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Take a Gamble on Web 2.0! MPAEA Conference, March 2009 Kimberly Chapman, Laura Carscaddon, Darcy Del Bosque.

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Presentation on theme: "Take a Gamble on Web 2.0! MPAEA Conference, March 2009 Kimberly Chapman, Laura Carscaddon, Darcy Del Bosque."— Presentation transcript:

1 Take a Gamble on Web 2.0! MPAEA Conference, March 2009 Kimberly Chapman, Laura Carscaddon, Darcy Del Bosque

2 Today’s Agenda Introductions What is Web 2.0 Web 2.0 Vocabulary What do You Want to Focus On? Break Wikis Focus Area Choice 1 Focus Area Choice 2 Wrap-up

3 Welcome Introductions (us) Introductions (you) Group Activity: What do you think “Web 2.0” means? 5 min.

4 What is Web 2.0? Frazzled by the Hype? Blogs Google Apps Wiki RSS Library 2.0 Web 2.0 Podcasts Social Software Facebook MySpace Fickr YouTube Long Tail Twitter

5 Relax: It’s Just a Set of Tools… 1769 logos as of Sunday, November 11, 2007 2620 logos as of Tuesday, August 12, 2008 2847 logos as of Sunday, December 07, 2008 Based around a concept…

6 What do the tools have in common? Web as a Platform Collective Intelligence Data Focused Everything in Beta (software cycle release) Lightweight Programming Software above the level of a single device Rich User Experience O’Reilly’s Web 2.0 Definition

7 Tim O’Reilly: What is Web 2.0?

8 You are Web 2.0 Still Not Sure? Shift Happens

9 Web 2.0: Beyond the Hype Things to think about: How do I decide what to do? What is your purpose? Who is this for? Know Your Audience Know Yourself What control do you have?

10 Activity: Vocabulary

11 Blog A web-based publication updated regularly. The name "blog" was shortened from "Web Log", they can be maintained by an individual or a group, updated in real time. It can be a personal journal, a news blog, a book review site, a celebrity gossip site or just about anything that the author(s) find interesting. Key features on many blogs is that updates are available through RSS feeds and the ability of users to comment on entries. Blogs & blog posts can be searched via, which currently indexes over 112 million blogs. Examples: The Pioneer Woman Cooks - ReadWriteWeb - Dooce - http://www.dooce.com PostSecret -

12 Blogs Individual or group blogs Can cover any topic(s) Update as writers/contributors choose Syndicate the blog feed – let your readers choose when & how to read

13 YouTube A website that hosts user-generated videos. Members can create playlists, tag videos and add comments. You can find videos here, and on a related site, for educational use.

14 Flickr An online community based on photo-sharing. Members can upload photos, share their photos to selected groups or the general public, add comments to other members’ photos, and tag photos. You can find Flickr photos through search engines like Google and Yahoo; Flickr is now part of Yahoo!

15 Internet memes Catchphrases, concepts or activities transmitted via the Internet – spread voluntarily through participation. These can become popular very quickly and spread rapidly. Examples include: Rickrolling “25 Things”

16 Mashup A way for people to combine information from different applications to create new, meaningful content. According to Wikipedia, “In technology, a mashup is a web application that combines data from more than one source into a single integrated tool; an example is the use of cartographic data from Google Maps to add location information to real-estate data from Craigslist, thereby creating a new and distinct web service that was not originally provided by either source.

17 MMORPG Avatar Second Life

18 Podcasts Podcasts are media files available online, with listeners/viewers receiving notification of new content through RSS feeds. The files can be audio, video or a combination of format. Podcasts grew out of blogging as some bloggers began finding ways to provide access to audio and video content for their blogs, available through feeds the same way as their written posts. Podcats - - a directory of podcasts Also findable through iTunes if the creator has listed the podcast there.

19 Tagging / Social Tagging Technique used on social networks where users describe content with terms meaningful to them. Collaborative tagging, social tagging, folksonomy

20 Tags User-generated keywords typically used to describe digital content What can a tag be? A word or phrase that describes the item Who picks the tags? Author User Group (Official tags – for ALA Annual)ALA Annual

21 Benefits of tags Collaboration tool Grow a community through common tags (nptech on Flickr)nptech Flexibility

22 Facebook Facebook is a social utility that connects you with the people around you. Launched from a Harvard dorm room Demographics: Originally college students over-25 is now fastest-growing segment 70 million active (users who have returned to the site in the last 30 days)

23 MySpace MySpace is an online community that lets you meet your friends' friends. Largest global social networking site MySpace has more than 110 million monthly active users around the globe Personal web pages Musicians!

24 Social Networking & Virtual Communities Applications that allow people with common interests to connect with each other online. Phenomena associated with social networking include having lots of friends you don't even know, viral videos, viral marketing.

25 Characteristics of Social Networks Free services Advertising Privacy User Participation Collaborative Development of Applications

26 Microblogging “A service for friends, family, and co–workers to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing?” Members can exchange messages via text messaging on cell phones or via instant messaging on the Web. Each update is 140 characters or less.

27 Instant Messaging Real-time communication between people over the Internet.

28 Communicating in the IM environment Email: How are you today, Laura? Instant Messaging: how r u 2day? Use of lower-case Abbreviations Dropped vowels Emoticons

29 Slideshare A free service that allows you to share slideshow presentations (like PowerPoint) via the web. People don’t need special software to view the information. You can also add voice recordings to your slideshow. You can tag your slideshows to help people locate them.

30 Google Docs / Productivity Tools Moves traditional software such as Word or PowerPoint into an online environment. Allows for collaboration and shared creation and editing of a single document.

31 RSS This is a format for delivering updated web content. Many news sites, blogs, and other sites syndicate their content – users just need to sign up. Updated information is delivered to you, instead of you having to visit the websites – it is a way for you to stay easily informed of news and activities of interest.

32 What sites use feeds? Blogs News Sites Flickr Any site where the owner has chosen to use a feed

33 Finding feeds

34 Wikis This social networking application gets its name from a Hawaiian term meaning "quick" or "informal." It is a Web application that allows users to collaborate in adding and editing content.. From the wikipedia:

35 Wiki Characteristics o Community built website o Usually focused on a topic or goal o Self organizing - anyone can suggest topics or categories to add to wiki o Easy to create new web page to add content o Hyperlinking shows topic association from the main page – not hierarchical o Other characteristics?

36 "A wiki is not a carefully crafted site for casual visitors. Instead, it seeks to involve the visitor in an ongoing process of creation and collaboration that constantly changes the Web site landscape." (Leuf & Cunningham 2001) (Leuf, Bo and Ward Cunningham. The Wiki Way: Quick Collaboration on the Web. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson, 2001: 16.) Taken from

37 Wiki Uses Reference Works Knowledge Base Professional Development Course Management Teaching Tool Community Pages Topics Conference Pages Subject Guides

38 Wiki Examples Biz Wiki izwiki/index.php/Main_Page izwiki/index.php/Main_Page Rhetoric & Comp wiki Horizon Report – 2009

39 What themes are emerging about the Web 2.0 world? Blogs Google Apps Wiki RSS Library 2.0 Web 2.0 Podcasts Social Software Facebook MySpace Fickr YouTube Long Tail Twitter ????

40 This afternoon: Wikis AND Choice 1, Choice 2 Think about what you want to work on besides wikis! (Choose 2) Social Tagging Facebook / MySpace Google Docs Blogs We will work on the choices with the most votes.

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