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Improving State and Local Data Systems Dr. Larry Fruth II Executive Director.

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Presentation on theme: "Improving State and Local Data Systems Dr. Larry Fruth II Executive Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 Improving State and Local Data Systems Dr. Larry Fruth II Executive Director

2 Change Management VisionSkillsIncentivesResourcesAction Plan Change Confusion Anxiety Gradual Change Frustration Not Implemented Skills Incentives Resources Vision Skills Incentives Action Plan

3 SIF Board of Directors Task Forces: Vertical Reporting TF Features/Functionality TF Implementation TF Meta-Data TF SIIA Transition TF CommitteesEducation Advisory Panel Technical Board International Membership / Marketing Policy / Procedures Certification Sub-Committees Executive Finance HR Legal Executive Director Vertical Working Groups: Administration Applications (9) Infrastructure (1) Learning Applications (6) Learning Communities (2)

4 Vertical Reporting Task Force E-Transcript Task Force Implementation Task Force Meta-Data Task Force SIIA Transition Task Force Technical Board WORK GROUPS (18): Administrative Applications (9 workgroups)Infrastructure (1 workgroup) Student Information System (SIS)ZIS + Agents Gradebook Special Programs Food ServiceLearning Community (2 workgroups) Library ManagementCommunication / Collaboration / Portal Tools TransportationData Warehouse / Decision Support HR + Finance Professional Development Facilities Management Learning Applications (6 workgroups) Academic Standards / Curriculum Assessment Instructional / Course / Learning Management Systems Student Work Portfolio Digital Library Online Tutoring


6 SIF Components Working Together Network Account H.R. & Finance Data Analysis & Reporting Instructional Services Library Automation Student Information Services Grade Book Food Services –Zone Integration Server (ZIS) –SIF Agents –Applications –SIF Data Objects

7 Utilizing SIF Can: “ Distribute Functionality ” (1) Empower local systems with respect to technology (2) Encourage innovation by vendors and local districts (3) Allow local systems to be heterogeneous (4) Make salient the need for data standards (5) Address the 'local control' issue (6) Provide local entities with technical capabilities that can be applied in other applications of SIF that can save money when implementing other systems (7) Redistribute cost to the local districts and vendors. Redistribute does not mean that it will be more. It could even be less to achieve the same benefits.

8  45,000 students in Anoka and Hennepin Counties, Minnesota  The SIF solution - eliminates redundant entry of student data - saving significant staff time district-wide - indirect savings in eliminating the movement of paper between offices - greater coordination and reconciliation by keeping data in different systems synchronized and secure When a new student is enrolled:  Data is inputted in the SASIxp Student Information System  The Edustructures SIF Agent for SASIxp sends SIF “Add” events to the SIFWorks ZIS  The SIFWorks ZIS then distributes these events, containing the enrollment date, name, phone number and other data, to the Follett Circulation Plus SIF Agent (library) and Parlant ParentLink SIF Agent (attendance office)  Each agent then updates its application database.  Today, data is exchanged in real time between the district office and each school’s main office, media center and attendance offices. SIF School Success Story: Anoka-Hennepin School District

9  6,800 students outside of Indianapolis, IN  In 2002 Brownsburg became the first district to implement SIF district wide. When a new student is enrolled:  Data is entered in the SASIxp Student Information System.  Novell – Network – Portal – E-Mail accounts  School Link Technologies WinSnap - Café’ System  School Link Technologies MyCard – ID Card  Parlant Technologies – ParentLinkXP – Telephony Web-Based Grades  Follett – Destiny Library System  VersaTrans – Transportation System  “Today, data is exchanged in real time allowing us to have one point of data entry” says Laurie Collins, Mew Media Tech. “We can now concentrate on the business of educating our students not data entry.” SIF School Success Story: Brownsburg Community Schools

10 SIF School Success Story: Duvall County Florida  130,000 students  Utilized SIF because they wanted to control account management activities.  IT Cost Avoidance  $113,464 in account creation costs  $379,340 in account change costs  $14,300 in account deletion costs  $509,286 total yearly cost avoidance  Equivalent to 8+ FTE!  Indirect Cost Avoidance (estimate)  $200,000 lost productivity time for employees, teachers and students.

11  Transport over 2700 students from 5 schools over 88 miles  Whenever new student information is entered in SASIxp, the VersaTrans database is automatically updated. Staff no longer have to spend time tracking down parents only to find that their phone numbers have changed, and they spend much less time calling the schools to look for updated information.  Increased departmental and district efficiency, improved service to the customer, more powerful reporting centralized network architecture and improved level of safety  “One of my ongoing goals for the district has been to reduce the amount of redundant data entry. When I learned about SIF compliance, that goal was the first thing that came to mind.” “There were both immediate benefits as well as benefits reaped at the end of the year.” SIF School Success Story: Holmen School District

12 Vertical Interoperability Seamless reporting - district, state, federal Reduce burden on schools & districts Use ‘management’ data as core data set for reporting –Responding to changes as they occur rather than reacting to on an annual basis Data driven decision making –Collecting & analyzing information as it is developed –Data warehousing and data mining –Using business tools to analyze administrative functions

13 State Configuration Example Local ZIS Local ZIS Local ZIS SIS Library Foodservice Transportation Data Warehouse State Agent State DB State ZIS Data Consolidator Agent Zone to Zone Routing Agent 1 2 3

14 SIF Implementation Tools Implementation Readiness Assessment Toolkit Implementation Planning Kit RFP Language SIF Discussion Forum EdSTART SIF Certification web site

15 Who Should Use These Tools? Persons who will be providing executive leadership to the data integration initiative. Persons who have been given the responsibility to manage the data integration in an education organization. Persons who will be responsible for data integrity within any applications which will be part of the implementation.

16 Implementation Readiness Assessment Tool Kit Designed to help schools determine their current state of data management and help them create a plan for future data interoperability involving the SIF Implementations Schools answering the questions in the toolkit will obtain an editable output document that will include assessment and next steps for district's interoperability planning.

17 SIF Implementation Planning Kit This toolkit was designed to provide educators with a process for getting the best possible Enterprise Information Management System (EIMS) for their school and/or district What is addressed in this toolkit? –Project planning –Data management strategies –Computer hardware, software, networking needs –Budgetary and human resource concerns –Political issues and work flow impact

18 SIF Discussion Forum Top 3 reasons to be a part of the SIF Discussion Forum. #3. One place that connects both SIF vendors and users. #2. One place to share experiences and gather information for your SIF project. #1. One place to find answers, support and advice for your SIF inquiries.

19 SIF EdSTART SIF's Educational Software and Technology Application Registry Tool Allows schools and states to access provider products and best practices aligned with SIF's vision. Provides end users and vendors with accurate and up-to-date information on data initiatives, tools and procurement opportunities.


21 SIF Certification Officially launched on April 25, 2003 Provides 3 rd party validation of application conformance with the specification Provides confidence for purchasers Provides validation for vendors Tests application functionality Verifies data delivery There are currently 50 applications certified with many more in the testing stage

22 SIF Certification Web Site The SIF Certification program is administered on behalf of the Schools Interoperability Framework Association by its designated Certification Authority, The Open Group The SIF Certification program is a voluntary program of the Schools Interoperability Framework Association, open to any product meeting the conformance requirements. SIF Certification is a formal process built around the SIF Certification Policy document. Suppliers of certified products warrant and represent that the product meets all the applicable conformance requirements.

23 For More Information SIF website Laurie CollinsLarry Fruth, Ph.D. Project StrategistExecutive Director Mark Reichert Chief Technical Officer

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