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3 rd Workshop of the RTN on The Third Generation as a Probe for New Physics: Experimental & Technological Approach Barcelona, CNM-CSIC, December 18 th.

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Presentation on theme: "3 rd Workshop of the RTN on The Third Generation as a Probe for New Physics: Experimental & Technological Approach Barcelona, CNM-CSIC, December 18 th."— Presentation transcript:

1 3 rd Workshop of the RTN on The Third Generation as a Probe for New Physics: Experimental & Technological Approach Barcelona, CNM-CSIC, December 18 th to 20 th, 2003 Local Organizing Committee: Matteo Cavalli-Sforza (IFAE, Barcelona) Juan Fuster (IFIC, Valencia) Manuel Lozano (CNM-CSIC, Barcelona)

2 Probe for New Physics: Experiment &Technology High Pt Session Thursday, December 18th 9h30 – 10hWelcomeLocal Organizers 10h – 10h30Top@CDF: where do we stand? where do we go?? Giorgio Bellettini 10h50 -11h10Top into dileptonsStanislav Tokar 11h10 – 11h30Top into jetsAmbra Gresele 11h30 – 12hSingle top searchesThomas Muller Session #1, chaired by: Giovanni Busetto 10h230– 10h50: Coffee break Session #2, chaired by: Jean Eudes Augustin 12h -13hReview of PhD theses in the RTN (see also the poster session) 5 min presentation by the PhD students A detailed agenda for this last session is given at the end of this program

3 High Pt session cont’d: Thursday December 18 th 2003 14h30 -15hW+ N jets measurementsAndrea Messina & Antonio Sidoti 15h – 15h20Tagging b’s, jets and τ’sTommaso Dorigo 15h20 – 15h40Jet calibration issuesMario Martinez 15h40 -15h55 15h55 – 16h30 Z into b bbar Theory vs High Pt Giorgio Cortiana Matteo Cacciari Session #3, chaired by: Franco Bedeschi 16h30 – 16h50: Coffee break Technology session Session #4, chaired by: Lucia Zanello 16h50 – 17h20Digital X-ray imaging with Dear-MamaMoktar Chmeissani 17h20 – 17h50High Tech activities @CNMManuel Lozano 17h50 -18h30 18h30 -19h 3 rd generation vs Technology: i) Extending B-Physics capabilities at CDFII ii) SiLC New Develpts on GRID@LHC in Spain Ivan Fedorko et al. Zdenek Dolezal Manuel Delfino

4 Presentation of the newly hired young researchers, and Poster session on ongoing analyses & technological activities in the network Friday, December 19 th, 2003 9h15 – 10h45The RTN young researchers: What they did and their plans for the future (10 min each) E. Ben-Haim, J. Dionini, R. Lefevre, V. Mitsou, S. Sarkar, E. Vataga 10h45 – 11h15The YRP panel: goals and issuesEli Ben-Haim&JonatanPiedra Session #5, chaired by: Alberto Ruiz 11h15 – 11h35: coffee break Session #6, chaired by: Donatella Lucchesi 11h35 – 13h15Presentation of the posters: A poster exhibit will be installed during the workshop and files kept in the RTN archives Representative/activity will give a brief review of the poster (5 min or so) At the Rome Workshop, the poster exhibit was aiming to show all the ongoing activities in each node, related to the RTN objectives. The purpose of this poster exhibit is NOT to show what each node is actually doing but the interconnections between the nodes and their collaborative activities in an european spirit. Thus to both demonstrate the development of our activities and the beneficial collaborations that we have installed/reinforced since the beginning of the RTN. Probe for New Physics: Experiment & Technology

5 B-Physics Session Friday, December 19 th, 2003 14h30 – 15h10GRID Applications in Physics and other fields Proto-GRID at Tevatron Jesus Marco Stefano Belforte 15h10 – 15h50B-Physics Challenges @CDFII: B lifetimes and mixing Alessandro Cerri 15h50 – 16h30B-Physics Challenges@ CDFII: CPV and rare B decays Ivan Vila Session #7, chaired by: Giovanni Punzi 16h30 -16h50: Coffee break Session #8, chaired by: Teresa Rodrigo 16h50 – 17h20News from CharmlandMarco Rescigno 17h20 – 17h50 Extracting the gamma angle at CDF & beyond using flavour symmetries Joaquim Matias 17h50 – 18h30The Flavour Problems in B systemsYossi Nir 18h30 - 19hExtending the SVT: physics and technological goals Pierluigi Catastini

6 Probe for New Physics: Experiment & Technology Higgs and beyond session (or an extension of the High Pt session) Saturday, December 20 th, 2003 9h30 -10h10The Higgs: to be or not to beAlex Pomarol 10h10 -10h40LEP legacy on non standard Higgses searches & outcomes for near future Javier Cuevas 10h40 – 11h20Why the ILC?Philip Bambade Session #9, chaired by: Risto Orava 11h20– 11h40: Coffee Break Session #10, chaired by: tba 11h40 – 12h20New CDF II results on SUSYStefan Lammel 12h20 – 13h05Beyond the beyondMariano Quiros Nota bene: this last day is in some sense also an extension of the High Pt session with its outcomes at the borderline with beyond standard physics. The third generation probes are there to explore the limits of the SM, and the validity or not, of the proposed extensions and/or alternatives. Besides, during this workshop, we will address the crucial issue of establishing/improving our connexions with the theoreticians

7 Higgs and Co, cont’d 14h30 – 15h30Ongoing beyond SM analyses @ LHC in our network Martine Bosman & Simone Gennai 15h30 – 17hRTN links and collaborative effort with our theoretician colleagues: Each participant to the round table will present suggestions on the interesting ways to extend the studies ongoing in our network and/or new fields that should be explored Round table: (All theoreticians) Session #11, chaired by: tba

8 Review of PHD theses in the RTN (still preliminary) Stephane Tourneur (LPNHE-Paris): Top in tau’s @ CDF (see also a poster) Eli Ben Haim (LAL-Orsay&LPNHE-Paris) Study of the b-fragmentation from LEP (DELPHI) to Tevatron (CDF) (see also poster) Jonatan Piedra (MIT & IFCA-Santander): Bs mixing at CDF II Pablo Tortosa (IFIC-Valencia & LAL-Orsay) Mass effects in multijets at DELPHI (EP) Jose Enrique Garcia (IFIC-Valencia) SCT test beam results and little Higgs simulation at LHC Carmen Iglesias (IFIC-Valencia) Energy Flow in ATLAS PhD’s in Padova: High Pt and B Physics in CDFII PhD’s in Geneve University: Andras Zsenei: Rare B-decays into mu+mu-K* Yanwen Liu: Diphoton cross-section Monica D’Onofrio: Inclusive b cross-section Mauro Donega: Delta_gamma of B_s\bar{B_s} Sofia Vallecorsa: b pair production These topics will be presented in the relevant review talks

9 List of posters and abstracts (still preliminary) Elena Vataga (Athens): Tau triggers at CDF, Collaboration Athens, Paris and Pisa We have implemented triggers for hadronically decaying tau leptons within a framework of the CDF II trigger system. We describe the triggers, along with their physics motivations, and report their initial performances. Finally, we present the first RunII results obtained using some of the described tau triggers. Alberto Ruiz (IFCA-Santander): Collaborations in Physics Analyses, Higgs and the Third Family (DELPHI and with MIT at CDF) New results concerning the Higgs searches in minimal supersymmetric models at LEP are shown. Also it is shown the starting analysis on the third family of quarks, made with CDF data of Run II: top studies, using jet + lepton channels, and B mixing using SST flavor tags. IFIC-Valencia: GRID activities in Valencia IFIC-Valencia: SCT activities in Valencia in ATLAS experiment Padova: High Pt activities in Padova University

10 List of posters and abstracts (cont’d) Belen Salvachua for the IFIC Tilecal Group, TileCal beam test read-out with RoD Demo, (ATLAS Collaboration) The ATLAS Tile Calorimeter (TileCal) Read out Driver (RoD) modules are 9U-VME cards which are in charge of reading and computing data from the Tile Cal FE electronics boards (FEB). The RoD motherboard has four mezzanine. Processing Units (PU) cards, with a digital processor (DSP) implemented with energy and time reconstruction algorithms. The board also contains several FPGA ASICs for input/output data management and VME protocol controlling. The cards are inserted in standard 9U VME crates. They receive data trhough optical fibers from FEB and send them to a Transition Module installed at the back of the VME crate. The whole system has been tested in a beam test at CERN and offline data have been analyzed in order to check the implementation of the algorithms in the DSP with satisfactory results.

11 List of posters and abstracts (cont’d) Ilya Korolkov, IFAE work towards the ATLAS combined test beam (ATLAS Collaboration) The IFAE group carries out a broad spectrum of research activities oriented towards the combined test beam (CTB) of the ATLAS detector, that will include all ATLAS sub systems. Performance of the energy reconstruction algorithms will be validated on the data and MC both obtained with realistic setup in the “gap” region of the hadronic calorimeter of ATLAS. The online system that monitors the EF dataflow and processing tasks will be tested during the CTB data taking period. The first results of the system, IFAE developed to monitor minimum bias currents in TileCal, will be performed. Oriol Salto, TileCal activities in Barcelona (ATLAS Collaboration) Based on the muon beam data accumulated over 3 years of the calibration program of TileCal, IFAE group has demonstrated that the inter-calibration of the TileCal cells at the LHC start-up moment will be 3% or better, resulting in a contribution of less than 1% constant term in the energy resolution for jets. This calibration technique will become very important when all the cylinders of TileCal will be exposed to the muons originating from the LHC beam halo, during the LHC turn-up period. An improved calibration procedure is being developed to reduce the initial TileCal intercalibration below 3% level.

12 List of posters and abstracts (cont’d) Simone Donati (Pisa): Branching fractions and direct CP-violations in the B  hh decays at CDF II Preliminary results of the relative BR’s of the B 0  pi+ pi-, B 0  K+pi-, B S  K-pi+ and B S  K+K- decay measured in 65 pb-1 of CDF II data are presented. The relative rates of K+ pi- and K- pi+ are measured to search for direct CP-violation in this sample. Diego Tonelli (Pisa): Particle ID for B and Charm Physics at CDF II, collaboration Pisa and Rome Particle ID capabilities are crucial to improve the CDFII sensitivity in several B and Charm Physics analyses. Some results from the preliminary studies of the PID performances using specific ionization in the COT and time-of-flight are presented.

13 List of posters and abstracts (cont’d) A. Savoy-Navarro (LPNHE-Paris): SiLC, Silicon Tracking for the Linear Collider, collaboration CNM-Barcelona, Helsinki, Karlsruhe, Geneva, Paris, Pisa, Prague, Rome et al. This poster describes the main R&D activities that are undergoing /developing in an international collaboration gathering many of the RTN nodes plus other European Labs as well as US and Asian Institutes. Their aim is to develop the needed technology on sensors, electronics and mechanics to be able to build the next generation of large Si tracking detectors. Eli Ben Haim (LAL-Orsay & LPNHE-Paris): The b-fragmentation from the LEP (DELPHI) to the Tevatron (CDF), collaboration Karlsruhe, LAL-Orsay and LPNHE-Paris. The perturbative and non-perturbative parts of the b-fragmentation have been extracted from the LEP I data, in the DELPHI experiment. The transfer of this b-fragmentation in the CDF data is now in progress Stephane Tourneur (LPNHE-Paris): The top decays into tau’s at CDFII The study of the process: pp  t tbar with a dilepton signature including an electron and a tau-lepton and a tau + jets signature is undergoing. The main directions of these studies are actually presented.

14 List of posters and abstracts (cont’d) Mario Martinez, Data Quality Management (DQM) for the CDF experiment IFAE-CDF group has taken the major responsabilities in data quality control of the physics data collected by the experiment. This implies the design and constrcution of “online” and “offline” DQM expert systems. They aill allow IFAE to perform a real-time “online” control chck of the data being collected, as well as to validate the “offline” reconstruction of the high-level objects used in physics analyses. Based on DQM decisions on data quality, official lists of “good runs” are provided. Igor Fedorko (Pisa): Extending B-Physics capabilities at CDFII collaboration presently between Pisa, Dubna, Bratislava, Athens Improving the Particle ID in CDF II based, for instance, on using a DIRC is under study.

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