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Vermelding onderdeel organisatie 1 Delft University of Technology The Netherlands.

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1 Vermelding onderdeel organisatie 1 Delft University of Technology The Netherlands

2 The logo : Flame of Prometheus Stealing fire from the gods, giving it to man, Prometheus gave technology and development to mankind.

3 Delft University of Technology was founded in 1842 by King William II. It is the oldest and largest University of Technology in the Netherlands. The 8 faculties offer 16 Bachelor’s courses and 29 Master’s courses in comprehensive programmes of education and research. About TU Delft

4 4 Holland at Sea level

5 Groningen U Twente Nijmegen Wageningen Utrecht Amsterdam Rotterdam Leiden Tilburg TU Eindhoven Maastricht Universities in the Netherlands TU Delft University Students (  ) Utrecht University23.000 Universiteit van Amsterdam22.000 University of Groningen20.000 Erasmus University Rotterdam16.000 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam16.000 University of Nijmegen15.000 Leiden University15.000 Delft University of Technology13.000 Universiteit Maastricht11.000 Tilburg University10.000 Technische Universiteit Eindhoven7.000 University of Twente7.000 Wageningen University4.000

6 6 TU Delft - characteristics Excellent (international) ratings Driven by demands of society High International reputation Strong (mono)disciplines 11 Focussed multidisciplinary research themes

7 7 Facts & Figures (2004) Number of PhD-theses212 Number of Scientific Publications5.850 Number of Spin Offs250 Number of Patents52 Number of MSc.1.726

8 Major facilities Experimental nuclear reactor Institute of Micro-electronics and Submicron Technology Wind tunnels Water basins for coastal and marine research High voltage engineering laboratory Aerospace facilities (Cessna, Simona, etc.) Large scale radar and telecommunication test facilities Process engineering pilot plants High-performance computer network

9 Scientific staff: fte 2338 Assistant staff: fte 2128 Scientific and support staff (2004) Total staff: fte 4466

10 10 Faculties 1.Aerospace Engineering 2.Applied Sciences 3.Architecture 4.Civil Engineering and Geosciences 5.Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science 6.Industrial Design Engineering 7.Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology 8.Technology, Policy and Management

11 11 a bc d 1 2 3 Faculty’s Delft Research Centres 60% 40% Delft Research Centres

12 Earth: observation, utilization, ecology and engineering Water: water works, water management and water quality Information and communication technology Nanotechnology Mechatronics and microsystems Life science and technology Sustainable energy, extraction, conversion and use Sustainable industrial processes Sustainable urban areas Next Generation infrastructures Mobility of persons and transport of goods Delft Research Centres

13 Aerospace Engineering Applied Earth Sciences Applied Physics Architecture, Urban Planning and Housing Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Materials Science Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Geodetic Engineering Industrial Design Engineering Life Science and Technology Mechanical Engineering Marine Technology Systems Engineering and Policy Analyses Technical Mathematics Technical Informatics 1655 246 509 2998 315 51 1420 552 43 1648 184 1311 316 920 212 1002 500 1000 1500 2000 25003000 0 Disciplines Total number of students: 13.382 (2004, excluding Ph.D. students)

14 Belgium Germany United Kingdom France Greece Italy Rest EU Norway Turkey Eastern Europe Other European countries Indonesia Iran China Other Asian countries USA Surinam Other American countries Marocco Other African countries Oceania Unknown 267 69 22 18 23 30 104 9 26 23 6 91 58 260 169 14 95 46 40 33 6 5 2505075 100 125 150175200 Students of foreign nationality (2004) 267 260

15 Multidisciplinary design certificate B.Sc. TU Delft B.Sc. foreign Graduate study Post graduate study 3 Selected by admission committees years Doctorate Dissertation Scientific research 2424 Education: programmes Master of Science 2

16 Master of Science courses Aerospace Engineering Applied Earth Sciences Applied Mathematics Applied Physics Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences Biochemical Engineering Biomedical Engineering Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Computer Science (Technical Informatics) Design for Interaction Electrical Engineering Engineering and Policy Analysis Geodetic Engineering Integrated Product Design Life Science & Technology Management of Technology Marine Technology Materials Science & Engineering Mechanical Engineering Media & Knowledge Engineering NanoScience Offshore Engineering Science Education & Communication Strategic Product Design Systems & Control Systems Engineering, Policy Analysis & Management Transport, Infrastructure & Logistics

17 381 21 15 - 3 597 578 155 77 11 Europe Asia America Africa Other via exchange general 420 1418 Students of foreign nationality (2004)

18 18 Main objectives internationalisation strategy TU Delft 1.Attracting top talent through mobility & exchange of excellent staff & students 2.Enhancing quality of academic network through strategic international relations 3.Broadening TU Delft through adding international dimension 4.Exchange of best practice: Quality & accreditation

19 19 International co-operation EducationStudent exchange (Erasmus) MSc. Education Joint Master Staff exchange (e.g. visiting professors) ResearchPhD research (Sandwich construction) Post Doc research Joint research Staff exchange OtherBenchmarking / Peerreviews Sharing facilities Sharing best practices Enhancing TU Delft position

20 20 Some international activities of TUD Strategic alliances (IDEA League and a limited number of bilateral institutional partnerships) Strong stimulus of student mobility ( internships, academic exchanges, MSc thesis, etc.) All Master of Science Programs in English language European Credit Transfer System in place (Bologna) International diploma supplement for Bachelor and Master degree (Bologna) ABET accreditation Code of Practice as quality assurance for English as language of instruction at Master level International student population 10 % average (MSc level 14%) (more than 80 nationalities) International visiting professors Research fellowship Program for PhD graduates from partner universities International PhD student population 45 % International summer course (academic and cultural preparation for MSc level)

21 Bilateral co-operation agreements Europe EPF Lausanne (Switzerland) Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium) Paris Tech (France) Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (Sweden) TU Budapest (Hungary) TU Praque (Czech Republic) TU Warschau (Poland) University of Trondheim (Norway) METU - Middle East Technical University (Turkey) Asia Tsinghua University Beijing (China) Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai (China) Fudan University (China) Kyoto University (Japan) University of Osaka (Japan) University of Tokyo (Japan) Institute of Technology Bandung (Indonesia) National University of Singapore KAIST, Korea Academic Institute for Science and Technology(South Korea) USA Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) University of Michigan, Ann Arbor University of Texas, Austin Georgia Institute of Technology Other Technion Haifa (Israel) Universiteit van Stellenbosch (South Africa)

22 22 The IDEA League Agreement on strategic partnership; Memorandum of Understanding signed on 6 October 1999 (in Delft) Imperial College London, United Kingdom TU Delft, The Netherlands ETH Zürich, Switzerland RWTH Aachen, Germany

23 23 IDEA League strategic cooperation Top Quality Technical Universities in Europe Collaboration in education & research Participation in European programmes Political visibility and clout Benchmarking Exchange of best practices

24 Head office

25 TU Delft campus

26 26 Applied Earth Sciences

27 27 Aerospace Engineering

28 28 Nuna II: Solar World Champion 2003

29 29 Life Sciences Architecture Traffic Medical equipment Off Shore / Oil


31 Based on 2 semesters, each consisting of lectures exercises laboratory work homework one week for preparation Followed by three weeks of examinations Average study load per year 60 European Credits (1600 hours) The yearly programme

32 Computing & Imaging Advanced Studies in Construction Biotechnological Sciences Delft Leiden Fluid Dynamics Technical Geoscience Micro-Electronics and Submicron Technology Systems and Control Transport, Infrastructure and Logistics ASCI BOUW BSDL JM BURGERS CTG DIMES DISC TRAIL Research schools

33 Adhesion Sustainable Energy Intelligent Sensor Microsystems IT in Service Engineering Clean Technology Offshore Technology Telecommunications-transmission and Radar Reactor Institute Engineering mechanics Policy Sciences and Technology Simulation, Motion and Navigation Technology Computational Mechanics Earth Observation Wind Energy Adhesion DIDE DISENS DITSE INTERDUCT IOE IRCTR IRI KOITER OTB SIMONA KOITER DEOS DUWIND Research institutes

34 19001910192019301940195019601970198019902000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 Number of doctorates 1st 1000 Ph.D’s68 years 2nd 1000 Ph.D’s17 years 3rd 1000 Ph.D’s6 years Dissertations (Ph.D.)

35 Relevant Bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) GPA (Grade Point Average) of the B.Sc. study of 75 % Toefle score (Test of English as a foreign language) of 550 points or IELTS 6.0 (Overall band grade) GRE General test (Graduate Record examination) – 450 verbal, 550 or 3.5 analytical, 650 quantitative An essay written in English by the applicant with his/her motivation Additional testing and/or a personal interview if required by the selection committee Admission Requirements for the Master of Science courses

36 36 Cooperation between Tsinghua University, Beijing and TU Delft Statement of Intent, October 15, 1982 Memorandum of Understanding, April 4, 1986 Agreement for Scientific and Academic Cooperation, June 7, 1993 Agreement for Scientific and Academic Cooperation, May 28, 1999 Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in the field of Micro-electronics (IMETU and DIMES), April 28 2001 Agreement for Scientific and Academic Cooperation, January 31, 2005

37 37 Main subjects in the cooperation between TU Delft and Tsinghua University January 2004 Mechanical Engineering: Numerical simulation of turbulent flow Applied Physics: Image processing and analysis Electrical Engineering: Microelectronics process technology Materials Science: Bainite formation in steel Management of Technological Innovation/National Entrepreneurship European postgraduate Master in Urbanism: Strategies and design for cities and territories Civil Engineering: Fatigue behaviour of steel highway bridges ; Static and fatigue behaviour of connections; Collapse of pipelines; Fibre-reinforced plastics in civil engineering structures Aerospace Engineering: Fracture and damage Mechanics Mathematics and Computer Science: HPC and Grid Computing ICT: Video compression and digital watermarking

38 38 The Fudan & TU Delft International School of Microelectronics Shanghai, MOU of January 23, 2003 MSc programme in Microelectronics: A joint initiative in high standard education in microelectronics which will play a significant role in the development of Shanghai as a global centre of microelectronics. Important provider of well qualified personnel in the IC industry. In close collaboration with the key industry Industrial affiliation programme (internships, scholarships)

39 39 Overall Gain for TU Delft through IDEA League November 1999 – November 2004 Use of educational quality management principles to ensure internal quality assurance A framework for benchmarking on a European scale In-depth comparison of curricula on level, content and quality = equality of Bachelor level Use of jointly developed qualification profiles for Bachelor and Masters Use of jointly developed diploma supplement Horizontal and vertical mobility Exchange of good practices in internationalisation, PhD inflow, diploma evaluation, admissions, communication & marketing, equality issues, alumni Framework for joint education projects Enhanced international status (with positive effects on international labour market, peerreviews, international accreditation agencies, recruiting, etc.)

40 40 Gain for TU Delft through IDEA League Cooperation in Education and Research Benchmarking and exchange of good practices Joint curriculum comparison and development Student mobility - vertical and horizontal Research collaboration: European Research projects (7 th framework) PhD exchanges - staff exchanges Peer reviews by partners as part of self studies Erasmus Mundus, joint Masterprogrammes Summer schools, workshops

41 Government funding Tuition Contracts and sales Miscellaneous 329 21 79 17 446 Revenue 2004 [in M€]

42 TU Delft library and congress centre

43 Binary System: Academic (Research Oriented)  MSc / BSc  MA / BA Professional > Bachelor (bc) Dutch education system

44 Relevant Bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) GPA (Grade Point Average) of the B.Sc. study of 75 % Toefle score (Test of English as a foreign language) of 550 points GRE general test (Graduate Record examination) of at least 550 average An essay written in English by the applicant with his/her motivation Additional testing and/or a personal interview if required by the selection committee Admission Requirements for the Master of Science courses

45 82 Works Council Students Council University Corporate Office Operational Committee (Board & Deans) 1 Service Departments Institutes Faculty Research schools Organisation Faculty Minister of Education, Culture and Science Research Themes Executive Board

46 Full professors: fte 193 Associate professors: fte 251 Assistant professors: fte 330 PhD-students: fte 811 Other: fte 753 Scientific staff: fte 2338

47 Imperial College London (UK) TU Delft (The Netherlands) ETH Zürich (Switzerland) RWTH Aachen (Germany) International alliances: IDEA League

48 Optimization group in Delft

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