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Alpha/Beta structures Barrels, sheets and horseshoes.

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Presentation on theme: "Alpha/Beta structures Barrels, sheets and horseshoes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alpha/Beta structures Barrels, sheets and horseshoes

2 Common features Parallel  strands are arranged in barrels or sheets Individual  strands are connected by  helices  motif is a building unit

3 TIM barrel First observed in enzyme Triosephosphate Isomerase

4 The core of TIM barrel Core is tightly packed with hydrophobic amino acids Three layers of sidechains

5 Residue distribution in TIM barrel

6 Unusual exception Methylmalonyl- Coenzyme A mutase has small hydrophilic residues in the inside of barrel Coenzyme A (green) binds in the barrel

7 TIM barrel as a domain TIM barrel is always associated with enzymatic function Pyruvate kinase

8 Location of active site in TIM barrels

9 Double barrels Phosphoribosyl anthranilate (PRA) isomerase and Indoglycerol phosphate (IGP) synthase in E.coli (enzyme catalysing two reactions in the tryptophan biosynthesis)

10 Barrel 1 Barrel 2 Some other microorganisms have two separate single-barrel proteins Some microorganisms have triple barrel homologous protein, where the third barrel catalyzes still another reaction in Trp synthesis pathway

11 TIM barrels: example of enzyme evolution There is evidence that new enzymes can evolve by changing the active site of TIM barrel

12 Both enzymes are TIM barrels with 26% sequence identity

13 ordinary horseshoe  -horseshoe fold  horseshoe Present in many proteins with completely unrelated functions

14 Number of  repeats can vary considerably

15 Hydrophobic core of  horseshoe In between  strands and helices, NOT in the middle of horseshoe Many leucines in conserved positions  horseshoe proteins are called also LRR (leuine rich repeats) proteins

16 Leucine-rich motif in the horseshoe a- aliphatic amino acid X- any amino acid The motif is strong enough to be used in structure prediction

17  open twisted sheet Parallel or mixed  -sheet with  helices on both sides Number of  -strands vary from 4 to 10 Called also Rossman fold Lactate dehydrogenase

18 Topology In TIM barrels and horseshoe proteins the topology is fixed In open sheets topology can vary a lot TIM Open  sheet

19 Location of active site in  open twisted sheet

20 Sandwiches.... mmmm

21 Protein structure sandwiches Layered molecules, where each layer represents either  or  structure Represents one of “A” levels in CATH classification Most common:  double sandwich  triple sandwich  double sandwich Open  sheets can be considered.....  sandwiches

22 What’s that? TATA box binding protein (TBP) is a... sandwich That’s right,  double

23 End of story? No other  proteins? There is a good deal of other  proteins However, most of them have folds with very few representatives, so they will be not discussed here

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