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Call Operators Are Standing By!!! Call And --- –Ask For A Copy Of This Presentation –Ask To Be Added To The Beacon’s Mailing –Ask For A Free Bible Correspondence Course Call With A --- –Biblical Question Or Comment Receive a Biblical Answer – “Book, Chapter and Verse” Call (828) 327-9459 or - WHKY
Does the New Testament teach Denominationalism? Preachers from denominations often say, “There were no denominations in the New Testament.” First, is it true that there were no denominations in the Bible?
WERE THERE DENOMINATIONS IN THE NEW TESTAMENT? The seeds of denominationalism can be found in the church at Corinth. (I CORINTHIANS 1:10-13) Various saints at Corinth were saying “I am of Paul” or “of Apollos” or “of Cephas” or “of Christ” This kind of thing is the very basis upon which denominations have formed through the centuries *** AND THIS “DENOMINATIONAL SPIRIT” IS CLEARLY DISAPPROVED HERE AND THROUGHOUT THE NEW TESTAMENT!!! (More on I Corinthians 1 later…)
WERE THERE DENOMINATIONS IN THE NEW TESTAMENT? Some have attempted to uphold “denominationalism” from scripture: John 15:1-8 – Vine and branches Some say branches = denominations Jesus said, “If anyone (a man – kjv) does not abide in me he is cast out” (vs. 6) Therefore, “the branches” = individuals, NOT churches or denominations.
WERE THERE DENOMINATIONS IN THE NEW TESTAMENT? Some have attempted to uphold “denominationalism” from scripture: I Cor. 12:(12) – One body – many members Some say, members = denominations Paul said, “you are the body of Christ, and members individually.” (v. 27) Therefore, “the members” = individuals, NOT churches or denominations.
Is this all just about “names”? Some say, “’denominating’ just means “naming” and some say further, “There is nothing in a name.” One definition of “denomination” = “A name or designation.” (American Heritage Dictionary) Consider: “name” = “A word or words by which an entity is designated. ” –Is it alright to call the God of the Bible by the “names” of other “gods”? Who can believe it??? –The child born to the virgin Mary was given the name “Jesus” because it designated Him as “savior” or “deliverer” (Matthew 1:21 ). The same is true of the other terms by which He was designated and distinguished.
Is this all just about “names”? The Father and Son are designated by certain meaningful and intentional terms in the Bible. So the people of God are designated by certain meaningful and intentional terms in the Bible. Some examples: - Individually – Christians, disciples, saints, children of God… Is there nothing in these “names”/designations? - Collectively – church of (the living) God; church of the firstborn; churches of Christ… Is there nothing in these “names”/designations?
Is this all just about “names”? If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God… (I Pet. 4:11a) We cannot lawfully use words, terms, names that do not comply with the intention of God’s word to express His will. Many “denominational names” used for churches honor some person (or his teaching) other than the Lord. This violates I Cor. 1:10-13, as well as other passages Others emphasize some peculiarity of doctrine or practice. This is divisive, again violating the teaching of I Cor. 1:10-13 and other scriptures.
Is this all just about “names”? There is no single, exclusive “name” given to the church in the Bible. HOWEVER, the “names” (terms/words/designations) used by God to identify His people tell us something about them and their relationship to deity, salvation (or such things as where a specific congregation of such people were located.) We only have a basis in scripture for calling God’s people by such terms as accurately express what God teaches us to say in His word. Therefore, if the matter of “denominationalism” were only about “names,” there would be a strong reason to be troubled about the practices of many today, BUT…
It ISN’T Just About “Names” Other defintions of “denomination” – “An organized group of religious congregations.” (American Heritage Dictionary) “A religious group; a sect.” (Funk & Wagnall’s Standard Desk Dictionary) Sect = “n. 1. A group of people forming a distinct unit within a larger group by virtue of common beliefs.” (American Heritage Dictionary) The matter of a “sect” brings us again to the subject of the contention and potential division at Corinth (I Cor. 1:10-13).
It ISN’T Just About “Names” The word “church” is used primarily in two ways in the New Testament: 1) A “general” or “universal” sense - to refer to all the saved everywhere. - Matt. 16:18; Eph. 4:4 2) A local sense – to refer to a group of Christians worshipping and working together in a particular location - I Cor. 1:1-2; Rev. 2-3 A “denomination” is neither of the above. It is smaller than the universal church and larger than a local church.
WERE THERE DENOMINATIONS IN THE NEW TESTAMENT? “Denominations” are not approved of in the New Testament, neither specifically nor in principal. In fact, denominational division is everywhere condemned in the word of God. Jesus did NOT come and die to “build” a denomination or many denominations. He did NOT die so people would be divided into many so-called “Christian sects.” He called people through the gospel, and prayed that they would be one, even as He and the Father are one (John 17:20-23). The only basis upon which we can hope for that kind of unity is to determine to follow only the truth revealed in God’s word. (John 17:17; John 8:31-32)
ASK YOUR PREACHER/PASTOR Or PRIEST IS IT ENOUGH TO BE SIMPLY A CHRISTIAN? (Or should we be part of a denomination?) Sometimes people think they are being non-sectarian and undenominational when, in fact, they are being inter- denominational. They simply mean, “It doesn’t matter what denomination you are a member of.” This lesson is designed to appeal to all to abandon all denominational concepts, structure and creeds.
What Should We Be? Someone has said that following the Bible only will make Christians only. Isn’t that all that Christ ever called us to be? Without the determined intention to be simply followers of Christ, we will only perpetuate the sectarian division that has plagued the history of supposed believers.
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