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GZ Planner Guide Issue 03 Green Zone Access User Manual for Planners *** ISSUE 03 DOCUMENT *** FOR OCTOBER 2005 CHANGES. If you identify errors in this manual or if you know of features/helpful operations which are not yet included, please email so they can be corrected/added at the next User Manual up- date. Click to View Summary of changes included in this re-issueSummary of changes included in this re-issue The Management of Non-Disruptive T12 & T2’s
GZ Planner Guide Issue 03 Log-on to the GZAC website, at either, Network Rail Domain Users (Intranet) http://gzam Non Network Rail Domain Users (Internet)
GZ Planner Guide Issue 03 Schedule for submitting and approving applications for publication in the Daily List Work starting in the periodApplication DeadlineGZAC issues Daily List by Monday 22:00 to Tuesday 21:59 Wednesday 22:00 to Thursday 21:59 Tuesday 22:00 to Wednesday 21:59 Thursday 22:00 to Friday 21:59 Saturday 22:00 to Sunday 21:59 Friday 22:00 to Saturday 21:59 Sunday 22:00 to Monday 21:59 by 12:00 on Monday by 12:00 on Wednesday by 12:00 on Tuesday by 12:00 on Friday by 12:00 on Thursday by 12:00 on Friday End of shift - Monday End of shift - Wednesday End of shift - Tuesday End of shift - Friday End of shift - Thursday End of shift – Friday** Change Item 1. Go Back to Changes Summary
GZ Planner Guide Issue 03 Which GZAC deals with Applications for each Controlling Signal Box. The information is contained in the GZAC to Signal Boxes link at the Log-on page and is kept current by the Super GZAC’s. It is also contained in the planning screens through the drop down options once the GZAC the application will be sent to is selected. (see next pages) Next
GZ Planner Guide Issue 03 The file works as follows; With the default opening setting of All All a full alphabetical list is shown for each GZAC (alphabetic order) and the Signal Boxes (alphabetic order) they process applications for – along with the contact details. Change Item 2. Next From this link below – this screen will open
GZ Planner Guide Issue 03 If a specific GZAC location is selected using the drop down arrow, in this example East Scotland, only the Signal Boxes for that GZAC are shown. Change Item 2. Next
GZ Planner Guide Issue 03 To identify which GZAC deals with a specific Signal Box you click on the drop down arrow then scroll through and select the Signal Box you require and the system will show the information required. In this example Preston PSB was selected and the GZAC shows as Preston Drop down list appears when clicking here to show this Change Item 2. Go Back to Changes Summary Next
GZ Planner Guide Issue 03 Contact Numbers for assistance if unable to access site. Insert your E-Mail address and password (at least 6 characters long with at least one number) if you already have an account (system is case- sensitive) OR Click here if you are a new user (see the last 2 pages of this guide) Reference Information to identify Green Zone availability before making an application, User Manual for the site and details of which GZAC deals with applications for each Signal Box.
GZ Planner Guide Issue 03 Hint.. Passwords expire every 30 days. If you do not change your password during the countdown warnings you are forced to change it on the day it expires. If you do not use the system on the day it expires you will require to be re-set by one of the Super GZACs
GZ Planner Guide Issue 03 Submitting an Application Applications must be made into the system at the latest “by mid-day the day before” the planned date of the work. (The actual cut-off time is 11.59 hours, 10 hours before the start of the Daily List issued to Signallers for the twenty-four hours commencing 22.00 hours the same day) Applications should contain as much detail as is relevant to the work being carried out. This will avoid confusion and ensure a timely response to the request. Many applications are rejected through lack of information or incorrect/incomplete details in the request. Reference should be made to the Sectional Appendix and Signal Diagrams to ensure the accuracy of the input details (names of lines, protecting signal numbers, point numbers etc), Hazard Directory to identify Red Zone Working Prohibited locations, restricted sighting etc and to the Green Zone Guide to determine the availability of green zones BEFORE making an application. Reference should also be made to the Weekly Operating Notices (WON) to ensure that the application does NOT conflict with any existing planned items. Examples of how to complete applications and an example are given in the following pages.
GZ Planner Guide Issue 03 If you require to work in more than one area of the website at the same time then pressing Ctrl + N will open up another window. This is best utilised after Log On and means that you do not have to Log On again. T12’s Can only be taken from a Controlled Signal. Many applications are Rejected through this error. T2’s Cannot be taken from GPLS, IBH Signals or Auto signals without keying facilities. T2H applications cannot be granted from Barred Signals. If unsure from the Signal Diagrams what type of Signal is shown check with either a competent Signal Technician, Signalling Manager/Engineer, GZAC or the controlling Signal Box. The “Flexibility” options now mean that if for legitimate reasons it has not been possible to take up an booked T12/T2 in the date of plan – the Planner/Manager can in agreement with the GZAC have the original item re-dated into the following day. Communication by phone or face to face is required from the Planner/Manager to the GZAC to get an application re-dated. If agreed the system generates an new accepted application email containing details. Useful Hint Planner’s Guidelines
GZ Planner Guide Issue 03 After successfully logging onto the Green Zone Access Website you will be presented with this screen where messages are posted on a regular basis. Please take time to review the messages as they may be relevant to you. Click continue to proceed to the On Line Booking Form.
GZ Planner Guide Issue 03 FIRST, check that the correct GZAC location is set for the application you are making this sets the Signal Boxes dealt with. Your details and employer are automatically entered here. Enter the date and times for the application (duration is self calculating) State the location of the work -use Sectional Appendix locations (also state ELR for clarity, if known) Having set the GZAC location for the application you are making this then links to the drop down boxes containing the Signal Boxes dealt with
GZ Planner Guide Issue 03 State which line(s) are to be blocked – use the Sectional Appendix description. Enter the location limits at each end. Enter the Controlling Signal Box for the Signals used to protect the work from the drop down list. Either, click on the arrow and select or type the first letter of the name then use the drop down arrow. If the box is not listed check the GZAC to Signal Box file at the log- on page. If the box is missing contact the GZAC to have a correction made. Enter the limits of the Block. You must specify a Signaller CONTROLLED signal or a signal which can be KEYED to danger with Signallers authority when stating signals. Specific Action Unsure that it is TOTALLY clear and unambiguous which line is to be Blocked. This is particularly IMPORTANT at locations where there two lines which can be similarly described as Up Fast etc. E.g.. the Up Fast (Trent Valley) runs parallel to Up Fast (Birmingham)
GZ Planner Guide Issue 03 Select the method of protection to be used. If using a T2-D, details should be entered here (this is not a mandatory field) Answer this question. Blockages which will be given up to pass trains are more likely to be accepted. (Green Zone Planner site requests are for NON-DISRUPTIVE T12/T2 access
GZ Planner Guide Issue 03 Answer this question. The detail is available in the Hazard Directory. If the area is Red Zone Working Prohibited the work MUST be done in a green zone. (Unless a position of safety is being created within it by blocking a line for staff to move into for sites where the cause of the RZP is no position of safety or there are more than 3 lines to cross) This is the latest date the work must be completed by. Set the work priority Give a reasonable description of the work to be done
GZ Planner Guide Issue 03 You may wish to print your application for your records before submitting the request. If the application is linked to another application state the number of it here. Please, ensure you state the correct number. Eg. You may be planning for work to be done on site under a T2 BUT to reach the site from the access point requires a T12 to get there and another T12 to get back to the access after the work is complete.
GZ Planner Guide Issue 03 When ALL details have been entered Click here to submit application. The system checks that details have been entered into all mandatory fields. You will see a message and be taken back to complete any missing details. Note, the system does NOT check that the details entered are correct – that is the person inputting responsibility. When the completed application is submitted to the Green Zone Access Manager they consider it taking into account the information given and possible conflict with other planned works. If two different applications are made for the same area then communication will be encouraged to see if both parties can work together. If this is not possible then priority will be given to the most urgent application and alternatives offered to the unsuccessful application.
GZ Planner Guide Issue 03 Illustration Example
GZ Planner Guide Issue 03 Explanation of Example application The example block was taken from L835 pts and not L239 signal as this affected the Down Slow at the same time and was unnecessary as the area of work fell well within the planned block.
GZ Planner Guide Issue 03 A note of the reference number will enable planners to check on the status of the applications submitted
GZ Planner Guide Issue 03 This is currently showing as unprocessed
GZ Planner Guide Issue 03 This shows that the application has now been processed but has been rejected. This will be backed up with an E-Mail stating the reason why (as shown on the next slide).
GZ Planner Guide Issue 03 E-Mail Notification of Application Status Your Green Zone work request planned for the 09/08/2004 at St Johns - Lewisham has been rejected (application number 306093). The reason given was: Conflicts with Won 20 Item 66. Suggested alternative arrangements: GZAC Comments:. OR (for an accepted application); Your Green Zone work request planned for the 25/09/2004 at Morpeth Station has been accepted. Your application number is 327293. GZAC Comments: No additional comments. Changes made: The content of this email (and any attachment) is confidential. It may also be legally privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure. This email should not be used by anyone who is not an original intended recipient, nor may it be copied or disclosed to anyone who is not an original intended recipient. If you have received this email by mistake please notify us by emailing the sender, and then delete the email and any copies from your system. Liability cannot be accepted for statements made which are clearly the senders own and not made on behalf of Network Rail.
GZ Planner Guide Issue 03 Helpful Hint If the same application is required for several occasions - to prevent repeat inputting of Data it is easier to submit the completed application. Then click on the back button. This will bring the application back and all that needs to be done is to alter the dates accordingly. Then click Submit and make note of the reference number given. This can be repeated as many times as required.
GZ Planner Guide Issue 03 Viewing Time Slots Clicking on the Time slots button will show what blocks are already in place on any given day. This is useful to see if you are planning work in the same area and will reduce potential clashes. Input details of GZAC, Signal Box and date in the appropriate fields then click on “Get Applications”
GZ Planner Guide Issue 03 Viewing Time slots 2 A screen similar to this will appear showing any applications made for the defined search made. This shows that between 0100 and 0500 from 09 th to 13 th August there is the possibility that a blockage will be in place between Northfleet and Denton. From October 2005 this screen shows ALL applications made by ALL planners.
GZ Planner Guide Issue 03 Clicking on the Contractor Request tab enables the user to view applications submitted by other areas of the same Company. Again this aids planning in that it prevents clashes and needless wasted time applying for an area already blocked. On the other side of the coin it may be possible to work within the same block Click here to view details and print documentation if required. Click here to delete an application. If you find that the work planned for an application will NOT take place when originally thought – cancel the application so others may gain access. NOTE – at the moment this can only be done BEFORE application has been processed Contact the GZAC to delete a processed application Click here to Logout of the system when you have completed using it. See also next page for helpful hint after clicking on view.
GZ Planner Guide Issue 03 When viewing an existing application it is possible to use the “Copy and Re-date” button to create a repeat application. After clicking the button the details of the lines, from and to locations, Signal Box and protecting signals etc are copied – You only have to input details of the date and time required to complete the application then submit.
GZ Planner Guide Issue 03 User Settings Screen This screen is used to update your personal details and to change password. You should keep these details current and accurate so that you can be contacted.
GZ Planner Guide Issue 03 When ALL details have been entered Click on the create account button and the request will be sent to the appropriate area administrator for consideration (acceptance or rejection). To create a new account fill in the details as requested on the screen
GZ Planner Guide Issue 03 You will be presented with this screen. When the administrator have reviewed your application you will receive an email either confirming acceptance or rejecting (with reasons) the application. When you click on “Close” the system will end your Internet session – you will need to re-open Internet explorer again afterwards.
GZ Planner Guide Issue 03 Summary of Changes included at this re-issue. 1)Schedule for submitting & processing of non-disruptive T12/T2 applications included (view screens).view screens 2)Brief explanation of how to use the GZAC to Signal Boxes information file included at the log-on page (view screens).view screens 3)If an application is accepted – as well as receiving the current “your application number 123 has been accepted” email, the system will now, at the same time, in a separate email send out the part completed COSS documents. (This is instead of sending them when the Signallers Daily list is produced) 4)Access to data in Time Slots & Contractor Requests screens has been opened to show ALL applications made by ALL firms to ALL users – not just your own firms. Return to Page 01
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