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1 Ealing Council Digital Challenge Bid ‘Success Through Diversity Enabled by Digital Innovation’ STDEDI Peer Review 5 June 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Ealing Council Digital Challenge Bid ‘Success Through Diversity Enabled by Digital Innovation’ STDEDI Peer Review 5 June 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Ealing Council Digital Challenge Bid ‘Success Through Diversity Enabled by Digital Innovation’ STDEDI Peer Review 5 June 2006

2 2 Ealing’s Team Today John Voytal - Change Director Andy Roper - Chair of Ealing Community Network James Vickery - Serco Solutions Sheenal Sejpal - Bid Manager

3 3 “Success Through Diversity” Enabled by Digital Innovation

4 4 Our Bid Is Innovative Demonstrated by offering: Children and Young People Card and chip payment method International e-mentors to support learners through transition Virtual Classrooms Digital pens for schoolwork (maintaining handwriting techniques Safety, Environment, Housing and Culture New ways of reporting crime/ASB Two-way digital TV (24/7 Service Response)

5 5 Our Bid Is Innovative (Ii) Health and Independence Mobile Health Monitoring Personal Electronic Tagging Economy Online process with Planning to give community organisations a stronger voice on major development proposals Mobile Job Brokerage – Online job applications, CV Tips Citizen Innovation Fund Use of international and national mentors

6 6 Innovation Customers Not Process

7 7 Alignment With Transformational Government Agenda The TG strategy focuses on technology leadership in three key areas: 1.The transformation of public and community services for the benefit of all stakeholders STDEDI will enable –Creation and expansion of access channels –Structured partnership working with our LSP partners –Enhancing the role of voluntary and community groups 2.Improving the efficiency of corporate services and infrastructure thus freeing resources for the front line STDEDI will continue the change process and create more productive time. 3.The transformation to deliver effective technology STDEDI will ensure our technology will focus on customers rather than the process

8 8 Realising the Benefit Benefits will be identified, tracked and realised during the three year implementation drawing on our change programme experience Programme governance will identify owners to deliver benefits Where relevant, benefits (cash and non-cash) will be factored into our Gershon returns Key benefits will emerge for –Citizens Increased choice, voice and influence to create and consume services –Communities Tackling and reducing digital inequality through VCOs having access to IT –Businesses Ealing will be an attractive place to invest in

9 9 High-Level Three Year Project Plan Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 1 Benefits Governance Technology (Key to all activities) Transformation (types) Showcase and Dissemination ContentInfrastructure Devices - Standards- Technical - Interop - Publish specification Framework Guidelines- Plug and Play - Access Architecture - Multi rights - Wireless POC Device - Start POC Content - Resilience & Production multi-channel achieved - Ability to connect any devices E-mentors / Virtual Classrooms Wireless CCTV Remote Health Assessment tool for Children with Disabilities (CwD ) Digital Pens for school work 2 Way -Digital TV Electronic Tagging Lead Time Various Activities across all stream, including: - Technology Implementation / configuration - Change Management - Tracking and Demonstrating benefits - Utilising / integrating new technologies - Process Improvement - New businesses in action Reduces social exclusion and help all achieve their full potential Local businesses / homes will be safer Empowerment to live independently Bring practitioners closer to needs Reduces digital exclusion Quicker, interactive end-to- end service Support people with mental health problems - Set Budget -Approve Biz cases -½ Yr Review -¼ Yr Review - Detailed review of first benefits Full Yr review - Benefits Review - ¼ yr Review -½ Yr review -¼ Yr review Full Yr review -Benefits review -Full community review -Post Programme review -Close down

10 10 Social Inclusion Is at the Heart of Our Bid Ealing Community Network (ECN) will engage VCOs Develop the Trusted Intermediaries Model to ensure hard to reach groups are not excluded Remove language barriers through multilingual technology and peer-to-peer networking E-mentors to prevent Children and Young People from becoming socially excluded Mobile devices for job brokerage to support the unemployed in deprived areas Increase the participation of Children with Disabilities, parents and carers with online multi assessment tool Telehealth and Telecare will support independent living to socially excluded adults From the above we recognise and understand the needs of our citizens

11 11 Our Bid Demonstrates a Rounded View Social –Wireless CCTV will provide a ‘safety blanket’ –STDEDI will deliver improved access to information and advice for the community –Develop IT skills and mobile job brokerage will increase employment Economic –Ealing will be an attractive place to invest in –Local SMEs will have a sound infrastructure to develop their ICT capacity –Social Entrepreneurs and micro-business will be able to use ICT to develop their ideas

12 12 Environmental –Ealing’s envirocrime officers will use handheld devices to transmit incident information to the back office or partner agencies –Quicker resolution –Ealing will be a better place to live –Reduced Congestion: fewer journeys to hospital etc –Improved quality of public spaces Our Bid Demonstrates a Rounded View (Ii) Conclusion: The above demonstrates that we have an appropriate balance across the three themes.

13 13 EPISTLE Legal Clarity –Procurement, Agreement, Protection Economic Clarity –Affordability, Realising Benefits Technological Clarity –Development, Infrastructure, Devices Social Clarity –Diversity, Inclusion Cultural Clarity –Change Management, Training Awareness of political context –Buy In, Harmonising Central/Local policies, Double Devolution Agenda Environmental Clarity –Less: car journeys, ASB, litter

14 14 Partnerships – Ealing Is Leading From Behind Ealing will know when to ‘pull’ and when to ‘push’ –Ealing will initially nurture the partnership employing best practice programme management governance –All partners will be represented on the programme board and be responsible for leading on individual projects –The Citizen innovation Fund will encourage and support innovative ideas to come forward As with our role in the LSP we offer a supportive infrastructure

15 15 Partnership – We Have the Best Community Involvement in London A recent quote from the President of SOCITM Peter Ryder (LGC 18 May 2006) “There is still a challenge to give access to those that don’t have a PC, Government should be looking to prime the Voluntary sector ……..They are a cracking way of getting through to these groups” Our Digital Challenge bid fully reflects this Sentiment

16 16 Partnerships – How We Show Good Community Involvement, Not Mere Consultation Involving voluntary and community organisations (VCOs) is at the heart of our bid Community Involvement is demonstrated through –Presentation to ECN Steering Group –ECN and Ealing Council have set up an `Ealing E-Network` bringing together voluntary, public and private agencies around IT issues –ECN :umbrella organisation for 450 local voluntary groups, including 150+ small BMER and faith groups ECN is recognised for it’s pioneering ideas, examples include –Establishing a searchable online Ealing Community Premises Directory –Developing a pilot online scheme with Planning Department to give community organisations a stronger voice on major development proposals –Training local Voluntary Sector IT Mentors via Change Up

17 17 Examples of Community Involvement Ealing and ECN can deliver as we have a successful track record in London of building e-communities through IEG funding. Examples include United Anglo Caribbean Society offer support to homeless young people aged 18-25. “ The residents have been able to use the computer to bid for properties via internet. In effect the computer has saved them time and money and has allowed us to provide advice to older people at their homes, providing a better service to our service users.” Southall Community Alliance (SCA) represents residents and community groups in Southall. “ It has long been an ambition of the SCA to provide a community facility with all the resources that would allow community groups to operate effectively. It has enabled the SCA to assist under resourced groups representing disadvantaged communities to access technology, opportunities and information in a way that encourages those groups to develop and begin to bridge the digital divide.”

18 18 Trusted Intermediaries model The concept of Trusted Intermediaries provides confidence and commitment to ‘wiring up’ hard to reach groups

19 19 The partnership mutually appreciates what each partner brings and takes from the relationship Clear Joint Responsibility For: Governance Leadership Delivery Benefits Realisation Contact with 800+ VCO Technology ‘Safe Hands’ public sector focus LSP Coordinator ‘Community Strategy’ Digital vision LB Ealing SercoECN Joint Responsibility

20 20 Digital Vision Bring Together existing strategies, but allows for wider change Central Government Strategies Transformational government Public value Shared Services Gershon Local Government Strategies Community Strategy (LSP/LAA) Medium Term Financial strategy Children / Adult services Channel Migration Changes in Society / Environment: 1)Technological:2) Demographical: 3) Process: -Social Networking - Transient Nature - Work structures -Advances in hardware - Different needs - Access method Community Strategies Community development E-community network Change Up Care in the home “Joining the dots”

21 21 Realising Tangible Benefits Voluntary and community Tackling and reducing digital inequality Improved organisational capacity Industry/Private sector Improved access to talented resources Education Learning for all Health: Reduced hospital admissions Excluded groups Access to IT to support learning etc,

22 22 Overall Ealing’s Digital Vision will balance community interests and reduce inequalities. By becoming a digital community, Ealing will be a successful borough in the heart of west London, where –everyone will have opportunities to prosper; and –where communities are safe, cohesive and engaged. What we want to leave with you –Ealing: can offer the required support, and guidance –ECN: is able to tackle digital inequality in the community –Serco: a safe pair of hands to deliver IT in the public sector Overall conclusion: We can offer others an exemplar to follow and build their digital visions!

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