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The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global Christianity Philip Jenkins.

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1 The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global Christianity Philip Jenkins

2 Argument Demographic trends indicate that by 2050, most Christians will live in the Southern Hemisphere  By 2050, only 20% of Christians will be non-Hispanic whites Christianity will have to adapt Northerners, both liberal and conservative, need to accept Southern Christianity on its own terms  Distinguish customs from essential beliefs  Recognize cultural prejudices

3 Trends (in millions)

4 Trends in Catholicism

5 Southern Christianty Poorer  Concern for justice More conservative in beliefs and morals  Among Catholics, strong Marian devotion  More like pre-European ancient Christianity? Supernatural orientation  Pentecostal churches growing in South Customs rejected by North  Ancestors, sacrifice, FGM, etc.

6 African Christianity Big missionary movements in 1800s Colonies gained independence mid-1900s  Christians grew from 10 million to 423 million over 20 th century Today  Major denominations (Catholic, Anglican, etc.)  Pentecostal churches  African Independent Churches (AICs) Confronted by Islam  Nigeria (50% Muslim and 40% Christian)  Somalia (Muslim) and Ethiopia (45% Muslim and 40% Christian)

7 Questions What aspects of S. Christianity are most striking to you?  Which push your metaphorical buttons? Inculturation: how do you determine essential vs. non- essential beliefs and practices?  Core beliefs vs. cultural “accidents” (North and South) Homosexuality Women (leadership; marriage; FGM)  Worship styles, architecture, rituals Example: OK to use corn, not wheat bread, for eucharist? “Adiaphora”: indifferent things Whose voices are missing?

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