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Secure Routing and Intrusion Detection For Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Secure Routing and Intrusion Detection For Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Anand Patwardhan Jim.

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2 Secure Routing and Intrusion Detection For Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Secure Routing and Intrusion Detection For Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Anand Patwardhan Jim Parker Anupam Joshi Michaela Iorga Tom Karygiannis National Institute for Standards and Technology National Institute for Standards and Technology March 10, 2005 Kauai Island, Hawaii March 10, 2005 Kauai Island, Hawaii

3 Challenges Wireless communication Short range (802.11, Bluetooth etc.) Open medium Identification and Authentication PKI based solutions infeasible No prior trust relationships Routing Based on dynamic cooperative peer relations Key to survival of MANET Device constraints Power Conservation Finite Storage Computation power

4 AODV Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector routing protocol All up to date routes are not maintained at every node Minimizes number of broadcasts by creating routes on- demand Routes are created as and when required Route remains valid until destination is unreachable or the route is no longer needed Adaptation to dynamic link conditions Low processing and Memory Overhead Low Network Utilization

5 AODV Messaging Source Node – node originating routing request Destination Node – sends route reply Sequence Numbers – used to avoid loops/replay Route Request – route discovery message Route Reply – destination to source message Route Error – destination node unreachable Intermediate Node Path List – list of nodes traversed along message path

6 Attacks Attacks can be broadly classified into Routing disruption attacks Resource consumption attacks Attacks on data traffic Objective: Isolate and deny resources to intrusive and/or chronically faulty nodes

7 Routing disruptions Malicious nodes may: convince nodes that it is routing packets to the correct destination when it is not, fabricate route-maintenance messages, refuse to forward or simply drop packets, spoof routing addresses, and/or modify messages.

8 Secure Routing in MANETs Each node is a Router Identification and Authentication Statistically Unique and Cryptographically Verifiable (SUCV) identifiers No prior trust relationships required Large address space of IPv6 suitable for SUCVs Secure binding between IPv6 address and Public key

9 Secure Routing in MANETs Routing state Additional fields in control messages to protect data SUCV: IPv6 address and Public Key Secure binding, computationally infeasible to compute private key in order to spoof Routing messages protected against mangling and masquerading

10 Binding IP Address and RSA Public Key 2003:13:0:0:16ba:ae7f:8aea:dab3 2003:33:0:0:31ba:af0f:82ea:a0b IP: 64-bit Network Specific ID64-bit Hash of Public Key 64-bit Network Specific ID RSA Public Key RSA Public Key Signature MESSAGE: Securing the IPv6 AODV

11 Wired Networks –Traffic monitoring at routers, gateways, firewalls –Static routes –Physical security MANETs –Mobile nodes –Other radio interference –Reliance on cooperative mechanisms for routing –Intrusion detection limited to devices within radio-range Intrusion Detection

12 Identity –Use SUCVs Mobility –False positives Scalability –Large radio-ranges or dense networks Aggregation of data –Communicate intrusions data to warn others Intrusion Detection Challenges

13 Packet Forwarding A C B Datagram dgram_in has: Source IPv6 address, x  U – {B,C} Destination IPv6 address, y  U – {B,C} MAC source, mac(u), u  U – {B,C} MAC destination, mac(B) Corresponding dgram_out must have: Source IPv6 address, x Destination IPv6 address, y MAC source, mac(B) MAC destination, mac(u), u ε U – {B,C} dgram_in dgram_out

14 Stateful Packet Monitoring AODVTCP IPv6 Ethernet Frame { RREQ, RREP, RERR } { TCP Sequence no., TCP checksum } Update in-memory Hash table Build and Maintain Neighbor table (mac, ipv6) pairs And route status From the packet capture library (pcap) Packets that should be forwarded

15 Example Scenario

16 Active Response Nodes send out accusations on events that they directly observe Accusations are signed so accuser is accountable No Hearsay is propagated All nodes have same information on which to base decisions Combine cross layer evidence to evaluate trust between MANET nodes Design and develop a secure trust routing protocol Future Work

17 Additional Information UMBC NIST

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