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IIT-Fredericton NRC  CNRC Put Experiments Online Dr. Yuhong Yan NRC-IIT-Fredericton Canarie Platform Workshop, 27 June, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "IIT-Fredericton NRC  CNRC Put Experiments Online Dr. Yuhong Yan NRC-IIT-Fredericton Canarie Platform Workshop, 27 June, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 IIT-Fredericton NRC  CNRC Put Experiments Online Dr. Yuhong Yan NRC-IIT-Fredericton Canarie Platform Workshop, 27 June, 2007

2 IIT-Fredericton NRC  CNRC 2 Introduction Why and how to do experiment online –eLearning and eScience –The state of the art and our past work VO: Cyberlab The challenges

3 IIT-Fredericton NRC  CNRC 3 Why to Do Experiment Online E-learning –Experiment is one method for learning –Students can do experiment any time and from any where –Use just a standard Web browser, no client side installation –Online experiment is not matured as online courses E-Science –Share instruments and devices –Share data and computation resources –Collaborative working environment –Access to remote sensors

4 IIT-Fredericton NRC  CNRC 4 Major Challenges Generic and reusable solutions for the service providers –Propriety software and devices are difficult to integrate and share over networks Easy access client side GUI and collaborative environment for the end users –Use just a standard Web browser –Use high end visualization and video conference software Platforms or portals for managing the network –Resource registration and mediation –Scheduling and booking –Accounting

5 IIT-Fredericton NRC  CNRC 5 Way Out Online Lab System Web Server 1 2 3 SOAP Messages Registry and Broker Server 1 SOAP Messages service1 service2 service3 SOA and Web Service Enabled Online Lab Environment

6 IIT-Fredericton NRC  CNRC 6 The State of the Art Virtual Labs vs. Remote Labs –Virtual lab: simulated environment –Remote lab: a real lab at the remote site Existing online experiments –Electronics –Mechanics –Physics –Robotics –Biology, chemistry, … Internet access techniques

7 IIT-Fredericton NRC  CNRC 7 Virtual Electronic Lab Simulation tools –Matlab (with Web interface) –ORCAD (use Citrix MetaFrame) –Other simulator possible

8 IIT-Fredericton NRC  CNRC 8 Matlab Simulation (1)

9 IIT-Fredericton NRC  CNRC 9 Matlab Simulation (2)

10 IIT-Fredericton NRC  CNRC 10 Use ORCAD (1)

11 IIT-Fredericton NRC  CNRC 11 Use ORCAD (2)

12 IIT-Fredericton NRC  CNRC 12 Remote Electronic Lab

13 IIT-Fredericton NRC  CNRC 13 Access Remote Lab

14 IIT-Fredericton NRC  CNRC 14 Example of Remote Lab

15 IIT-Fredericton NRC  CNRC 15 Example of Virtual and Remote Lab

16 IIT-Fredericton NRC  CNRC 16 Our Work in SOA Enabled Remote Lab for eLearning Online Lab System Web Server 1 2 3 SOAP Messages Registry and Broker Server 1 SOAP Messages service1 service2 service3 (With Prof. Hamadou Saliah in UQAM from 2004)

17 IIT-Fredericton NRC  CNRC 17 Control Remote Instruments via Web Services Wrap IVI and VISA Instrument as Web Services –WSDL file for operations and interface Serialize instrument panel Web 2.0 techniques for data exchange between client and Web server Web 2.0 techniques and real time signal display Stateful instrument Web services Benchmark of latency

18 IIT-Fredericton NRC  CNRC 18 The Relations of the Instrument I/O Standards Instr. A Instr. B Instr. C VISA / VISA COM IVI COM NI 488.2 NI VXI Others….

19 IIT-Fredericton NRC  CNRC 19 Operating the instrument IAgilent33220Ptr Fgen; …... Fgen->Output->Frequency = 2500.0; …... Sample code of IVI COM … Fgen->WriteString("FREQuency 2500") … Sample code of VISA COM

20 IIT-Fredericton NRC  CNRC 20 WSDL Interface to Operate Instrument -- Using VISA …… …… …… ……

21 IIT-Fredericton NRC  CNRC 21 Digital Multimeter Graphic Interfaces API Java validates uses generates XSD file (DMM_GUI.xsd)XML file (DMM_AGILENT_34401A_GUI.xml) JAXB Java architecture for XML Binding From IVI specifications (Interchangeable Virtual Instrument) Java Servlet GUIBuilder JPanel  JButton  JCheckBox  JTextPane  JComboBox  …

22 IIT-Fredericton NRC  CNRC 22 Web 2.0 Techniques for Data Exchange and Real Time Signal Display Lutz Tautenhahn JS Diagram Builder library + JS DOM Script AJAX engine Servlet JSON XML Web Interface Instrument Web Service

23 IIT-Fredericton NRC  CNRC 23 Conclusions from Our Research Conditions are ready –Instruments –Communities in eLearning and eSciences The challenges –Generic and reusable solutions for the service providers –Easy access and good client side GUI for the end users –Platforms or portals for managing the network –New experiment methods

24 IIT-Fredericton NRC  CNRC 24 My Other Research Work on Web Services Self Manageable Web Service Processes –NSERC Discovery project Web service process monitoring and diagnosis –ICWS07, ECOWS05 Web service process composition –ICWS06 Formal models for Web service processes –AI Communication

25 IIT-Fredericton NRC  CNRC 25 VO - CyberLab A network for connecting online labs for providing services to end-users –Research and education labs (I know more about eLearning Labs) –Students and researchers –Via standard Web browser or high-end collaboration environment Individual online engineering labs –Canada: UQAM, UNB, etc. –Europe: EPFL, L3S in University of Hannover, Technical University of Madrid, etc. –USA: iLab at MIT –South America: Brazilian partners –Asia: China? Existing networks –CompEduHPC (US, Europe and India) –Prolearn network (Europe) –EduSource, Lornet (Canada)

26 IIT-Fredericton NRC  CNRC 26 Organization of Cyberlab Policy: –Canadian institute will create the SOA framework and a portal server –Service portal will be used to manage the job data –Ontology and WSDL standard interface for instruments and experiments Middleware –WS for integrate hardware and sensors –GT for computational resources CANARIE funding –Portal/platform development –Ontology and unified interface for instruments and experiments –Generic and reusable solutions for the service providers to put their labs online –Lightweight Web 2.0 technique for data exchange and data/signal visualization; –New devices and experiment methods for online experiments; –Online lab collaborative working environment

27 IIT-Fredericton NRC  CNRC 27 The CyberLab Portal Catelog/registration of online labs Unified lab presentation, promotion –Ontology eCommerce services: booking, invoicing, reporting Support services for service provider –Generic tools to put labs online –Generic approach to wrap instruments and sensors Integrate services via workflow and BPEL

28 IIT-Fredericton NRC  CNRC 28 The Cyberlab Development Kit A downloadable software package to put labs online in half an hour –Input the instrument type/IP and ready to run –A console to monitor the instrument status and jobs –A set of Web interface for instruments –Other necessary support tools –An easy configurable framework for various experiments New devices and experiment methods for online experiments

29 IIT-Fredericton NRC  CNRC 29 The Collaborative Environment Remote visualization Video conference sessions Collaborative software –Collaborative logs –Discussion forums –Wikis

30 IIT-Fredericton NRC  CNRC 30 Summary Put eLearning and eScience labs online Challenges –Generic and reusable solutions for the service providers –Easy access client side GUI and collaborative environment for the end users –Platforms or portals for managing the network Canarie Platform program –Bring the communities together –Bring the research results together –Build a service platform for online labs

31 IIT-Fredericton NRC  CNRC 31

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