 nd generation combination therapy with anti-viral, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulating properties Annual segment sales dynamics 1 Source:Company Source: Pharmexpert, preliminary data (subject to change)

23 Roadshow Presentation 22 PHS Recent Product Approvals and Launches Source:Pharmexpert, preliminary data (subject to change) Note: 1Russian segment size – retail audit 2Excludes regional tenders OTC Rx OTC Rx

24 Roadshow Presentation 23 Product Pipeline Rx Near term pipeline Products in registration Products in development OTC 3 Pipeline of OTC and Rx products supports Pharmstandard’s growth story

25 Roadshow Presentation 4.Financial Overview Elena Arkhangelskaya, Chief Financial Officer

26 Roadshow Presentation 25 Rapidly Growing Revenue Profile Source:Company Note: 12005 results include results of Tyumen acquisition (as of 1 January 2005) 22006 results include results of Masterlek acquisition (as of 2 August 2006) 3Pro Forma assumes inclusion of Masterlek as part of Pharmstandard as of 1 January 2006 4Organic growth excludes sales by Masterlek (standalone Masterlek sales in 2006 RUR 2,283m and in 2005 RUR 1,362m, according to IFRS) 3 Achieved 25% organic growth 4 in 2006 1% 14% 72% 13% 69% 18% 1% 14% 71% 14% 1% 14% 85% 5,685 8,523 9,374 3,946

27 Roadshow Presentation 26 Competitive Cost Structure General and Administration Costs Selling and Distribution Costs Source:Company reports Note: 1Tyumen consolidated as of 1 January 2005 2Masterlek consolidated as of 2 August 2006 3Pro Forma assumes inclusion of Masterlek as part of Pharmstandard as of 1 January 2006

28 Roadshow Presentation 27 Margin Expansion EBITDA Gross Profit Source:Company reports Note: 1Tyumen consolidated as of 1 January 2005 2Masterlek consolidated as of 2 August 2006 3Pro Forma assumes inclusion of Masterlek as part of Pharmstandard as of 1 January 2006

29 Roadshow Presentation 28 Attractive Profitability Growth FY Net Profit 2004–2006 Source:Company reports Note: 1Tyumen consolidated as of 1 January 2005 2Masterlek consolidated as of 2 August 2006 3Pro Forma assumes inclusion of Masterlek as part of Phamstandard as of 1 January 2006 21.4% 123

30 Roadshow Presentation 29 Logical Consolidator—Masterlek Acquisition Overview  Our business was built through several strategic transactions  Masterlek is the largest pharmaceutical transaction in Russia to date  Focused on anti-viral and anti-fungal therapeutic segments – 3.5% market share among domestic producers by sales value in 2005 1  Portfolio of 30 products: – Leading brands include Arbidol ® and Flucostat ®  Arbidol’s complementary fit with the Pharmstandard cough & cold franchise  Significant cost savings anticipated through integration Source:Company Note: 1Pharmexpert 3 Focused on pursuing attractive acquisition opportunities

31 Roadshow Presentation 30 Consolidated Balance Sheet and Capex Capital Expenditure IFRS basis Debt summary  Facility A: US$91m (maturity Dec-2009/L+150)  Facility B: US$55m (maturity Dec-2011/L+190)  Net debt: US$140m

32 Roadshow Presentation 31 Modern Production Facilities Source:Company Note:Capacity in packs. Figures shown are as of 31 December 2006

33 Roadshow Presentation 32 Core Comparables Benchmarking Sales growth (2006) Net profit margin (2006) EBITDA margin (2006) Gross margin (2006) 3 PHS has industry leading growth and profitability Source:Company reports. Veropharm figures based on equity research as 2006 results not available

34 Roadshow Presentation 5.Concluding Remarks Dr. Igor Krylov, CEO

35 Roadshow Presentation 34 Investment Case 3 Leading pharmaceutical company in the most rapidly growing pharma market 3 Attractive industry fundamentals 3 Portfolio of market leading brands 3 Proven product development strategy 3 Experienced sales force 3 Modern and efficient manufacturing facilities 3 Operational efficiency 3 Experienced management team

36 Roadshow Presentation 35 Transaction Highlights Issuer  OJSC “Pharmstandard,” an open joint stock company incorporated under the laws of the Russian Federation Securities offered  Ordinary shares and GDRs of Pharmstandard  100% secondary shares  15% over-allotment option on GDRs Selling shareholder  Augment Investments Ltd. Offering structure  Institutional investors  Shares and GDRs: In the US under Rule 144A to Qualified Institutional Buyers (QIBs) Outside US and Russia pursuant to Reg S  Shares Russia  4 GDRs will represent 1 share Price Range  $11.55 – $14.55 per GDR  $46.20 – $58.20 per share Timing  Pricing: expected on 3 May  Closing: expected on 10 May 2007 Lockup  180 days for the Issuer and Augment Investments Ltd. Listing locations  Ordinary shares listed on MICEX and RTS  GDRs listed on LSE Joint bookrunners and global co-ordinators  Citi and UBS

37 Roadshow Presentation Appendix

38 Roadshow Presentation 37 Market Share of Top-10 Companies in the Russian Pharmaceutical Market (% 2006 value) 1 Market Share of Domestic Pharmaceutical Producers (% 2006 value) 1 Competitive Landscape – Total Market Source:Pharmexpert, preliminary data (subject to change) Notes: 1Based on sales in wholesale prices 2Pro Forma assumes inclusion of Masterlek as part of Pharmstandard as of 1 January 2006 3 #4 pharma company in Russia overall 3#1 domestic pharma company – more than 3 times the size of the #2 domestic player 2 2

39 Roadshow Presentation 38 Growth Analysis Across Market Segments 1 Source:Pharmexpert, 2006 preliminary data (subject to change) Note: 1Based on sales in wholesale prices 2 Includes Masterlek with respect to 2006 Domestic companies International companies 3 Pharmstandard is growing in-line with its peers in the commercial segment

40 Roadshow Presentation 39 2003 4Q03: Acquisition of ICN’s business in Russia (five factories, distribution centres and pharmacy chain) Q104: New management team brought in with experience in international and domestic pharma companies 2Q04: Close Polypharm (pharma production facility) 3Q05: Sale of Marbiopharm (pharma production facility) Jan 05: Acquisition of TZMOI (Tyumen)— manufacturer of medical equipment 3Q06: Acquisition of Masterlek (3.5% share of domestic Russian Pharma market by sales value) 1H05: Open centralised warehouse for pharmaceutical products in Moscow Pharmstandard Key Development Milestones 4Q06: New production of spray, tablets and capsules; central manufacture laboratory and renovation of production facilities Total investment since 2004: approximately RUR 600m Leksredstva plant (Kursk) 2H06: Termination of production in Oktyabr plant in St Petersburg, production transferred to other existing sites 1H06: New production of solutions, production of vitamins and insulin Total investment since 2004: approximately RUR 730m 2007: New production workshops for Rastan ® and Phosphogliv ® Ufavita plant (Ufa) May 2006: Legal name changed from Biovit LLC to OJSC Pharmstandard End 2005: Creation of holding company/ legal restructuring finalised Pre 2003: Group consisted of two manu- facturing facilities (Ufa and Phytopharm) operating under Biovit LLC 2004200520062007 Source:Company Note:OJSC – Open Joint Stock Company, LLC – Limited Liability Company

41 Roadshow Presentation 40 Medical Equipment (TZMOI) Sterilizers (45% of 2006 sales) 2 Medical Equipment (2006 sales RUR 1,196m) 1, 14% of group sales in 2006 Aqua distillers (8% of 2006 sales) 2 Disposables/Other (47% of 2006 sales) 2  Market size approximately RUR700m  Market leader with estimated 56% market share by sales value  Growth driven by the Priority National Health Project encouraging investment in new equipment  Market size approximately RUR190m  TZMOI market share estimated at 24%  Market size of syringes approximately RUR3,000m  TZMOI market share about 20%  Portfolio includes syringes, urology bags and catheters Source: Company estimates Note: 1Represents Pro Forma figures which assumes inclusion of Masterlek as part of Phamstandard as of 1 January 2006 2Based on divisional sales

42 Roadshow Presentation 41 Pro Forma Pharma Portfolio by Therapeutic Segment Pro Forma sales = RUR 8,053 million (2006) OTC = 83% / Rx = 17% Pro Forma 1 sales split as at 2006 Source:Company Note: 1Pro Forma assumes inclusion of Masterlek as part of Pharmstandard as of 1 January 2006

43 Roadshow Presentation 42 Sales Team  All sales reps have medical education/work experience  Covers 75% of the Russian pharma market  Incentivised sales force—up to 33% bonus of annual salary  In 2007 looking to: – Increase “feet on the street” to over 350 sales people – Further specialise sales force by therapeutic area 3 Experienced sales force Real time data - ETMS HQ Sales and marketing National manager 1 manager Regional manager 8 managers OTC sales force (117 medical reps) Rx sales force (147 medical reps) National manager 2 managers Regional manager 12 managers OTC Rx (incl. ENDO-Team) Real time data - ETMS Note: As of 31 December 2006 Source:Company

44 Roadshow Presentation 43 Breakdown of Sales for 2006 by Distributor  Top 5 distributors accounted for 51% of commercial pharmaceutical product sales in 2006  Typical payment terms for distributors: – Regional and export distributors: 30–60 days – National distributors: 60–90 days – FRP program: 180 days Source:Company Note:Manufacturers’ prices Top 5 Distributors – 2006 Distributor% of sales Genesis17 Protek13 SIA International11 Katren5 Infarma Pro5 Total51

45 Roadshow Presentation 44 Production Facilities – Summary Overview Source:Company. Note: Total capacity for pharmaceutical production in 2006 excludes capacity from Oktyabr factory (St. Petersburg) which closed in Q3 2006 Total capacity calculations assume 8-hour shifts and 7 day working week

46 Roadshow Presentation 45 Complivit—#1 Vitamin Franchise Top-10 Products in Vitamin Segment (2006) Complivit and its sub-brands  Looking to launch 2 new products under this brand umbrella by the end of 2007  Brand umbrella includes Complivit ®, Complivit- Active ® and Complivit “mama” ®  First launched Complivit in 1986 and followed on with Complivit-Active ® and Complivit “mama” ® by the end of 2004 Source:Pharmexpert, preliminary data (subject to change) Annual Segment Sales Dynamics 1,2 Source:Company 1Source: Pharmexpert, 2006 preliminary data (subject to change) 2Based on consumer prices

47 Roadshow Presentation 46 Terpincod ® /Codelac ® —#1 Cough and Cold Franchise Terpincod ®  First launched Terpincod ® in 1996  Non-promoted brand with high margins Codelac ®  Includes Codelac ® tablets and Codelac Phyto ® syrup  First launched Codelac ® tablets in 1996 and followed with Codelac Phyto ® syrup in 2004 Source: Pharmexpert, preliminary data (subject to change) Note: Based on consumer prices Source:Company Top-10 Products of Antitussive & Expectorants Segment (2006) Annual Segment Sales Dynamics 1,2 1Source: Pharmexpert, 2006 preliminary data (subject to change) 2Based on consumer prices

48 Roadshow Presentation 47  In-depth analysis of potential cough/cold drug development opportunities  Marketing/medical review of compounds/possible compositions Maxicold ® Case Study May 2004 Stage 1 Marketing request Jun-Aug 2004 Stage 2 Internal expertise for production and technology, availability of active ingredients Aug 2004 Stage 3 Project management, approval by GM Sep-Dec 2004 Stage 4 Development of production and Regulatory filing Jan 2005-Jul 2005 Stage 5 Milestones of Regulatory stage  Review of production capability and capacity  Agreed PHS-Leksredstva was to be production location  Production team put together (technologist, registration mgr., procurement mgr.), project approved by GM  Experimental / production equipment tests  Production development  Pre-clinical studies  Development of regulatory file  1st submission to Ministry of Health: 28-Jan-05  2nd submission (Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Committees): 10-Mar-05  Clinical review completed: 19-Jul-05  Labelling approved: 07-Dec-05  Registration certification received: 26-Feb-06  License for production received: 27-Jul-06 Source:Company

49 Roadshow Presentation 48 Source:Company Passifit ® Case Study  Production started in July 2006  First commercial sales commenced in September 2006 – Line extensions include new formulations e.g. tabs and pediatric  Actively promoted in January 2007 – Specialist doctors (e.g. gynecologists), general practitioners and pharmacists  Priced at a discount to key competitor product Novo-Passit  Growth expected to be achieved through increasing market share

50 Roadshow Presentation 49 Complivit Calcium D3 ® Case Study October 2004 Stage 1 Nov-Dec 2004 Stage 2 January 2005 Stage 3 Jan-Feb 2005 Stage 4 March 2005 Stage 5 January 2007 Stage 6 April 2007 Stage 7  Development of production and regulatory filing  Submitted to Ministry of Health  Registration approved  Production  Marketing request  Internal expertise for production and technology, availability of active ingredients  Project management, approval by GM

51 Roadshow Presentation 50

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