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Blogging For Teachers and Students. Today You will learn: what blogging is how to create classroom blogs.

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Presentation on theme: "Blogging For Teachers and Students. Today You will learn: what blogging is how to create classroom blogs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Blogging For Teachers and Students

2 Today You will learn: what blogging is how to create classroom blogs

3 What is a Blog Short for Web Log Online journals or writing entries Chronological collection of personal commentary and links Focuses on a particular subject Social - (food politics, entertainment, news) Educational – (book critiques, debates, questions and explanations)

4 Who’s Blogging Entertainment News Politics Educators Moms Group blogs Family blogs Community blogs Corporate blogs WarBlogs LibLogs EduBlogs

5 Show Me the Blogs hool+Bloggers hool+Bloggers

6 How can I use Blogs? Post class-related information (calendars, events, homework, etc.) Communicate with parents Gather/organize Internet resources as links Post photos/comments on class activities Publish examples of good student work Create an online book club Link your class with another class In VA Elsewhere in the world

7 How can my Students use Blogs? Reflect on reading or classroom discussions Investigate topics online and then report on research Talk about shared classroom experiences or current events Copy & Paste thought provoking quotes from other blogs Invite discussion Ask professional writers or subject matter experts to edit class blogs or provide feedback

8 Benefits of Classroom Blogging Kids LOVE blogging! Virtual chatting is motivational! Innovative way to engage reflective writing Provides ownership More of an audience than just a teacher Others can respond and provide feedback Lack of reading/writing skills = Lack of interest in reading/writing

9 Start Small Start blogging on your own first Start a class blog Simple announcements, homework, external links Ask students to read other blogs Ask students to respond to posts on your own blog Have students create and maintain group blog

10 How Create an account Name your blog Choose a template Write and Submit your first Post

11 Writing is the END POINT Read blogs first Engage students with: content authors of what they’ve read Reflect, Criticize, Question, and React Then…

12 Blogging Do’s Get parental permission Follow LCPS AUP Avoid blogs that require personal information Teach students what is appropriate Teach tone and respect for others’ ideas/opinions Have clear expectations, rules, and consequences

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