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The PEMS Demonstrator: Present and Future Tai (T.O.) Chan SII, DSE Surveying & Spatial Information Victoria 2008 Summit 17 September 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "The PEMS Demonstrator: Present and Future Tai (T.O.) Chan SII, DSE Surveying & Spatial Information Victoria 2008 Summit 17 September 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 The PEMS Demonstrator: Present and Future Tai (T.O.) Chan SII, DSE Surveying & Spatial Information Victoria 2008 Summit 17 September 2008

2 2 Overview The concept of grid cell data infrastructure Supporting governments’ data needs – Monitoring, modelling/analysing and reporting/publishing Functions Outcome of current Demonstrator Future

3 3 Simple data table linking each grid cell  Unique identifier  coordinates  Attributes:  Eg., slope, population, salinity…  Natural/admin boundaries  user-driven,  have custodians and metadata Spatial Queries:  SQL strings  GIS software

4 4

5 5 SDI Data Utilisation Life Cycle Acquire Search Analyse Report Process Publish Design Integrate Data Technology Standards Governance

6 6 Cost Efficiencies Inefficient cost structure – only 7% of costs in actual productive operations – about 18% in applications – about 75% in locating, assembling data 'Financing the National Spatial Data Infrastructure' (US Federal Geographic Data Committee) 7% 18% 75%

7 7 Data Sharing Monitoring Data collection & custodianship: Current State & Trend Data/ Standards/ Technology/ Governance climate, NR, biodiversity, fire & land Management … Consistency, repeatability, transparency (audit trial), single point of truth Modelling/Analysing Data Processing: Potential change, impact & response Reporting/Policy Dev Output Reporting & Data Publishing: Strategy development, communication

8 8 Data Sharing (eg., climate change) Changes in rainfall, sea level, temperature etc. in Australia Changes in rainfall, sea level, temperature etc. in Gippsland, Victoria Impact on fire, farming systems, bio- diversity & infrastructure in Gippsland, Victoria Adaptations – what to grow/build? where? at the suburb/ paddock Data/ Standards/ Technology/ Governance scale & new data scale & new data

9 9 PEMS Technology

10 10 Current Use Cases Ecomarket (market-based Instrument) – EEU – data publishing & extraction Wildfire Asset Identification and Consequence Evaluation – OESC – data management/updating Management of land use data – DPI National crop productivity forecast – GA – reporting/presentation Integration with Spatial Datamart – SII – web services

11 11 National Nested Grid System

12 12 Order CMF Data Bundle

13 13 Wildfire – Consequence of Loss

14 14 “Biodiversity Index”

15 15 Crop Growth Analysis

16 16 Site Selection Analysis 1

17 17 Site Selection Analysis 2

18 18 National Climate Data Display

19 19 Evaluation Findings - preliminary Value – Single point for data discovery and interrogation; – Significant functionality; and – Data bundling capabilities, especially in relation to data extraction. Limitations – Performance – Network connectivity – Navigation, end-to-end services and terminology – Scalability

20 20 Enhanced PEMS Demonstrator Enhanced component – production pilot – EEU – data publishing & extraction – OESC – data management & updating – OCES – data management for SOE reporting – SII – integration with Spatial Datamart More demonstration use cases – Monash University – environment monitoring (C & H 2 O) – Melbourne University – resource allocation matched to socio-demographic (ABS) parameters – GA – national land cover data management – SV & VPAC – scalability solutions

21 21 Value Propositions All Governments: – Providing standard repositories for data publishing (the national nested grid) – Accelerating and improving the quality of evidence- based policy – Overcoming issues of information flows from the states to the commonwealth – Major advantages over existing on-line GIS atlases and meta-data directories Academic & Private Sector: – Access to authoritative data for R&D and developing value added products and services

22 22 Proposed Model/Time Cash contributions from both CRCSI and key participants key participants commit to 3 years, starting April 2009 Development largely complete by March 09 Supported by CRCSI sub-committees Governing Board approval is pending

23 23 More Info Thank you!

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