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Usual idea of Software Quality Assurance Hitachi Systems & Services,Ltd. Quality Assurance Dept. Yuuki Nakayama.

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Presentation on theme: "Usual idea of Software Quality Assurance Hitachi Systems & Services,Ltd. Quality Assurance Dept. Yuuki Nakayama."— Presentation transcript:

1 Usual idea of Software Quality Assurance Hitachi Systems & Services,Ltd. Quality Assurance Dept. Yuuki Nakayama

2 CONTENTS Introduction of Product we inspected Usual processes of Quality Assurance Usual idea of designing and testing Verifications and Validations Document Inspection Quality Probe Validation Distribution of software faults and effect of verifications

3 Introduction of Product we inspected PKI Enrollment Services ClientPC Work Server Certificate Server Repository Server PES Server OS Web Applications Eng -ine ClassLibrary Internet Server Client TP test TP

4 Design Dept.OutputQ.A. Dept. Requirements Designing Coding Testing Development Plan Audit Design Review Intermediate Quality Audit Document Inspection Product Inspection Shipment Field Support SOFTWARE QUALITY ASSURANCE ACTIVITIES

5 processes lower upper Usual Idea of Software development and Quality Assurance V&V(Verify&Validate) with the V model Defining the REQUESTS Designing the FUNCTIONS Designing the STRUCTURE Designing the MODULES Inspection of the PRODUCT Testing the FUNCTIONS Testing the COMBINATIONS Testing the MODULES CODING Designing Processes Testing Processes Desk Debugging

6 processes lower upper Defining the REQUESTS Designing the FUNCTIONS Designing the STRUCTURE Designing the MODULES Inspection of the PRODUCT Testing the FUNCTIONS Testing the COMBINATIONS Testing the MODULES CODING Designing Processes Testing Processes Desk Debugging Validation Verifications Usual Idea of Software development and Quality Assurance

7 Verifications and Validations V model the every process at left side is tested by same level process at right side. =The defects must be found in paired processes ideally. The verifications and validations at every processes must be practiced to establish quality from fair position.

8 processes lower upper Defining the REQUESTS Designing the FUNCTIONS Designing the STRUCTURE Designing the MODULES Inspection of the PRODUCT Testing the FUNCTIONS Testing the COMBINATIONS Testing the MODULES CODING Designing Processes Testing Processes Desk Debugging Validation Verifications Document inspection Usual Idea of Software development and Quality Assurance

9 Document Inspection One of the most emphasized verification at upper process To verify, make consensuses and recognize specifications. The functions must be defined accurately. The way of realization must be concrete, The interfaces must be defined properly. To fix of specification is the royal road to establish quality.

10 processes lower upper Defining the REQUESTS Designing the FUNCTIONS Designing the STRUCTURE Designing the MODULES Inspection of the PRODUCT Testing the FUNCTIONS Testing the COMBINATIONS Testing the MODULES CODING Designing Processes Testing Processes Desk Debugging Validation Verifications Document reviews Quality Probes Usual Idea of Software development and Quality Assurance Check List Inspection Intermediate quality audit and so on …

11 Quality Probe The most emphasized verification at lower process Testing the sampled items and analyze,estimate,and require improvement. The objective view points We can suggest the objective test points,and let designing dept.,who know the programs the most,and can test them the most. The concrete and applicable view point of testing is needed. In Japanese, ” Searching pins ”.

12 Quality Probe Sampling of 10 or 20% of test items Estimating left bugs from found bugs and the formula. Bugs found from sampled items: =r/n n:QP items r:number of bugs Using the formula estimate similar value of the largest and the smallest number of defects L: S: :percentage of danger.(usual:5% )

13 lower upper Defining the REQUESTS Designing the FUNCTIONS Designing the STRUCTURE Designing the MODULES Inspection of the PRODUCT Testing the FUNCTIONS Testing the COMBINATIONS Testing the MODULES CODING Designing Processes Testing Processes Desk Debugging Verifications Document reviews Quality Probes processes Validation Usual Idea of Software development and Quality Assurance

14 Distribution of Software Faults (QA Dpt.) 21.9 53.8

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