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The ATLAS B physics trigger
Natalia Panikashvili Technion Institute of Technology, Israel University of Michigan, USA On behalf of the B – physics trigger group Beauty 2005, 10th International Conference on B-Physics at Hadron Machines, Assisi (Perugia), Italy. June
LHC and ATLAS detector tracking: forming the Inner Detector (ID)
Pixel Semiconductor Tracker (SCT) Transition Radiation Tracker (TRT) forming the Inner Detector (ID) muons: Monitored Drift Tubes (MDT) Cathode Strip Chambers (CSC) Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC) Thin Gap Chambers (TGC) calorimeters: Electromagnetic Liquid Argon and Hadronic Tile detectors Center of mass energy = 14TeV Bunch – crossing rate = 40MHz Luminosity: L = ~1033 cm-2 s-1 - most of B-physics will be measured here L = ~1034 cm-2 s-1 - for High pT discovery physics, however will be used also for rare B decays p–pbar collision = 109Hz Bunch crossing interval = 25ns Pileup = 23 ( L = ~1034 cm-2 s-1 ) 16 April 2017
Events rate too high to collect all events
99% of bunch crossing end up with non-b events The selection of physics signals requires the identification of objects that can be isolated from the high particle density environment. Event rate Level-2 Level-1 Offline Analyses Object Examples of physics coverage e Higgs, B-physics, new gauge bosons, extra dimensions, SUSY, W, top g Higgs, extra dimensions, SUSY, B-physics m B-physics, Higgs, new gauge bosons, extra dimensions, SUSY, W, top Jets SUSY, compositeness, resonances, 16 April 2017
The Trigger system and Region of Interest mechanism
Reduces the high data rate by selecting interesting events through 3 steps: H →2e + 2 2 2e LVL1 decision made: Muon Trigger Chambers and Calorimeter data to find e, g, t, jet, m candidates above thresholds Identifies Regions of Interest Processing time 2.5 ms LVL2 uses Region of Interest data Combines information from all detectors Performs fast rejection. Processing time 10 ms Output rate ~2kHz Event Filter Can be “seeded” by LVL2 result potential full event access Processing time 1s Output rate ~200Hz hardware software 16 April 2017
Level1: Muons Trigger Chambers: Barrel region (| h |< 1.1) : η
RPC η Trigger Chambers: Barrel region (| h |< 1.1) : Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC) End-cap region ( 1<| h |< 2.7) : Thin Gap Chambers (TGC) TGC Toroid Muon chambers layout and curved muon tracks To indicate a m candidate, a hit must be accompanied by hits in the other detector layers, within the coincidence window. Low pT m - 3/4 High pT m - 3/4 + 1/2 (2/3) for barrel (end-cap) Trigger efficiency 85% low pT ; 87% high pT 16 April 2017
pT of muons from different processes
Level1: Muon trigger To reduce background from decay in flight of p/K pT typical threshold in Level1 scheme for low luminosity (L ~1033 cm-2s-1) is 6GeV pT of muons from different processes Trigger rate (kHz) expected in Muon Spectrometer from LVL1 TDR. The low pT assume a luminosity of 1033cm-2s-1: Process Barrel End-Cap Combined System Low pT 6GeV p/K 7.0 9.8 16.8 b 1.9 2.1 4.0 c 1.1 1.3 2.4 W 0.004 0.005 0.009 Total 10.0 13.2 23.2 Only 4 kHz of these are b events! 16 April 2017
Example of e/g trigger algorithm:
Level-1: Calorimeter Example of e/g trigger algorithm: Hadronic Tile Calorimeter EM Calorimeter Hadronic LAr End-Cap Calorimeter Calorimeter Trigger looking for e/g + Jets + t objects Using trigger towers of Hadronic and Electromagnetic calorimeters The requirement for a trigger object: The RoI cluster – local maximum The most energetic cluster > ET Total ET in EM isolation < EM Isolation Threshold Total ET in Hadron < Hadronic isolation threshold 16 April 2017
LVL1 EM/Jet RoI multiplicity vs. Energy threshold, b m X events
Level1: Calorimeter LVL1 EM/Jet RoI multiplicity vs. Energy threshold, b m X events 16 April 2017
ATLAS B-Physics Programme
CP Violation Control channel: sin(2b) DGs = GH - GL; Gs; A||; A┴; the strong phase difference d2 - d1; the weak phase fs Measurement of Bs oscillations: D ms= mH – mL Rare decays Precise measurements of the branching ration Lb polarization measurements Asymmetry parameter ab, Pb, life time measurements Bc mesons Precise determination of Bc mass, Bc life time 16 April 2017 See talk of C. Padilla “Overview of ATLAS performance for B-physics”
B-physics trigger strategy
How to be efficient for interesting B-physics events? Different LVL1 trigger menus will be used at different luminosities: Lower luminosity - L ~ 1033 cm-2s-1 LVL1 1m ( pT > 6 – 8 GeV ) Higher luminosity - L ~ 1034 cm-2s-1 LVL1 2m ( pT > 6 GeV ; lower threshold? ) single-muon di-muon all h b c J/y @1033cm-2s-1 Cross section, (nb) LVL2: LVL1 confirmation m tracking Di – m trigger J/y, Bs,d trigger Event triggered by LVL1 m, the additional information from e/g + Jet Region of Interest can be used EM RoI Jet RoI 16 April 2017
Level2: m Tracking mFast - Standalone m reconstruction
Propose: Confirm the LVL1 trigger with a more precise pT estimation within a RoI “Global Pattern Recognition” involving Trigger Chambers and Precision Chambers “Track fit” involving drift time measurements, performed for each MDT chamber Fast “pT estimation” via a look-up-table (LUT) with no use of time consuming fit methods LVL2 muon standalone Efficiency Output rates after LVL2 standalone m reconstruction still dominated by /K decays LVL2 muon + ID Efficiency mComb - Combined m reconstruction (Using reconstructed m and ID information) Propose: Rejection on the p/Km 16 April 2017
Single m Rate estimation for barrel region (kHz)
Level2: m Tracking IDSCAN- track reconstruction in Inner Detector Input - Space Points (SP) found in Pixel and SCT Detectors Output – track and SP associated with them. Single m Rate estimation for barrel region (kHz) K/p decays b c Fake LVL1 Total 7.60 1.5 0.90 1.0 11.0 mFast 3.18 0.91 0.41 Negligible 4.5 mComb 1.1 0.68 0.35 2.13 16 April 2017
Level2: Di m , J/ym+m-, rare decay selection
We would like to be efficient for “gold” channels - J/y ! LVL1: 1m RoI pT (m) > 6GeV Efficiency for both m+m- from J/y to be found in enlarged m RoI LVL2: Confirm m RoI using: m stand alone reconstruction (mFast) combine m with Inner Detector track (mComb) Open the region (Dh x Df) around m in order to find J/y or Bs,d Find ID tracks in selected region (IdScan ) M (m+m-) > 2.8 GeV Extrapolate track to MS Associate track with MS hits Create Di - m or J/y Bs,d EF: Refit ID tracks in Level2 RoI Vertexing 16 April 2017
Create the pair of tracks with opposite charge
J/y selection overview MDT RPC/TGC LVL1 pT(m) > 6GeV m RoI ( φ, η ) μ μ Create the pair of tracks with opposite charge 16 April 2017
Level2: J/y e+e- selection using EM RoI
LVL1: 1m RoI pT (m) > 6GeV ≥1 EM RoI ET > 2GeV Bd J/y (e+e-) Ks(p+p-) LVL2: Confirm m RoI Confirm e RoI using: Calorimeter (T2Calo) If only one e found at LVL1: Open larger region for 2nd e Find ID tracks in selected region Mass Cuts Associate the track with EM Calorimeter information If both electrons found at LVL1: confirmation at LVL2 inside small region about each e e+ e- EM RoI TRT EF: Refit ID tracks in Level-2 RoI Vertex reconstruction Transverse Decay length cut EM Calorimeter 16 April 2017
Level-2: J/y selection Full Width of RoI in h and f Efficiency for both e+e- from J/y to be found in enlarged EM RoI 16 April 2017
Level2: J/y efficiency and background rate
Mass plot of two tracks identified as e+e- inside J/y mass window J/y m+ m- efficiency vs. background rate J/y m+ m- J/y e+e- Efficiency 68 – 77% 1st m pT > 6 GeV 2nd m pT > 3 GeV 68% both e pT > 5 GeV Output rate (Hz) bbm(6)X 260 – 380* 170 * output background rate, does not include rate of J/y from non-b events 16 April 2017
Level2: Hadronic final state selection using Jet RoI
How to be efficient for Bs Ds ( f ( K+K- ) p ) p ? LVL1: 1m RoI pT (m) > 6GeV ≥1 Jet RoI ET > 5GeV ~ 2 Jet RoI per event Efficiency to find Bs decay products in the region around Jet RoI Df = Dh = 1. Df = Dh = 0.75 Df = Dh = 0.5 LVL2: Confirm m RoI Confirm Jet RoI Open the region (Dh x Df =1.5 × 1.5) around jet in order to find Bs decay products Find ID tracks in selected region (IdScan ) M (K+K-) EF: Refit ID tracks in Level-2 RoI Vertex reconstruction Transverse Decay length cut 16 April 2017
Level2: f and Ds selection
Invariant mass of particle identified as Dsfp signal Invariant mass of particle identified as f K K Using: 1008MeV < M ( f → K K ) < 1033 MeV 1880MeV < M ( Ds → f p ) < 2024 MeV Signal Efficiency: Including (excluding) LVL1 Jet RoI efficiency Rate 50% (58%) 310 Hz Study was done for events with pT ( Bs ) >10 GeV 16 April 2017
Level2: rare radiative B-decays
LVL1: 1m RoI pT (m) > 6GeV ≥1 EM RoI ET > 5GeV Rate: 1075Hz Selection of: Bd K*0 g and Bs f g LVL2: Confirm m RoI Confirm g RoI using: Calorimeter Open the region around g Find ID tracks in selected region Reconstruct K*0K+p- or f K+ K- Opening angle cuts, Impact parameter cut Rate: 23 Hz For 30fb-1 we have: 15000 Bd K*0 g 4800 Bs f g EF: Refit ID tracks in Level-2 RoI Vertex reconstruction Mass cuts Rate: 0.6 Hz Bd K*0 g 0.5 Hz Bs f g 16 April 2017
EF: Rates of Rare decays in higher luminosity
Di-m Mass, (MeV) B K* m+ m- Bm+ m- Not normalized LVL1: 2m RoI pT (m) > 6GeV LVL2: Confirm each m RoI m stand alone reconstruction (mFast) combine m with Inner Detector track (mComb) Mass cut EF: Refit ID tracks in Level-2 RoI Decay vertex reconstruction Transverse Decay length cut: Lxy > 500mm Angular Distribution cut Efficiency estimation: 70% of B m+m- 60% of B K* m+ m- Output rate < 10 Hz bbm+m- both m pT>6 GeV 16 April 2017
Estimates of Overall Efficiencies
Make Rough Estimates of expected efficiencies for some example channels A lot of unknowns: e.g. efficiency for LVL2 combined m + ID & m efficiency in end-cap LVL1+LVL2 Event Filter Overall Efficiency B m+ m- ~ 75% 95% ~70% Events with m+ and m- pT > 6 GeV B m+ m- K* 85% ~65% Bd J/y (m+m-) Ks First m: ~ 85% J/y ( m+ m- ): 77% Overall: ~ 65% ~100% Events with one m pT>6 GeV and other m pT > 3 GeV Bd J/y (e+e-) Ks Muon: ~ 85% J/y ( e+ e- ): 72% Overall: ~ 60% ~60% Ev. with e+ and e- pT > 5 GeV ~40% 1st e pT>5 GeV, 2nd e pT>2 GeV Bs Ds p Ds f (K+K-) p Ds (f p): 50% Overall: ~ 40% ~40% Events with Bs pT>10GeV and K, K, p pT > 1.5 GeV 16 April 2017
Conclusions Studies of the benefits of a RoI based B-trigger are still being investigated Have demonstrated a flexible strategy for B-physics studies from initial running to final luminosity We are looking towards first collisions in 2007 when we hope to record B-physics data from ATLAS. 16 April 2017
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