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Usability Process for eBP at Intel Eric Townsend, Intel.

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Presentation on theme: "Usability Process for eBP at Intel Eric Townsend, Intel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Usability Process for eBP at Intel Eric Townsend, Intel

2 Overview Why is usability important Usability and the design process at Intel Usability evaluations at Intel Usability criteria Regional user groups User satisfaction surveys Intel’s usability changes to eBP

3 Software Developer’s Dilemma

4 Why is Usability Important? As long as technology's performance, reliability, and cost fall below customer needs, marketplace will be dominated by early adopters. But vast majority of customers are late adopters. They hold off till technology is proven, and then they insist on convenience, good user experience, and value.

5 Why is Software Usability Important? –Reduced costs in use and increase in productivity: systems better matched to user needs improve productivity and the quality of actions and decisions. Easier to use systems reduce stress and enable workers to handle a wider variety of tasks –Reduced support costs: systems which are easier to use require less training, less user support and less subsequent maintenance –Reduced costs in returns: decrease high rates of returns on systems where NDFs. –Improved product quality: user centered design results in increased usage and products that are more competitive in a market which demands easier to use systems (what we build) –Reduced production costs: overall development times and costs can be reduced by avoiding unnecessary features, reducing design churn, and eliminating changes late in design –Intangible Benefits: Improved morale and user satisfaction

6 Usability at Intel User centered design team for all of Intel 2 human factors engineers (HFE) on eBP team Conduct formal usability studies twice a year Important initiative to Intel HFEs are involved with the entire product development process

7 Usability at Intel- Design Process Step 1- Prioritization of Release Functionality –New functionality & usability related functionality Step 2- Provide Functionality Requirements –Provide requirements for specific release functionality Step 3- Review Prototype –Identify additional or not needed features Step 4- Informal Human Factors Testing –Unit testing of initial code Step 5- Review and Buyoff On Final Functionality

8 Usability Evaluations at Intel Formal Testing –Controlled setting (Lab: One way mirror, cameras, etc…) –End user executes scripted tasks Creating a shopping cart, approving a shopping cart, running a report, etc… –Activities are recorded Task time, # of errors, comments, etc… Field Testing –Office environment –Job shadowing, task analysis, and early prototype evaluation –Activities are monitored Feedback is written down and recorded Note: Results from all usability studies are presented out to project team

9 Intel’s Usability Criteria Objective:Objective: Use objective and subjective measures and user centered design principles in order to proactively develop a usable eBusiness application that Intel employees will benefit from.

10 Intel’s Usability Criteria CriteriaPastCurrentFuture Task Completion0% Of Users All Completed 23.5% Of Users Completed All Tasks 69% of Users Can Complete All Tasks Task TimeNA17.6% Of Users Completed All Tasks In Allotted Time 69% of users can complete all tasks in the allotted time Number of Assists0% of users asked for no more than 1 request for help 5.8% of users asked for no more than 1 request for help 69% of users asked for no more than 1 request for help. Perceived Ease Of Use (Scale: 1 to 7) NA (Mean Score: 4.04) 17.6% of users scored 6 or better (Mean Score: 4.22) 69% of users score a mean of 6 or better Perceived Usefulness (Scale: 1 to 7) NA23.5% of users scored 6 or better (Mean Score: 5.51) 69% of users score a mean of 6 or better Perceived Satisfaction (Scale: 1 to 7) NA (Mean Score: 3.94) 23.5% of users scored 6 or better (Mean Score: 4.67) 69% of users score a mean of 6 or better

11 Regional User Groups Provide a forum for ePurchasing SAP users across the world to discuss issues/questions related to the ePurchasing SAP solution –Review New Functionality/Designs –Document Future Enhancement Requests –Prioritize Enhancement Requests –Discuss Current Issues (System & Business process) ~ 150 users participate Users represent –APAC region –EMEA region –Americas region Keeps us in touch with our customers

12 User Satisfaction Surveys Strategy Methodology Results

13 Overall Strategy User satisfaction survey conducted twice a year Results determine what needs to be addressed –System issues –Business process issues Goal - 70% OVERALL Satisfaction rating (very satisfied + somewhat satisfied) If 70% was not reached action plans will be put in place Gain comments from end users

14 Baseline Survey Methodology Users sent survey invitation via e-mail Survey taken via eBG survey website

15 Survey Question Summary Demographics of respondents How Long They Have Used ePurchasing SAP* How Often They Used ePurchasing SAP* Role of User (Requestor, Manager, Finance Analyst) Summary results Ease of Use Ease of Finding Information Web Response Time Data Accuracy Training User Support Increase Business Efficiency Communication Overall Satisfaction

16 Q4 2001 vs. Q4 2002 User Satisfaction Results ** High neutral percentages for Q4 2002 user satisfaction survey

17 Overall Importance –Ease of Use- 177 Respondents –Increase Business Efficiency- 110 Respondents –Ease of Finding Information- 71 Respondents –Web/System Response Time- 40 Respondents –Data Accuracy- 39 Respondents –User Support- 23 Respondents –Training- 5 Respondents Note: Ease of use was the most important development area for our users.

18 Intel’s Usability Changes to eBP Single screen shopping cart Improved search screens Off-line approval e-mail enhancement On-line help system

19 Single Screen Shopping Cart

20 Search Screen: Preferred Supplier June 2002, EBP 3.0Nov 2002, EBP 3.0

21 Off-line Approvals Enhancement Note: The version you will see has Intel custom code in it.

22 On-line Help System

23 Questions

24 Thank you for attending! Please remember to complete and return your evaluation form following this session. Session Code: [Insert Session Code] * SAP & other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others

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