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Ecology & Evolution DiversityReprod uction & Develo pment NutritionGas Exchange TransportCirculationOsmoreg ulation & Excretion 100 200 300 400 500.

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Presentation on theme: "Ecology & Evolution DiversityReprod uction & Develo pment NutritionGas Exchange TransportCirculationOsmoreg ulation & Excretion 100 200 300 400 500."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ecology & Evolution DiversityReprod uction & Develo pment NutritionGas Exchange TransportCirculationOsmoreg ulation & Excretion 100 200 300 400 500

2 Eco & Evol 100 The key event in the formation of a new speciation –Evolution of reproductive barriers

3 Eco & Evol 200 A speciation event where geographic separation is the initial block to gene flow –Allopatric speciation

4 Eco & Evol 300 A definition of a species based on the ability of individuals to successfully mate and reproduce –Biological species concept

5 Eco & Evol 400 A possible result of competition where one species goes locally extinct –Competitive exclusion

6 Eco & Evol 500 A population growth pattern that occurs when a population grows rapidly at first but then reaches a carrying capacity –Logistic Growth

7 Diversity 100 The Kingdom that used to include all unicellular eukaryotes but now includes some multicellular ones –Kingdom Protista

8 Diversity 200 The thins threads that make up the vegetative body of a fungus –hyphae

9 Diversity 300 The diploid phase of a plants life cycle –Sporophyte (and the zygote)

10 Diversity 400 The name given to animals that have a true body cavity, located within mesoderm tissue –coelomates

11 Diversity 500 Along with a notochord, pharyngeal slits and a post-anal tail, it is one of the 4 common characteristics of the Phylum Chordata –Dorsal hollow nerve cord

12 Reproduction & Development 100 Another name for asexual reproduction in plants –Vegetative reproduction

13 Reproduction & Development 200 When the sperm and the egg unite outside of the female’s body –External fertilization

14 Reproduction & Development 300 A series of rapid cell divisions that occurs after fertilization in animals –cleavage

15 Reproduction & Development 400 The stage in vertebrate development where the three germ layers form in the embryo –gastrulation

16 Reproduction & Development 500 The stage in vertebrate development where the structure that becomes the spinal cord forms –neurulation

17 Nutrition 100 A sac—like gut with only one opening –Gastrovascular cavity

18 Nutrition 200 The organ where most chemical digestion takes place in the digestive system of vertebrates –Small intestine

19 Nutrition 300 A flow-through gut with a mouth and an anus –Alimentary canal

20 Nutrition 400 An adaptation common to all structures that are used for absorption of nutrients in various organisms –Increased surface area

21 Nutrition 500 The three most important nutrients that plants must get from soil and the common components of fertilizers –Nitrogen, phosphorous & potassium

22 Gas Exchange 100 The respiratory system commonly found in aquatic organisms –gills

23 Gas Exchange 200 The respiratory medium that makes ventilation harder –water

24 Gas Exchange 300 The respiratory system of insects –Tracheal tubes

25 Gas Exchange 400 The method that mammals use to ventilate their lungs –Negative pressure breathing

26 Gas Exchange 500 The process that increases the efficiency of gas exchange in the gills of fish –Countercurrent exchange

27 Transport 100 The name of the system of tubes that transport water and dissolved nutrients throughout a plant –xylem

28 Transport 200 The name of the system of tubes that carry sap from sugar source to sugar sink –phloem

29 Transport 300 The main mechanism that causes water to move up from the roots to the tips of a plant –Transpiration/cohesion

30 Transport 400 The movement of fluid due to pressure differences, as occurs in the phloem of a plant –Mass flow or bulk flow

31 Transport 500 The waxy coating of the endodermis that forces water and dissolved materials to pass through a cell before entering the vascular cylinder of a plant –Casparian strip

32 Circulation 100 A circulatory system where the fluid is always enclosed with blood vessels –Closed circulatory system

33 Circulation 200 The number of chambers in the heart of an amphibian –three

34 Circulation 300 The number of capillary beds a red blood cell would pass through in a mammal from when it leaves the heart to when it returns to the heart –one

35 Circulation 400 The chamber in the heart of mammals that pumps blood through the systemic circuit –Left ventricle

36 Circulation 500 Known as the pacemaker of the heart, this is the node that initiates the signal that causes the heart to beat –Sinoatrial node

37 Osmoregulation & Excretion 100 The vertebrate organs where urine is produced –kidneys

38 Osmoregulation & Excretion 200 The nitrogenous waste that is the most efficient to excrete and is excreted by marine invertebrates –ammonia

39 Osmoregulation & Excretion 300 The portion of the nephron that is responsible for water reabsorption –Loop of Henle

40 Osmoregulation & Excretion 400 The hormone that is produced when the blood concentration or osmolality increases and your body needs to conserve water –ADH Anti-Diuretic Hormone

41 Osmoregulation & Excretion 500 The excretory organs of insects –Malpighian Tubules

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