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3 rd General Assembly · Exhibition · Drive&Ride, 4-6 October 2006, Brussels Project funded by the European Commission SES6-CT-2004-502630 NoE HySafe “Safety.

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Presentation on theme: "3 rd General Assembly · Exhibition · Drive&Ride, 4-6 October 2006, Brussels Project funded by the European Commission SES6-CT-2004-502630 NoE HySafe “Safety."— Presentation transcript:

1 3 rd General Assembly · Exhibition · Drive&Ride, 4-6 October 2006, Brussels Project funded by the European Commission SES6-CT-2004-502630 NoE HySafe “Safety of Hydrogen as an Energy Carrier” Background In Europe there are many research activities in the field of hydrogen safety. These activities are heterogeneous, fragmented, and not well connected. Most of the experience and knowledge is coming from nuclear safety, from gas and oil and from aerospace industries. The largest amounts of hydrogen are used safely in chemical industries in a professional environment with specially educated staff. However, experience with hydrogen in a private environment is lacking completely. Therefore the EC is supporting the integration of the research activities with the help of a new instrument, the Network of Excellence (NoE). The NoE HySafe should provide an integrated harmonised scientific basis for the safe introduction of hydrogen as an energy carrier, and shall contribute to the public awareness by generating an excellent safety culture. HySafe Facts Goal: long term integration of the EU research activities related to hydrogen safety Integration of experimental facilities, numerical tools and staff by coordinated joint research activities Creating public awareness and trust in the safety of hydrogen technologies Consortium: 24 partners from 12 EU countries + 1 partner from Canada (5 universities, 7 industry partners and 13 public research labiratories) Co-ordinator: Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe HySafe is currently the only international IPHE ackowledged safety project Started 03/2004, 5 years co-financing by the EC Further details and publications on Activity Matrix Internal Project “HyTunnel” Tunnel accidents are in the public focus. The EC tunnel safety directive does not cover hydrogen issues. To save the heavy investments in tunnel equipment the requirements for future hydrogen driven land vehicles are assessed in this two step project. Step I: - Selection of critical, but broadly accepted scenarios - Review of available experimental results and simulation analyses - Qualitative evaluation of the efficiency and compatibility of existing mitigation measures (active ventilation, sprays, etc…) Step II: Experimental program (in cooperation with other EC tunnel projects) Proposal for an addendum to the “EC Safe Tunnel Directive” Internal Projects Following the Current HySafe Headlines: Releases in (partially) confined spaces Detection and Mitigation Internal Project “InsHyde” Investigation of non-catastrophic releases in confined areas/rooms Determination of permeation and release limits Systematic assessment of sensor and mitigation requirements Related simulations and experimental verification Recommendations for electrical equipment, ventilation requirements, etc… Work Package and Clusters Management Projects Project Management Technical Internal Projects WP10. Explosions WP8. Release WP9. Ign.+Fires Cluster “Phenomena” Cluster “Tools” WP6. CFD-Club WP3. A-CFD WP2. IEF WP11. Mitigation WP12. RA WP17. General Management PMO WP7. MPA WP4. SPR Hydrogen Sensors Releases in (partially) confined spaces Repair Shop for H2 vehicles Technical External Projects HYPER StorHy HyApproval NATURALHY Disseminating Activities WP1. BRHSWP5. HIADWP14. ICHSWP15. e- Academy WP16.) RC&S DJPA planning Business Plan „European Hydrogen Safety Center“ Jointly Excecuted Research Activities NoE Management by Coordination Committee WP13. Website Proposal for a news experiment to study H2 behaviour in confined spaces

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