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Probabilities Random Number Generators –Actually pseudo-random –Seed Same sequence from same seed Often time is used. Many examples on web. Custom random.

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Presentation on theme: "Probabilities Random Number Generators –Actually pseudo-random –Seed Same sequence from same seed Often time is used. Many examples on web. Custom random."— Presentation transcript:

1 Probabilities Random Number Generators –Actually pseudo-random –Seed Same sequence from same seed Often time is used. Many examples on web. Custom random number generators exist. Can be used in algorithms.

2 Actions Based on Probabilities Assign probabilities to each action. Probabilities must add to 1. Roulette wheel method –Range of random number generator is size of roulette wheel. –Give each action a section of the roulette wheel proportional to its probability. –Generate a random number. (Run the wheel.)

3 Example P(go straight) = 50% P(turn left) = 30% P(turn right) = 20% Use random numbers from 0 – 1.000 Roulette wheel –0 ≤ Go straight <.50 –.50 ≤ turn left <.80 –.80 ≤ turn right < 1.00

4 What is Probability? Often not well defined. –What does weather forecast of 75% rain mean? –Calling your shots (dart board example). Interpretations –Counting Interpretation –Frequency Interpretation –Subjective Interpretation

5 Some Uses of Probability Diagnosis Prediction Explaining away –water sprinkler example Randomized algorithms –for CS in general –for games and robotics in particular

6 Expectation Value Expected value of a variable is a kind of average value of the variable. Sum of utilities times probability. Used in decision theory. Utility may be nonlinear.

7 Assigning Subjective Probability Fair Bet Fair Price Dutch Book Fallacy –Leads to probability rules

8 Rules 1 Values: –Real number between 0 and 1. Something happens: –P(something) = 1 Not rule: –P(not A) = 1 – P(A)

9 Rules 2 Or Rules: P(A  B) –Exclusive events P(A) + P(B) –Not exclusive P(A) + P(B) – P(A  B) no double counting And Rules: P(A  B) –Independent events P(A) P(B) –Conditional: P(A | B) P(B) P(B | A) P(A)

10 P(A) is prior probability of A P(A | B) is posterior probability of A P(B) is prior probability of B – acts as a normalizing constant Monte Hall Problem Bayes Theorem

11 Bayesian Network Graph representing probabilistic causal relations between variables. Allows efficient Bayesian reasoning in complicated situations

12 Simple Example Trapped ---  Locked 100 chests 37 trapped –29 of trapped were locked 63 not trapped –18 of not trapped locked Need to find P(trapped | locked)


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