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Project Systems & BW Out of the Box Session xxxx Gerald B. Steele, SAP America, Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "Project Systems & BW Out of the Box Session xxxx Gerald B. Steele, SAP America, Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Systems & BW Out of the Box Session xxxx Gerald B. Steele, SAP America, Inc.

2 Business Trends Globalization Faster reaction to market Decentralization Increasing importance of service Smaller margins

3 Consequences for Information Systems Immediate, single-point access to all relevant information regardless of the source Coverage of entire business processes High quality of information Shorter implementation time with fewer resources Sophisticated decision support

4 Operative System – Data Warehouse SAP BW Complex Queries Measurable KPI´s Extract Measurable KPI´s Business Strategy Derived from Enterprise Targets Focus Decisions Support Information Data Basis FI/CO/Logistic/HR Non-SAP System Market Data Aggregation Multi Dimensional Reporting Data Detailed Business Processes Analysis Comparisons Reports Analysis

5 Roles, Processes & Key Figures Key Figures Roles Processes Strategical and operational Processes are linked with each other Different systems and data sources Which key figures are important? Result of processes Different kind of information required by different employees Planning, execution and control of the processes

6 Key Figures & Roles Project Management Procurement Sales and Marketing Sales Advertis. Acitvities Mobile Sales Repetitive Manu. Purchase Quotation Inventory Controll. Inventory Controll. Quality Mgmt. Quality Mgmt. Extern. Services Make or Buy Subseque. Settl. Contract Settl. Vendor Eval. Vendor Allocation Invoice Verifi. Internet Purch. MRP Controll. Quality Mgmt. Plant Maint. Capacity Plan. Inventory Controll. Produce Production Marketing Quotation Delivery Order Proces. Sales and Marketing Project Management Finance Procurement Production Finance Project Manager Project Controller Roles Processes Key Figures...

7 Key figures and roles - 2 Progress: - Earned Value - Progress - Milestone Trend Financials: - Costs - Revenues - Payments - Budget Results: - WIP - COS - Accruals - Incoming orders Dates: - Dates &Times - Buffers - Duration - Work Claims: - Costs Roles Key Figures Processes Project Controller...

8 Business Drivers & Challenges Utilize your information assets Empower your employees Speed, speed, speed 20% Casual Decision Support Transactional Professional Avoid information overload Master complexity & change Master fragmentation and inconsistency 80%

9 Click to add text Information Context Details Visualization Warnings

10 BW Architecture Business Information Warehouse Server Administrator Workbench BAPI OLAP processor Staging Engine InfoCubes Meta Data Repository ODS Business Explorer BAPI client Source Systems

11 Types of BW Users high low consumer analyst author 70% 20% 10% Analytic power required defining reports ad-hoc reporting multi-dimensional analysis self-explanatory, predefined ways to navigate predefined data collection static reports

12 Goal: performance in PS-reporting Design principles five ”small” cubes easier in administration quick reporting results sufficient for most queries multi-cubes for integrated reporting no maintenance only important characteristics Infocubes - How

13 Infocubes - What Line ItemsProgressCostsDatesClaims Progress & Costs Dates & Costs

14 Infocubes – Costs (0IPS_C04) Costs Cost element Controlling area Currency type Sender Receiver indicator Key figure type Partner object type Partner object Valuation view Version Detailing the value type Statistics indicator for value Value type for Reporting

15 Infocubes – Costs (0IPS_C04) - 2 Costs WBS element Order number Detail of the payment type Payment type Project Definition Network activity Network Profit center Company code Business Area Activity element System status Stat key figure PS Object type

16 Infocubes – Dates (0IPS_C02) Dates Controlling area Project definition WBS element Network Network activity Activity element Data event Origin of appointment Milestone Value type for reporting PS Object type Reporting time System status

17 Infocubes – Line Items (0IPS_C08) Line Items Controlling area Currency type Key figure type Valuation view Version Value type for reporting WBS element Order number Project definition Network activity Network

18 Infocubes – Line Items (0IPS_C08) - 2 Line Items Profit center Company code Business area Activity element System Status PS Object type Statistic indicator for value

19 Infocubes – Claims (0IPS_C07) Claims Project Definition Work breakdown structure Claim PS Object Type

20 Progress Infocubes – Progress (0IPSET_C03) Project definition WBS element Controlling area Cost element Value type for reporting Key figure type Detailing the value type Version Currency type Profit Center System status

21 Progress Infocubes – Progress (0IPSET_C03) - 2 Network Network activity Activity element Order number PS Object type

22 Infocubes* – Dates & Costs (0PS_C05) CostsDates Dates & Costs Combination of fields from the Cost cube (0PS_C04) & the Dates cube (0PS_C02)

23 ProgressCosts Progress & Costs Infocubes* – Progress & Costs (0PS_C06) Combination of fields from the Progress cube (0PS_C03) & the Costs cube (0PS_C04)

24 Q & A Questions

25 Thank you for attending! Please remember to complete and return your evaluation form following this session. Session Code: [Insert Session Code]

26 Click to add text Click to add title

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